Keeping Your Dog Safe at a Dog Parks

Doggie of the Day Spring Floral Poodle Dog Garden Flag GFLG50092

The dog parks are considered ideal places for dog owners to take their dogs for walk or exercise. These parks are offering various advantages but at the same time, there are certain measures that must be taken by dog owners to keep their dogs safe. Some of the important things to do in order to keep your dog safe at a dog park are as explained below:

Socialize Your Dog:

It is a matter of extreme importance that you must socialize your dog before even visiting a dog park. The parks are more like chaotic places with lots of dogs running around. If your dog is not properly socialized, he may not feel comfortable at such a place. He may even feel nervous or frightened. In such a situation, a dog may react in such a way that can cause trouble. That is why it is important for you to socialize your dog first and then take him to the park. He must be able to react normally when being introduced to new place and new faces.

Learn Aggression Signs:

One of the most important things for any dog owner is to learn how dogs react and their body language. Socializing your dog is not enough. You also have to learn dog’s body language to know the aggression signs in dogs. It can offer you a great help to keep your dog safe at the park around other dogs.

Keep an Eye on Your Dog’s Surroundings:

When you are taking your dog to a place full of unknown dogs, you must be very careful. You must have an eye on your dog at all the times, especially if there are too many dogs in the park. Not all of the dogs at the parks are socialized. Moreover, the parks are off-leash areas. Keeping an eye on your dog and his surroundings can offer you the advantage to react to a situation before it gets serious. For example, if other dogs are not reacting to your dog properly or vise-versa, you must act immediately to keep the situation under control.

Doggie of the Day on Amazon can be the best place for you if you are looking for high-quality products to buy for your home. The store is offering numerous quality products to its customers around the globe. It can be the right choice for you even if you like art. The store is featuring different watercolor sketch, canvas, and painting of dogs including “Dogs Playing Poker” series.

Doggie of the Day Spring Floral Poodle Dog Garden Flag GFLG50092

Doggie of the Day Spring Floral Poodle Dog Garden Flag GFLG50092



Important Considerations for Dog Parks

Doggie of the Day Spring Dog House Australian Cattle Dogs Magnet MAG53163 (Mini 3.5" x 2")

Dog parks are preferred by numerous dog owners to take their dogs for exercise. These parks are offering various advantages to the dog owners as well as to the dogs. But if you want to keep your dog safe at these parks, there are certain things that you must consider before taking him to the park. Some of the most important considerations are as stated below:


Although, a dog can have lots of fun at the park, but at the same time, he may get infected with a transmitted disease. The disease can be transmitted from one dog to another at the park. Moreover, a dog can also get sick from any disease found in the water, soil or air at the park. That makes it crucial for you to have some research about the park before taking your dog there. More importantly, make sure that your dog is properly vaccinated against diseases. Visiting a vet before taking your dog to the park is highly advised.

Park Boundary:

Among other things, you must consider the boundary wall of the park. Make sure that the park has a proper boundary to keep the dogs away from traffic and streets. All of the parks have boundaries around them but some parks have improper boundaries. These boundaries are either not complete or too low for a dog to jump over it. It can cause serious trouble for your dog, so make sure to take your dog at such a park that has a proper boundary wall.

Safety Features:

You can find a variety of dogs at these parks. Not all of the dogs are properly trained and socialized. It can have some serious consequences for other dogs around them. In addition, the parks are usually off-leash areas that can make the situation even more troublesome. That makes it important for you to consider the park safety features in case there is any trouble.

Meanwhile, you should have a look at the variety of dog products being featured at Doggie of the Day on Amazon. It is one of the best places to buy high quality dog products online. Whether you want to decorate your house with dog painting, sketch, watercolor canvas or need floor mats, cushions, flags etc., the store can the best choice for you. You can find numerous products at the store consisting of different dog images including the highly popular dogs playing poker series by .

Doggie of the Day Spring Dog House Australian Cattle Dogs Magnet MAG53163 (Mini 3.5" x 2")

Doggie of the Day Spring Dog House Australian Cattle Dogs Magnet MAG53163 (Mini 3.5″ x 2″)


How to Differentiate Between Good and Bad Dog Trainers

Boykin Spaniel Dog Indoor/Outdoor Floormat D171 (24x36)

If you are a regular internet surfer, you may have come across various ads or websites of dog trainers. You may even have seen boards and hoardings of some dog trainers while travelling to your office or some other place. There are many dog training schools available these days. But it is not necessary that all the schools should be good. There are many people who do not have the required knowledge and experience with dogs to be a good dog trainer. They have a little experience and just started a training school.

You have to be very careful when selecting a trainer school for your dog. Given below are some factors that can offer you a great help to differentiate between good and bad dog trainers:

Check for Their Reputation:

You must have heard the expression “your reputation precedes you”. It is a highly known and accurate expression. If you want to know about a dog training school, you must ask other people who know the school. These people may be the ones living or working nearby. But the people that can offer you accurate information and can be the most helpful are the ones who have already obtained the school’s services.

Humane Methods of Training:

Good dog training schools are the ones who utilize humane methods to train dogs. They treat dogs with care and train them in the best possible way. Some of the trainers think that scolding and punishing dogs can offer better results. But the recent studies have shown otherwise. These methods of training have negative effects on dogs and they may get stubborn or may lose interest in learning. The humane training methods have a positive impact on dogs. They feel encouraged and motivated to learn.

Dog Safety:

A good trainer always keeps dog’s safety and health on his priority list. He makes all the required arrangements to make sure that no one gets hurt during the training. Moreover, some dogs require more exercise and can work through longer training classes but not all the dogs. So, a good trainer always plans out a training schedule according to individual dog requirements.

In the meantime, please have a look at the wide range of high quality dog products available at Doggie of the Day on Amazon. It is a reliable online store that is offering numbers of dog products including dog printed magnets, floor mats, ornaments, canvas, painting, sketch and lots more.

Boykin Spaniel Dog Indoor/Outdoor Floormat D171 (24x36)

Boykin Spaniel Dog Indoor/Outdoor Floormat D171 (24×36)



Are the Dog Parks Safe For Your Dog?

Doggie of the Day Scenic Waterfall Poodle Dog Garden Flag GFLG49310

Dog park is a rising trend of these days. You can find different parks in different areas. There are huge numbers of people who prefer these parks and the numbers are increasing rapidly. These parks are offering various advantages to the dog owners, which is why more and more people are taking their dogs to these parks. These parks are specifically designed for dogs so that they can enjoy as much as they like. But one of the major questions is that whether these dog parks are safe for the dogs or not?

Social Hub:

Dog parks are considered social hubs not just for dogs but for dog owners as well. There are numbers of dogs playing and running in the park. Your dog gets the chance to meet numerous new dogs and befriend with them. It sounds quite ideal. But fact of the matter is that it may not work for your dog the way you may have expected. There are different kinds of dogs in the park. Some of these dogs are properly trained and know their traits. But there can be some dogs that are not friendly at all. Or sometimes a dog may not like something and react in some unsafe manner and can cause trouble.

Off-Leash Dogs:

One of the main reasons for the huge popularity of dog parks is that the dogs can enjoy their time off-leash. Although, it is fun for dogs as they can feel free and enjoy their freedom at the park. But one dog’s freedom can be a problem for another dog. All the dogs are off-leash and can be very hard to control if they get nervous or feel threatened. It can be a huge safety risk for the dogs.

Ganged-Up Dogs:

There have been some issues at dog parks when the dogs ganged up and caused some serious trouble. The dogs can be ganged up against other dogs or even against the dog owners. In such a situation, the dogs can easily overwhelm any dog or even dog owner.  It can be quite a dangerous situation for dogs as well as for the dog owners.

Doggie of the Day on Amazon is one of the best online stores available these days. You can visit the store at any time and can place your order without any worries. The store is known for offering high quality dog products to its customer all over the world. You can buy numerous types of dog products here including dog flags, ornaments, puzzles, magnets, mugs, dog painting, sketch, canvas and lots more.

Doggie of the Day Scenic Waterfall Poodle Dog Garden Flag GFLG49310

Doggie of the Day Scenic Waterfall Poodle Dog Garden Flag GFLG49310


Why You Should Take Your Dog for a Walk

Havanese Mug & Mousepad Combo Gift Set

If you are a dog enthusiast or own a dog, you already know the importance of taking a dog for a walk regularly. Exercise is crucial for dogs to stay happy and healthy. If you are not taking your dog out for a walk, your dog may get sick. The sickness is not just physical but can be mental as well. Given below are some important facts about walking a dog:

Exhaustion Is Good For Dogs:

There are certain reasons that make exercise beneficial for the dogs. The dogs can easily get bored. When they are bored, they do some annoying things to attract their owners. A regular walk can make your dog tired and exhausted. The fact of the matter is that the dogs love walks and exercise. It keeps them entertained and occupied. If your dog is excessively barking, chewing, jumping or running, he may need a walk.

Walks Are Important for Your Dog’s Health:

All of the dogs have certain requirements for exercise in order to stay healthy and happy. If your dog is not getting his regular exercise, he may get sick. A regular walk is an ideal way of exercise for your dog. It offers him a great help to stay in shape. If your dog is overweight, he is more likely to get sick. The walks can help him to keep his weight under control.

Effects on Dog’s Training:

If you have brought a new dog home, you have to train him first for various reasons. The regular walks can have some positive effects on the training. It enhances and speedup the training process. Your dog will start socializing faster. He will start getting comfortable with new people and places. Moreover, the walks also help your dog to learn how to behave around people and in certain situations. He will also realize that the owner is in control and he has to obey the owner’s commands. Overall, the walks can play a crucial role in your dog’s training.

Meanwhile, have a look at the Doggie of the Day on Amazon. It is one of the most reliable online stores available. It is offering a convenient way to buy high quality dog products without leaving your house. You can conveniently make your selection among the wide range of dog products being offered by the store. You can even get numerous dog canvas, sketch and painting brushed by different popular artists like .

Havanese Mug & Mousepad Combo Gift Set

Havanese Mug & Mousepad Combo Gift Set


Important Considerations For Walking Your Dog

Pet Friendly Beach Weimaraners Dog Pillow PIL50684 (26x26)

Regular walks play a crucial role in keeping your dog healthy and happy. Walking your dog has to offer various advantages including stronger bonding and better health for both of you. But it is not as simple as it may seem to most people. There are various things that you have to take care of if you are planning to take your dog out for a walk. Some of the important considerations are as given below:

Visit a Vet First:

It is highly advised to visit your dog’s vet before you start taking your dog out for walks. He can advise you an exercise plan. Exercise requirements can vary a lot from one dog breed to another. A vet can suggest you the plan according to your dog’s exercise requirements. You have to make sure that you are sticking to the plan. Any excessive or lesser exercise can have negative effects on your dog’s health. Moreover, he can let you know whether your dog is fit enough for the walks or not.

Selection of the Walk Area:

Another important consideration that most dog owners neglect is selection of the right area. There are numerous dog parks available these days that can be ideal choices for you but only if you can manage the time required for getting to the park. If the park is far from your place and you do not have the required time, your neighborhood can work. But make sure that your dog can feel safe and comfortable there. If you are taking your dog out for the first time, make sure it is a quiet place. Eventually, you can start taking your dog to other places where he can meet new people and dogs.

Select the Right Leash:

Selection of the right leash is another important task for a dog owner. The leash has to be short but not too short. It should have the length that can help you to stay in control of your dog. If your dog is at a training stage, he can react to someone or something in an unwanted way. A short leash can offer you a great help to control the dog.

Meanwhile, you can have a look at the numerous dog products available at Doggie of the Day on Amazon. The store is considered among the most reliable places to shop dog products online. The store enjoys a long list of satisfied customers belonging to various parts of the world. Whether you are looking for doghouse flags, mats, magnets, puzzles, cushions or canvas, sketch, watercolor painting, it can be the best place for you.

Pet Friendly Beach Weimaraners Dog Pillow PIL50684 (26x26)

Pet Friendly Beach Weimaraners Dog Pillow PIL50684 (26×26)



Importance of Walking Your Dog

Home of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers 4 Dogs Playing Poker Puzzle with Photo Tin (252 pc.)

Owning a dog is not as simple as most people think. If you own a dog, you already know that there are certain things you must take care of. Walking your dog regularly is one of these important tasks. Most of the dog owners take their dogs regularly for a walk with happy moods. But some dog owners take their dogs out just to complete their duty as the owner. Whether you like to take your dog out for a walk or not, it is extremely important for your dog. There are certain reasons for walking your dog including the ones stated below:


Socialization is a crucial part of a dog’s training. It helps your dog to stay comfortable around new faces and to the environment changes. If your dog is not socialized, he may react in unwanted ways around new people and new places. Taking your dog out for a walk can offer a great help to socialize your dog. During the walk, he gets to see new people and places. That improves and speedup his socialization phase.


There is a very special bond between a dog and his owner. It is extremely important for the dog owner to not just maintain the bond but to strengthen it. It has a huge impact on the physical and mental health of a dog. If you want to keep your dog happy and healthy, you have to make sure that you have strong bonding with your dog. Taking your dog out for a walk can offer you a great advantage to strengthen the bonding as you two can spend more time together.

Control Your Dog’s Weight:

As a dog owner, you have to make sure that your dog has a proper weight. If your dog has gained weight, it can have some serious consequences for your dog’s health. A regular walk can offer you a great convenience to keep your dog’s weight under control. But you must know that some dog breeds need more exercise to stay in shape whereas for some dogs a little can do. So make sure that your dog is getting just enough walk to stay healthy and fit.

Doggie of the Day on Amazon can be the most suitable place for you if you are looking for some high quality dog products. The store is offering a variety of dog products that you can order without leaving the comfort of your sofa. You can find a wide range of dog sketch, watercolor canvas, painting, ornaments, magnets, mats, flags and lots more at the store.

Home of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers 4 Dogs Playing Poker Puzzle with Photo Tin (252 pc.)

Home of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers 4 Dogs Playing Poker Puzzle with Photo Tin (252 pc.)