Avoiding a Dog Bite

Avoiding a Dog Bite

The dogs are known as cute and fun loving animals. But the dogs actually are wild animals and they have natural instincts of surviving in the wild. These fun loving creatures can quickly turn into a deadly and wild animal that can result in a very uncomforting situation. When they are aggressive or nervous, they can bite anyone. Each year, there are more than four and a half million cases of dog bites. In most cases, the victims are the children as they are small and may not know how to treat a dog. That makes it important to know how to avoid a dog bite.

Reasons of Dog Biting:

The reasons of biting can differ from dog to dog and from situation to situation. Some dogs are known for their aggression and mostly kept for guarding purposes. These breeds are more likely to bite someone they do not know especially when they approach them carelessly.

Some other common reasons for a dog to bite are:

  • Pain
  • Fear
  • Possessiveness
  • Prey drive
  • Maternal instincts
  • Territory violation

Avoiding a Dog Bite:

The first and foremost measures that can be taken are training the dog. There are some breeds that are known for their aggression but a proper training has turned them into safe dogs. Socializing a dog is also very important. If you have socialized your dog in the right way, the chances of biting will get to the minimum.

If you are approaching a stranger dog, a proper introduction is the key to avoid biting. First of all, observe the dog whether he is relaxed or in an aggressive mood. You should approach him only if he is relaxed. You have to approach the dog calmly and should avoid any sudden movements. Dogs usually sniff a stranger first to know whether he is a threat or not. You should let him do it without causing any threat to him.

If you come across an aggressive dog, do not look straight into his eyes and get away from him as quick as you can. He may bite you out of fear, aggression or nervousness. Do not run at any cost as the dogs have natural prey drive instincts and may start chasing you that can end in a very critical situation. Slowly and safely move away from the dog.

If you are an art lover and a dog owner, you must visit Doggie of the Day on Amazon.It is a credible store that is featuring a wide range of dog products including different dog watercolor canvas, sketch and paintings. You can even find dogs playing poker series of the famous artist at the store.

Avoiding a Dog Bite

Yorkie Christmas Tote

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