5 Dog Facts for a Happier Dog

5 Dog Facts for a Happier Dog

If you are a dog owner then you must be curious to know if your dog is happy or not. Following are 5 dog facts for a happier dog so that you may know how your dog is feeling.

  • Daily Activities:

Dogs are very active pets. They like to stay up and keep playing around for most of the time. He should be chewing and exploring. If your dog is not playing around, feeling sleepy for most of the day or not performing his daily activities then there must be something wrong with him.

  • Health of your Dog

An important way to keep your dog happy is to make sure he stays fit and healthy. Always feed him the right and healthy food. Exercise should be one of his daily activities. Petting your dog and playing with him also keeps him happy. Your dog definitely will not be happy if he is sick or having any trouble. If your dog is not healthy, you should immediately take him to see a doctor.

  • Sleep Routine:

You should know sleeping routine of your dog. Happy dogs always get to their beds and sleep well. If the dog is having a trouble, he will not sleep well. He will get a place, sleep a little but will wake up too early, will change the place and will repeat the same over and over again. You can try to make him happy by getting him a comfortable bed. If he still does the same then take him to see a vet.

  • Comfortable and Relaxed Eyes and Ears:

If your dog is happy, his eyes and ears will stay comfortable and relaxed. If eyes of your dog are not in normal shape then there must be something wrong with him. The same goes for his ears. If he is not holding his ears like he does usually then there must be something wrong with him.

  • Happy to See You

Dogs always love and get excited when they see their owners. So if your dog is happy, he will be excited to see you when you come home. If not, then he is not happy.

Observing the above mentioned signs will help you to keep your dog happy. In the meantime, please have a look at Doggie of the Day on Amazon . It contains a wide range of products for all dog lovers. You can find here a variety of attractive doormats, ornaments, mugs, throws, flags and much more to decorate your home.

5 Dog Facts for a Happier Dog

5 Dog Facts for a Happier Dog