How a Dog should be trained to Play with Kids

How a Dog should be trained to Play with Kids

Kids are known for their mischievous and naughty behavior. If your kids are like that and you want to bring a dog at home, you are going to have a lot of trouble. Dogs are very lovable creatures but they can become very unsafe when they are irritated. So it can be hard for kids and dogs to play together. But it can be done through following some simple instructions given below.

Selection of Right Breed:

There are different breeds of dogs available in the market. Not all dogs are safe to keep in a house with kids as they are aggressive. So you must select the right breed that is known for its calm and playful behavior. An aggressive dog can be hard to train to get along with kids whereas a calm dog can start playing with kids, right from the start. Selection of the right breed is very important which is most commonly neglected by most people.

Make Kids Comfortable with the Dog and Vice Versa:

There are some dogs that quickly get comfortable with kids and start playing with them. But in most cases, you have to train them. A dog is usually uncomfortable when he finds himself in a new place surrounded by strangers. So you have to keep it slow and simple. Introduce the dog to your kids one by one. Tell your kids to be nice and gentle with the dog. A little petting and tasty treats can also do the miracles when it comes to bonding.

Keep the Dog Relaxed and Comfortable:

Initially, the dog may not be much into playing but gradually he will. If the dog wants to rest then let him rest and when he seems active, ask your kids to start playing with him. The dog will start enjoying the company of kids and will get comfortable with them.

Taking Dog for a Walk:

Dogs do like to get out and breathe in open air. When you are taking the dog out for a walk, keep your children around and ask them to play with him. You should take your dog where there are children so that he can get comfortable with kids and get social.

Hope these simple things will make it easier for you to train your dog. Meanwhile, if you are interested in buying some dog products, please visit Doggie of the Day on Amazon.You can find a variety of products available at reasonable prices to decorate your house.

How a Dog should be trained to Play with Kids

How a Dog should be trained to Play with Kids