Training Your Dog Humanely

Golden Retriever Christmas Holiday Ornament


Having a pet is fun.But there are different things that you have to take care of in order to raise your pet in the right way. Training your dog humanely is very important.It even becomes crucial when you have to keep your dog at home around kids. Given below are some of the suggestions that can help you understand that how you can train your dog humanely:

Selection of the Breed:

The first and most important thing is selection of the right breed. Some dogs are harder to train and commonly used for home guarding or hunting purposes. You should select such a dog that is easy to train and safe to keep around kids.

Be Gentle Right from the Beginning:

Before adopting a dog, make sure that you are have already arranged his necessities including his bed, pots and toys. Introduction to the family is an extremely important stage that has long lasting effects. Introduce your dog to your family members one by one following a little break after each intro.

Always Maintain Schedules:

Schedules are very important to maintain whether it is feeding, exercise, walk or health checkups. Dogs get used to schedules easily. Any changes can cause discomfort to them and can have negative effects on the dog.

Training the Dog:

You cannot haste when it comes to training a dog. You have to be gentle and patient with your dog and may have to repeat same things over and over again until he understands it completely. You can start with simple things like his name. When he starts reacting to his name, you can move on to other simple commands like come, sit, leave it, fetch it etc.

Selecting the Right Time:

You must make sure that you are selecting the most appropriate time for dog training. If your dog is already tired or not feeling good, you may just waste your time and cause discomfort to your dog. He may lose interest in learning so make sure that you are selecting the most appropriate time for training.

Training With Rewards:

Training with rewards is the best way to train a dog humanely. Whenever he completes a task successfully, offer him some rewards. It can be something he loves to eat or even a simple petting.

Doggie of the Day on Amazon is one of the best and most trusted places to buy dog products online. It contains a huge variety of quality dog items including doormats, flags, ornaments cups, puzzle games etc. If you are an art lover, you can get painting, sketch and watercolor canvas by different popular artists.

Golden Retriever Christmas Holiday Ornament

Golden Retriever Christmas Holiday Ornament