Understanding Dog Body Language

Understanding Dog Body Language

Having a pet is very joyful but there are certain problems that the pet owners have to come across. Understanding what the pet is trying to say is one of the problems. Pets cannot communicate to us verbally but only through their body language and body part movements. It is not different for dogs. There are certain body movements and behaviors that can help the owner to understand that what the dog is trying to say. It is very important for any dog owner to understand dog body language so that he can take proper care of his dog.

Body Language of a Relaxed Dog:

A relaxed and happy dog will have a relaxed and fluid body. He will have a slightly open mouth and the tongue would be hanging out. He will have relaxed facial expressions and blinking or squinty eyes. His ears will be straight up not leaning forward and the tail can be either relaxed and down or he may be wagging it fast.

Body Language of a Nervous or Stressed Dog:

When a dog is stressed or nervous, he may show different signs. His ears will be turned backward and he may have a shivering body because of the adrenaline. A continues yawning and lip licking are also signs of stress. Lower tail and a curved tongue can also be seen in a stressed or nervous dog. Moreover, body freezing and lack of focus are also clearly visible in the nervous dogs.

Body Language of an Aggressive Dog:

There are different reasons that can make a dog aggressive. There are certain body signs in a dog that can let you know if your dog is aggressive. An aggressive dog has a tense mouth and turns his ears backward. He leans his body forward to let the opponent know that he is ready to attack. As a warning to his opponent to back out, he may also snap in the air. An aggressive dog has dilated pupils and wrinkled nose.

It is very important for any dog owner to keep his dog happy and satisfied. He can do it in different ways including making the place more comfortable and familiar for the dog. Doggie of the Day on Amazon is a credible store that can offer you a huge variety of dog products to place in your house. It will make your dog feel more comfortable with the place and at the same time, you will have a decorated house that can attract any dog lovers.

Understanding Dog Body Language

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