What is Aggression in Dogs

Someone who has even a little interest in animals may already know that aggression is one of their most common behavioral traits. Dogs are no different from other animals. They used to live in wilds and hunt for food. Though we have domesticated dogs, yet we are unable to get rid of their native behavior completely. Aggression is one of the most common problems dog owners have to face. If you are planning to adopt a dog for the first time it is extremely important for you to know all about aggression in dogs. You can handle the aggression in dogs only if you know about it.

What is Aggression in Dogs:

Aggression is basically a type of behavior that may or may not be permanent in a dog. There can be various factors in different situations that can trigger the aggression. Different breeds have different factors that can lead to aggression. Some dog breeds are highly aggressive by nature whereas in some breeds it can be caused by pain or even separation anxiety.

Dog aggression is not a problem completely as it can be advantageous in certain situations. We have domesticated dogs for various purposes that can be safeguarding our house or seek the companionship of a loyal and playful friend. If you need a dog for guarding, you will definitely look for an aggressive dog, not a friendly one.

What Causes Aggression in Dogs:

For any dog owner, it is a matter of extreme importance to know that what can cause a dog to get aggressive. There can be different reasons for a dog to be aggressive depending on his breed and circumstances. But given below are some of the most common reasons for aggression in dogs:

  • Psychological factors like fear, anxiety and loneliness
  • Physical factors like illness or pain
  • Protecting possessions like food and toys
  • Protecting territory
  • Dominance related issues

If you are into dog products, Doggie of the Day Store is a highly suggested online store. It is one of the most trusted places to shop dog products without worrying about the quality, price or services. You can find a variety of dog products at the store, each one containing a particular dog picture or portrait. You can even find various products containing the world renowned painting series of “Dogs Playing Poker.” You can also buy different dog painting, artwork, canvas and sketch at the store.

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