Why Do Dogs Bite?

Dogs are considered among the most preferred animals to keep as pets. Different people adopt dogs for different reasons. But keeping a dog is not a simple task as you have to take care of various things for your dog including his mental and physical health. A study has shown that there are more than four million people all over USA who gets bitten by dogs each year. If you own a dog, you must know what can cause a dog to bite someone. Given below are some of the most common causes for dogs to bite:


One of the most common reasons for a dog to bite someone is pain. If your dog has an injury or feeling pain for any other reasons, he becomes aggressive and can bite even the friendliest person. If you have a friendly and gentle dog but suddenly he has become aggressive, he may have some pain related issue. In such conditions, you must handle the dog very carefully and make sure that kids stay away from the dog.


Dogs usually get possessive of various things like their territory, food, bed, toys etc. It is in their nature. Dogs are basically wild animals who had to compete for their food and shelter. It has made them possessive. They can quickly get aggressive and can bite when someone is trying to touch their belongings or interferes with them.


Another common factor that can cause a dog to bite someone is fear. When a dog feels frightened of something or someone, the first thing he tries to do is to run away. But when running away is not an option, he decides to stand his ground and fight.

Prey Drive:

Although, we have domesticated dogs yet they possess their native behavior. Prey drive is one of their native traits. It can cause a dog to attack someone especially if he is running. That is why you should not run when you see an aggressive dog neither should look him directly in the eyes.

Meanwhile, you should visit Doggie of the Day Store if you want to get some high quality dog products without any worry. It is a highly recommended store that is offering a wide range of dog products. You can even buy various types of artwork. It is also featuring the famous “Dogs Playing Poker” painting series. There are different products at the store that feature one of the paintings from the popular series.

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