Best dog food for puppies

Best dog food for puppies

One of the most common problems that the dog owners have to go through is selection of the right dog food. If you want to keep your dog healthy and happy, you must select the food for him very carefully. If you are feeding him something unhealthy or which is not good for his digestion system, he may have to suffer different physical consequences. And when it comes to the puppies, it gets even more serious. You have to make your selection very carefully as you must provide him the right diet that should fulfill all his nutrient needs.

Selection of the Dog Food:

Different dog foods have different nutrients as some of the foods are higher in carbohydrates, some have higher level of fat whereas some may simply have more protein. The puppies have certain requirements of the nutrients to grow properly and stay healthy. The selection of the most suitable food is usually based on the age, activities and breed of your puppy. There are numbers of foods available in the market but not all have the same level of nutrients. So, at the time of making your selection, look for the ingredients it has. You will have to make sure that you are buying the food that is in accordance with the AAFCO nutrient suggestions.

Food with Higher Level of Fat:

Such a dog food that has a higher level of fat is more suitable for the dogs that have cancer or kidney disease or for the working dogs. Such a food can be given to puppies but a monitored quantity depending on his age and build.

Protein Enriched Food:

The food that is protein enriched is most suitable for puppies as it has most of the essential nutrients that are required to keep a puppy healthy and help him in his growth. The meat with higher level of protein is even suggested for the dogs and puppies that have intestinal diseases or diabetes as it helps them to control the diseases.

Food with More Carbohydrates:

The dog food containing carbohydrates is also very important especially for puppies.The carbohydrates enriched food contains numbers of nutrients that play an important role in his growth and to keep a puppy healthy and strong. The carbohydrates enriched foods are fruits, vegetable, beans and grains.

Best dog food for puppies

Best dog food for puppies

Most of the dog lovers like to decorate their house with dog items. Doggie of the Day on Amazon is among the most reliable and best stores available online. It features a huge variety of dog products ranging from a flag containing dog image to the fine art painting of popular artist.


5 Things a Dog should be trained for

5 Things a Dog should be trained for

If you are bringing a puppy to your home for the first time and you never had an experience with dogs before there is so much for you to know about dogs. One of the things that you must do is train your dog. You must be curious to know that what you have to teach your dog. Followings are the 5 things a dog should be trained for.

Teaching Him Your Signals:

One of the important skills that a dog requires is that he should be able to understand what his owner is asking him to do. For example, if you call his name he should be looking at you and when you ask him to stop he should stop right there and so on. Staying close to the dog, repeating over and over until he understands and offering some treats can be helping.

Socializing the Dog:

It is important that you should socialize your dog with the new people. Exposing him to all the new faces at once is not suitable; you will have to be patient for the purpose. Introduce him to the people one by one. After he gets comfortable with one person then wait for a while and introduce the next one.

Walking on a Leash:

The dogs are not comfortable with the leash or collar around their neck. They may panic and run off or can even harm the owner in panic. For the purpose, you should select the time when he is happy and comfortable. Initially just put the leash on the dog and when he is comfortable with the leash then take him out fora walk.

Training to Keep the House Clean:

You have to be patient and consistent for the purpose. Puppies prefer a suitable place to urinate and defecate. So, instead your puppy chooses such a place all by himself, you should help him in the selection by taking him out.

Behaving While Outside:

While taking your dog outside, you have to make sure that he walks by you and should not react harshly to people or even to the sounds. It is part of being social but with the environment and surroundings.

5 Things a Dog should be trained for

5 Things a Dog should be trained for

In the meantime, you must have a look at Doggie of the Day on Amazon . It is a great place to be for dog lovers as the online store features variety of dog products. Even if you are looking for watercolor dog canvas or the popular painting known as the dogs playing poker, you should visit the store.


How to Make a Dog Friendlier

How to Make a Dog Friendlier

Dogs are considered as friendly and playful companions to the humans. But not all dogs are the same. By nature, dogs like to be free and does not feel comfortable in captivities. You have to make sure of certain things to make your dog friendlier. Followings are few points for you to understand how to make a dog friendlier.


One of the crucial steps to make a dog feel comfortable and make him friendlier is how you introduce him to your family. You should introduce him to one person at a time and when he starts feeling comfortable, introduce the next one. Do not rush; it takes patience to make your dog comfortable.

Personal Space:

Most people do consider it when they are trying to make their dogs friendlier. It is important that your dog must have a clean and personal space where he is free to do whatever he desires. Select a comfortable bed for your dog so that he can get a comfortable sleep.

Playing and Walking:

Playing with a dog makes him friendlier as dogs love to play. Always get some time for your dog to pay with him. Walking him around also makes him happy which leads to being friendlier.

Treats for the Dog:

Who does not like encouragements? You should offer different treats to your dog whenever he does something interesting or as instructed. The encouragements differ from one dog to another. Some dogs like something tasty to eat whereas for some petting and hugging do the trick. So make your selection of the treat depending on your dog’s liking.

Chews and Toys:

Dogs always love to be active and play around which make chews and toys important parts of a dog’s life. There are plenty of chews and toys available in the market for you to make the right selection. Most people mistake chews as toys but you must understand that it is not the case. You may have to experiment a bit to know the liking of your dog for toys and chews. But always make sure that you are getting durable and nontoxic products for your dog.

Dogs love to be surrounded by familiar objects. Decorating your house with various dog products can be a good idea for the purpose. You should visit Doggie of the Day on Amazon that is offering a variety of premium quality dog products at a competitive price.

How to Make a Dog Friendlier

How to Make a Dog Friendlier