Average Cost to Raise a Dog

Average Cost to Raise a Dog

Most people think that having a dog is very simple and easy but it is not. There are numbers of factors that you have to consider before adopting a dog. One of the most important factors is the average cost to raise a dog. Most of the people simply ignore it when they are bringing a new dog to their house. But after a while, they have to face different problems in meeting the dog expenses. That makes it extremely important to know that how much the dog is going to cost you each month.

Your expenses will start even before adopting a dog as there are certain things you must arrange before bringing the dog home including collar, dog house, dog bed, toys etc. The cost to keep a dog usually differs a lot from dog to dog depending on their breed, age and health conditions.

Dog Adopting Cost:

Different dogs come with different price tags that can widely differ from $ 50 to $ 500. You can find different adopting fee for the same dog at different places. For example adopting a dog from a shelter will cost you a lot lower than adopting the same dog from a pet store. So, before adopting a dog, you must visit few places to have the idea and to get the desired dog at reasonable adopting fee.

Costs of Dog Supplies:

There are various things that you have to buy for your dog including collar, leash, crate or a dog house, dog bed, food, toys and chews. You also have to get separate bowls for food and water. In addition, buying some grooming and caring tools are also necessary to keep your dog groomed and attractive. The cost can vary from $ 500 to $ 800 annually depending on the items you buy for your dog.

Vet Visits:

Your dog needs regular checkups and vaccination in order to stay protected against various health issues. Moreover, if you are living in an area where your dog can get infested by fleas or ticks, the costs can go higher. On an average, it can cost you from $ 250to $ 500.

Dog lovers are always looking for different dog products to decorate their houses or to make the dog house more comfortable and attractive. You should visit Doggie of the Day on Amazon if you are looking for a reliable place to buy high quality dog products. It features a wide range of products so that the customers can easily select the most suitable one without going through any hassle.

Average Cost to Raise a Dog

Boxer Dog Mousepad

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