Unhealthy Foods for Dogs

Unhealthy Foods for Dogs

Do you love your dog playing games? Of course you do and every dog owner does. This is where dog owners share many foods items with their dogs. They aren’t aware of unhealthy as well as fine foods for dogs. They don’t know a simple food item can pose health threats and serious dangers. The dogs aren’t made to eat everything others do. Also they can’t play poker! ROFL! They have their own bodies and metabolisms that work their own ways.

If you really love your pup, you should know what the unhealthy foods for dogs are so that you never ever make a mistake of feeding those items to your pooch. Let’s take a look at the common unhealthy foods for dogs. Here we go:

  • Baby food is a human food and not fit for dogs. Although it might sound soft and easy to digest but it isn’t meant for puppies. A baby food with onion powder can pose health threats. Moreover, baby food doesn’t provide all the necessary food nutrients required by a dog.
  • Chewing gums are really bad for dogs as they can choke. Moreover, Xylitol, commonly found in the chewing gums is not good for dogs as it can accentuate the insulin levels in a dog. The same rule applies with the candies as they also contain Xylitol.
  • Chocolate sounds yummy and tasty but only for the humans. Chocolate is more of a poison for the dogs. A chocolate can cause diarrhea and vomiting, in addition to being risky to the nervous system.
  • Mushrooms are a bit confusing as they have different types. Some are good but some are really dangerous. As you don’t know what mushrooms can be fed to your dog, you should better avoid them.
  • Tobacco is never recommended as it contains high amounts of Nicotine. Nicotine usually not seriously problematic for humans, it poses serious health issues when administered to dogs.
  • Spoiled or rotten foods are usually given by the dog owners to their dogs. As they have mold and bacteria in a big amount, they can be dangerous to dog health and thus should be avoided.
  • Raw bones are good for the dogs as they are stiff and dogs like licking them but a cooked bone can splinter while chewing and choking can occur. This is where cooked bones should be avoided.
  • Some people administer dairy products to their dogs thinking it would keep them healthy but Lactose found in the milk and dairy products is hard to digest for the dogs.
  • Alcohol is really dangerous to the dogs and excessive amount of it can lead to the dog death.
  • Fruits and vegetables like onions, plums, grapes, apple seeds, etc are also unhealthy foods for dogs.

How do you love your dog other than feeding it? You make it sketches, play games with it, make drawings for it, etc. You might be looking for some of the great gifts ideas showing your love for dogs, check out Doggie of the Day on Amazon to enjoy some really big treats.

Unhealthy Foods for Dogs

Unhealthy Foods for Dogs