Choosing a Dog Breed: Large Dogs

Cairn Terrier Dog Indoor Outdoor Floormat


Dog owners make the selection of the right dog based on various characteristics of the dogs. For most people, dog size is not important but for some, it matters a lot. There can be various reasons for someone to prefer a large dog breed over a small one. People adopt dogs for different reasons. The most common reasons include guarding the house and for the sake of companionship. There are many large dog breeds in either of the categories.It means that for whatever purpose you need a large dog, you can get one without any problem.

Below are some of the important factors to consider while selecting a large dog breed:

Purpose of the Dog:

The first and most important thing to consider is that why you actually need a dog. Whether you need a watch dog or companion dog? Different breeds have different characteristics and skills that are built in them by nature. If you need a dog to keep around your kids, you cannot adopt an aggressive dog. You will need a gentle and friendly dog. But for a watch dog or attack dog, criteria is quite the opposite.

Learning Skills:

Another important factor is the learning abilities of the dog. You should select a dog who is easy to train or can be trained with some effort but never select a rigid dog. There are various skills that you have to teach a dog whether he is a watch dog or companion dog.

Exercise Requirements:

Each dog breed has different requirements of exercise. Some breeds can stay happy and healthy with a minimum amount of exercise but some require too much exercise on daily basis. If a dog fails to get the required level of exercise, it can cause various health issues. So, make sure that you have enough time for the dog you are selecting that you can take care of his exercise schedule.

Grooming of the Dog:

Just like exercise, the dogs also require proper grooming. Some require grooming more than others. So, select such a breed for whom you can manage the time to groom. Grooming can also have some serious effects on your budget, so you must consider it carefully.

Whether you are looking for a dog sketch by a popular artist or need a dog flag, Doggie of the Day on Amazon can be the right place for you. The store is featuring a wide range of dog products consisting of high quality. You can buy any product you want without worrying about anything at all.

Cairn Terrier Dog Indoor Outdoor Floormat

Cairn Terrier Dog Indoor Outdoor Floormat


Breaking Your Dog of Destructive Chewing

Pomeranian Black Spoiled Rotten Dog Heart Christmas Ornament


Dogs require proper attention and care of their owners as they develop various behavior issues throughout their lives. One of the serious behavior issues is destructive chewing. It is not something uncommon as there are many dogs who develop the issue at some point. Chewing is natural in dogs as they chew to explore. But when they start chewing too much and start chewing the stuff they should not, you have to break the behavior.

Causes of Destructive Chewing in Dogs:

There is no generic reason that can cause the problem. There can be different reasons that can trigger the destructive chewing behavior. One of the common reasons is just the boredom. If your dog does not have something interesting to do, he may develop the habit of excessive chewing. Another reason can be toothache. If your dog is having trouble with his tooth, chewing can offer him relief from the pain. Anxiety and frustration can also lead a dog to the destructive chewing.

How to Break Destructive Chewing in Your Dog:

You can treat the issue only when you know the cause of the destructive chewing. Here are some very helpful solutions to the problem.

1- If your puppy is at teething stage, he may develop the behavior to get rid of the pain and even to explore things. You can offer him a help by providing him cold things to chew on like ice cubes or frozen wet clothes. It can reduce the chewing habit.

2- If your dog is having the trouble because of boredom, the solution is very simple. You can bring different toys and games that can keep him occupied. Proper exercise can also be very helpful as it may exhaust him and he may not need to chew on anything.

3- If the problem is triggered by toothache, there is not much that you can do other than cleaning his teeth. If he has something stuck in his teeth, removing it can be helpful. Otherwise you should take him to the vet immediately.

4- Whatever the reason is, providing chewing toys can be extremely helpful to break the destructive chewing in dogs. The dogs will stay busy with the toys and will stop chewing and damaging your belongings.

Meanwhile, you should visit Doggie of the Day on Amazon that is one of the best places to buy dog products. It is a reliable store that features a huge variety of dog products. Even if you are an art lover, you must visit the store as it has a large collection of dog sketch, canvas and painting by different popular artists.

Pomeranian Black Spoiled Rotten Dog Heart Christmas Ornament

Pomeranian Black Spoiled Rotten Dog Heart Christmas Ornament


Which Breed of Dog Should I Get?

Pomeranian Black Dog Heart Christmas Ornament


Dogs are one of the best companions of humans. In the beginning, people started domesticating dogs so that they can perform various jobs for humans including guarding the house, farms and animals. Dogs are very good hunters by nature so hunting was also one of the reasons people started adopting dogs. But these days we adopt dogs mostly to play with them and have fun with them. Making selection of the right breed is extremely important. It is very simple as all you have to do is ask yourself the followings:

Why You Need A Dog?

The first and foremost thing to consider is that why you really need a dog. Whether you need a guard dog or you want to keep your dog in the house around kids. You have to make the breed selection carefully. If you need a dog for guarding your house, you will need an aggressive and very active dog. Whereas, if you have to keep the dog around your kids, you will have to select a gentle and loyal breed that is safe to keep around kids.

Where Do You Live?

Some breeds can easily adjust in small places like flats and apartments but not all. Some breeds require more space to settle in. So make your selection depending on the space you can provide your dog.

How Much Exercise the Dog Requires?

Another important thing to consider is how much exercise the dog will require on daily basis. Some dogs can live a happy and healthy life with a small amount of daily exercise but some breeds require lots of exercise to stay healthy. If you can manage more time for your dog, you may get a dog that requires lots of exercise otherwise select a suitable one.

Cost of the Dog:

Cost is a very important factor that most people neglect at the time of bringing a dog home. The cost is not just the fee you may have to pay to get a dog but it includes everything for which you will have to pay for your dog. It includes his food, visits to the vet, toys, dog house and other similar things that your dog will need.

If you want to buy some dog products, you must have a look at Doggie of the Day on Amazon. It is one of the best online stores to buy high quality dog products. The store is featuring a wide range of dog products including dog house flags, mugs, doormats, canvas, sketch, painting and lots more.

Pomeranian Black Dog Heart Christmas Ornament

Pomeranian Black Dog Heart Christmas Ornament


When Dogs Need Personal Space

Merry Christmas Happy Holiday Wood Serving Tray with Handles Natural


We all need personal space and want others to respect it. There can be various reasons for that. In similar fashion, dogs also need their personal space to be respected. It is an area around a dog where he does not like physical interference or violation by any individual. He wants personal space to feel comfortable and secure. Dogs cannot communicate in our language but they do communicate with us through their body language and signs. So, we have to understand their body language and the signs to act accordingly. Given below is some detail on why and when dogs need personal space.

A Dog Needs Personal Space:

There can be various reasons for a dog to desire his personal space. One of the most common reasons is that he is not comfortable with other dogs or people. Lack of socialization can cause the problem. The issue can be resolved by proper training and socializing your dog.

It can also be triggered by an incident or accident that cause the dog to be frightened of something or someone. It can be resolved by proper care, training and socializing your dog. It can take more time to make your dog comfortable with his surroundings, people and other animals around him. Patience is the key.

In some dogs the need of personal space is completely natural. Some dogs like their personal space to be respected more than others. If that is so, you have to make sure that you respect the personal space of your dog and let your kids know the same. When you are taking your dog out, you have to make sure that he is under your supervision all the times. It is important to keep your dog safe as well as others around him.

It is very common in a pregnant bitch and a new mother. They desire the personal space to keep their babies safe and secure from any harm. You should respect their personal space at any cost if that is the case. When you are approaching such a bitch, make sure to ask for her permission first.

If you are a dog enthusiast and like to decorate your house with dog products like doormats, ornaments, mugs, flags, etc. you can visit Doggie of the Day on Amazon. The store has a lot to offer its customers. You can even get a huge variety of art at the store. It features sketch, canvas and painting by numbers of well-known artists.

Merry Christmas Happy Holiday Wood Serving Tray with Handles Natural

Merry Christmas Happy Holiday Wood Serving Tray with Handles Natural


Ways to Stop Ten Common Dog Behavior Issues

Happy Holidays with Santa Sleeping with Australian Shepherd Dogs Christmas Pillow


Dogs can adopt different behavior issues throughout their lives. Given below are ten most common dog behavior issues and how you can stop them.

1- Begging for Food:

It is quite common in dogs of all ages. Just stop giving food to the dog from the table. You can also place your dog away from the dining room when you are going to have a meal.

2- Whining:

Whining is a way for a dog to get your attention. You should never react to the whining otherwise the dog will know that it works and he will keep repeating it.

3- Constant Barking:

Training your dog to obey your commands can resolve the barking problem. Or you can offer him something better to stay busy like a toy to play with.

4- Hyperactivity:

Hyperactivity can be caused by various reasons including lack of exercise. Make sure that your dog gets a reasonable amount of daily exercise. If it is just to gain your attention, simply ignore it.

5- Leash Pulling:

Always use a short leash but a loose one. When you are walking the dog and he starts pulling the leash, stop walking. Eventually, he will stop pulling the leash.

6- Chewing on Different Things:

This is a very dangerous habit that has to be stopped. You can give him a chewing toy that he likes the most which will help you to break the habit.

7- Stealing:

There can be several reasons for the behavior. You can keep your things protected away from your dog and place different toys around that will keep him busy.

8- Digging:

Digging is something that has to be stopped right away when he starts doing it. You can stop him by offering his favorite toys or by scolding him.

9- Chasing Things:

It can be dangerous for the dog especially when he is outside. It can be stopped by training the dog to listen to your commands and obeying. A strong leash can also be helpful to stop the chasing.

10- Separation Anxiety:

It is commonly triggered because of the lack of activity while you are away. You should provide enough toys and games to your dog that he may stay busy till you come home.

In the meantime, please visit Doggie of the Day on Amazon if you are looking for a reliable place to buy dog products. The store is featuring a wide range of dog products including artwork. You can find painting, sketch and canvas by different popular artists including the dogs playing poker series by .

Happy Holidays with Santa Sleeping with Australian Shepherd Dogs Christmas Pillow

Happy Holidays with Santa Sleeping with Australian Shepherd Dogs Christmas Pillow


Understanding A Dog Show

Happy Halloween Beagles Dog Wearing Witch Hat with Pumpkin House Flag


If you are a dog enthusiast, you must have heard about a dog show even if you are not sure what a dog show exactly is. Dog show is not something new to the world. The shows started many years ago after people started domesticating dogs. Earlier, these shows were very small but eventually these have grown a lot. These days there are various dog shows that can vary a lot with respect to competitors and audience.

Purpose of a Dog Show:

People started domesticating dogs so that they can perform different types of jobs including guarding houses and farms, hunting. Eventually they started mating different dogs to get better and efficient breed to perform the required tasks better. The dog shows offered them the opportunity to exhibit these new breeds and dogs. It is a great platform for dog enthusiasts to admire and evaluate the dogs. But these days we bring dogs home as pets to love and play with them. These shows serve well in these situations as well. People become more aware of the dogs and breeds they did not know about.

How The Show Works:

In a dog show, the dogs are evaluated through different aspects including their looks, size, structure, temperament and how efficiently they perform a certain task. A group of judges evaluates each dog carefully. All the dogs are given points by these judges based on their performance in certain areas. In the end,the dog who gets the most point wins the best dog award.

Types of Dog Shows:

There can be different types of dog shows but these can be sum up into two major types that are as stated below:

1- All Breeds Show

As the name suggests, this type of show is for all types of dogs belonging to any breed. These shows are more common and have different criteria for evaluating a dog as compared to the special shows.

2- Special Show

The special shows are limited in nature. Not all of the dog breeds can take part in these shows. For example, if the show is for hunting dogs then only the relevant breeds can participate in such a show.

If you are a dog lover, you must be looking for some quality dog products to place in your house. Doggie of the Day on Amazon is one the most suitable places to shop dog products online. It has a huge variety of dog products to select from. You can get dog painting, sketch, canvas, painting,balls, ornaments, mugs, doormats, flags, games and much more at the store.

Happy Halloween Beagles Dog Wearing Witch Hat with Pumpkin House Flag

Happy Halloween Beagles Dog Wearing Witch Hat with Pumpkin House Flag


Top 5 Skills to Teach Your Dog

English Springer Spaniel Dog and Puppies Sleeping with Santa Pot Holder

Training of a dog starts right from his birth. It is important and easier to train a dog when he is just a puppy. Training an adult or older dog can be hard. Given below are the most important and top 5 skills to teach your dog.

1- Behave:

It is a matter of extreme importance that your dog knows how to behave around people whether at home or outside. Socializing a dog can help you to overcome the issue of misbehaving of a dog. He usually misbehaves because he has no idea how to react to certain situations. The training helps him to understand and evaluate situations and act accordingly.

2- Eye Contact:

It is another very important skill that you must teach your dog. It will have some very important effects on your dog training. It will help your dog to focus on you and your commands. By making an eye contact with you, he will have his complete focus on you and will start understanding commands faster.

3- Name Calls:

Another important thing is that your dog must know and react accordingly when you are calling his name. Your dog name must be easy and short. There are certain situations where your dog must look at you and respond accordingly. He can do so only when he knows and understand his name and can respond to your call.

4- Leave It:

There are many situations where your dog maybe doing something he should not. In such a situation “leave it” command is what you need. Your dog must understand the command and should react to it immediately. It can take some time for your dog to master it but adding some rewards can speed it up.

5- Come:

It is very important that your dog instantly come running to you when you ask him to do so. It becomes even more important when you are taking your dog outside and he is not on a leash. It can help you to keep your dog safe.

Meantime, if you are an art lover and like dog painting, you should have a look at the variety of art available at Doggie of the Day on Amazon. It is one of the best online stores available that have to offer high quality products. You can find various artwork, canvas, sketch and painting from well-known artists around the world. Placing your order is very simple that does not involve any complications. You will receive your order at your doorstep in a certain time period depending on your location.


English Springer Spaniel Dog and Puppies Sleeping with Santa Pot Holder

English Springer Spaniel Dog and Puppies Sleeping with Santa Pot Holder


How to Train Your Dog to Attack

Happy Holidays with Santa Sleeping with Christmas Boxer Dogs Holiday Ornament


People started domesticating dogs for various reasons including safe guarding farms, houses and animals. There are various dog breeds that are perfect for the purpose because of their natural skills and abilities. If you are going to get a dog for guarding purpose, you will have to teach him relevant skills including attacking a stranger who is trying to break in. Given below is a simple and convenient guide for you to know how to train your dog to attack.

1- Socializing Your Dog:

Many people think that a guard dog or attack dog should be left in isolation so that he becomes more aggressive and fearless. But that is not right. Any dog requires proper socialization so that he can be comfortable with his surroundings and become fearless. Isolation can cause the dog to be frightened of everything and he may start attacking anyone that comes closer because of the anxiety.

2- Teach Basic Commands to Your Dog:

Your dog must understand the very basic commands clearly. He should be able to react to the commands instantly in the exact manner you want him to. These commands can be come, sit, leave it, fetch it etc.

3- Training to Attack:

Once your dog has mastered the basic commands, it is time to move on to the actual training. It requires a high level of caution and protective measures. You should be wearing a hard protective glove while training your dog to attack. You will have to teach bark and attack commands to your dog. Always use protective gears while training your dog to attack. You will have to provoke your dog to attack.

You can start by tapping the dog’s face with the glove. He will react to it and will try to grab the glove. When he grabs the glove you should say “attack” in a clear and loud voice and then ask him to leave it. Rewards are always helpful to speed up the training. Repeat the same few times until he is ready to attack on your command.

Now place the glove away from you and ask your dog to attack it. If he does not attack, you will have to repeat the training again. It may take some time but he will learn it eventually.

If you like to decorate your house with dog products, you may want to visit Doggie of the Day on Amazon. It is a reliable store that features a wide range of dog products including dog flags, ornaments, games, mugs, art, sketch, canvas, painting and lots more.

Happy Holidays with Santa Sleeping with Christmas Boxer Dogs Holiday Ornament

Happy Holidays with Santa Sleeping with Christmas Boxer Dogs Holiday Ornament


How to Get Rid of Your Dog’s Aggressive Behavior

Christmas Country Hearts, Stars and Candles Large Cutting Board


Dogs are known to be fun loving and active creatures but they may have to experience different problems in their lives. One of the major problems is an aggressive behavior. It is one of the most common issues experienced by dogs. There can be various reasons that can lead a dog the problem. A dog may exhibit aggression because of fear of something or someone, frustration or even territorial reasons. But the aggressive behavior in a dog is treatable. All you have to do is as follows:

What Triggers the Aggression?

The first and foremost thing to do is to understand that what triggers the aggressive behavior in your dog. You can resolve a problem successfully only if you know the root cause. You must know that whether your dog becomes aggressive around unfamiliar people or he is having trouble with a particular object or place. Once you know the root cause, you can start the treatment.

Socializing the Dog:

You can start by socializing your dog especially if he is too young. Aggressive behavior is very common in young dogs and puppies as they do not feel comfortable around strangers or at new places. Socializing can help them to become comfortable with unfamiliar faces and with their surroundings and animals. But if it is an adult dog and something else is causing the trouble, you may have to adopt a different approach.

Applying Desensitization:

If it is a certain place, object or stranger faces that are causing the aggression than you can apply desensitization method. But you have to be very patient and careful.You will have to expose your dog to his trigger slowly and gently.

For example, if your dog is not comfortable with one of your friends, you will have to make them friends. You can bring your dog to your yard or outside the house with a strong leash on. Then ask your friend to come in front of the dog but maintain a safe distance where the dog may not react instantly. When the dog starts exhibiting aggression, you can take your dog away. You will have to repeat the same few times but not in a single day. Your dog will eventually get comfortable with the person.

Meanwhile, have a look at the dog products being offered by Doggie of the Day on Amazon. It is one of the best places to shop dog products at reasonable prices. It is a reliable online store that features various products including dog doormats, dog house flags, sketch, canvas and lot more.

Christmas Country Hearts, Stars and Candles Large Cutting Board

Christmas Country Hearts, Stars and Candles Large Cutting Board


Factors That Influence Managing Your Dog Obedience Problems

Blue Russian Cat Magnet


Most people find it quite simple and easy task to have a dog but it is not as simple as they may think. Just like little babies, the dog requires lots of effort. There are many things a dog owner has to take care of in order to keep the dog healthy and happy. Managing the dog’s obedience problems is one of the issues a dog owner has to face. Stated below are some of the important factors that influence managing your dog obedience problems so that you can handle the situation in a better way.


Selection of the right breed is a foremost and essential step towards a strong relationship between the owner and the dog. Some breeds are fast learners and start obeying the owner right from the beginning and some start obeying after spending some time with the owner. But there are some breeds that are known to be aggressive and stubborn. So, make sure that you are selecting the right breed.

Lack of Knowledge:

There are many people who instantly feels the need to adopt a dog without any particular reason. They simply get a dog and later on they discover that they cannot handle him properly. So, it is never a good idea to adopt a dog without serious intentions. Make sure that you really want to get a dog and you have all the required knowledge so that you can train the dog properly.

Don’t Know How to Train a Dog:

Not all the dog owners are good dog trainers. So, if you do not know anything about training a dog, you should hire a professional who knows it well. Professionals are quite capable of training any dog belonging to any breed. They can train him according to his characteristics and requirements. They can take care of his physical exercise as well as his mental exercise.

Behavioral Problems:

Dog can adopt different habits at different stages of their lives. Sometimes these habits are unexpected but can be common in dogs like aggression and anxiety. If your dog starts exhibiting any behavioral problems, contacting a professional is highly suggested. It can offer you good results in resolving the issue faster.

Meanwhile, if you want to get some artwork to place in your house, you must have a look at the canvas, painting and sketch of dogs available at Doggie of the Day on Amazon. The store features artwork of various world renowned artists including .

Blue Russian Cat Magnet

Blue Russian Cat Magnet