Protecting Your Dog From Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is one of those terms that are often heard in association with dogs but few people have a clear understanding of what this infection really is and how to protect their pet. The fact is that kennel cough is common in dogs that are living (temporarily or permanently) in a crowded or stressful situation. The infection is characterized by a deep cough, which sounds almost as if the dog has something caught in its throat.

The medical name for this infection is ‘canine infectious tracheo-bronchitis’. There are many possible causative agents or factors of this infection including stress caused by travel or by crowded conditions, exposure to cold temperatures or exposure to pollutants in the air. Even cigarette smoke can pose a risk.

Kennel cough is the result of a reduction in the animal’s normal protective mechanisms of the respiratory tract. In addition or combination with the factors listed above, the actual bacterium responsible for kennel cough is ‘Bordetella Bronchiseptica’. Because the cough is extremely contagious and is passed from dog to another via respiratory secretions, boarding kennels, animal shelters, and grooming shops are often places that dogs seem to ‘catch’ the cough.

Some cases of kennel cough resolve themselves. If your dog develops a cough but continues to eat and be active there is a good chance that the problem will end on its own, without any medical intervention. However, in other cases, especially in those involving young puppies, the kennel cough can be more serious and can even result in the development of pneumonia. These pets will need the professional care of a veterinarian. In all likelihood they will receive antibiotics as well as anti-tussives for the cough.

Vaccinations are available for this infection, but they are not always recommended for all dogs. Instead, they are given to dogs at risk for Bordetella. Most boarding kennels require that dogs be vaccinated against the infection before they can stay. Although few groomers require that dogs be vaccinated against Bordetella, it is advisable that any dog that regularly visits a groomer have the vaccination. The same is true for dog training classes. In fact, the vaccination is warranted for dogs that regularly visit a dog park or other area where they are likely to socialize with unknown dogs.

It is important to note that even with the vaccination dogs can still develop the clinical signs and symptoms of kennel cough. The good news is that the symptoms will be milder and usually will not last long.

It’s always suggested that you talk with your veterinarian to determine if your dog should be vaccinated against this or any type of disease or infection. In most cases though, if your dog socializes with other dogs, having him vaccinated against Bordetella is a good idea. Other things to consider include the climate you live in and the air quality your dog is exposed to routinely. Protection is almost always easier than dealing with the consequences of ignoring a potential health threat.

Protecting Your Dog From Kennel Cough courtesy Dog Articles.

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Rabies: Is Your Dog At Risk?

In almost every case of rabies, the infection is fatal. All mammals (including humans) are susceptible to this virus infection, which causes an acute infection of the brain. During the illness disturbances of behavior are noted, which in some species results in unprovoked aggression and the biting of other animals. This is usually the case with an affected dog. And because the rabies virus can be present in saliva, bites and licks from infected animals can spread the disease.

The good news is that the rabies vaccine is very effective in preventing the spread of rabies to pet dogs and
cats. And, rabies vaccinations are required by law in most areas, which helps to protect both people and pets. These vaccinations are considered to be core vaccines for dogs and cats.

The particulars of the rabies protocols differ slightly from one state to another and even from one veterinarian to another, but typically, the first vaccine is given to
puppies at 12 weeks. A rabies booster vaccine is given a year later and then it is administered either annually or every three years.

Insuring that a pet receives and keeps current with the rabies vaccine is an important component of dog ownership. It protects the
family of the pet, the pet itself, as well as other animals and people. When a person is bitten by a dog one of the first things checked is the veterinarian record.

In most cases, if the dog is current with his vaccines, according to the state protocols, the danger of the individual being exposed to rabies is considered negligible. But if the dog was not vaccinated it is likely that the animal will be quarantined for a period of ten to fourteen days. In most cases, the owner of the pet will be responsible for the cost of this confinement which will take place in a secured facility.

Incubation in a person is usually three to eight weeks but it can be as long as two years. Initial
symptoms may include numbness around the area of the bite, fever, headaches, and general fatigue.

If a dog is bitten by a rabid animal or is suspected of being infected with rabies the outcome will be much more positive if the dog has been vaccinated against rabies. If so, in most cases the pet will be re-vaccinated and confined for a period of time (which varies from state to state, generally from 30 – 50 days).

If the animal was not vaccinated and the exposure is confirmed the usual recommendation is euthanasia for the pet. Otherwise, the pet is quarantined for a lengthy period of time, often for as long as six months. The confinement takes place in a secure facility and the pet owner is liable for the expenses incurred. Fines are also assessed for not having the pet properly vaccinated.  If the dog shows signs of illness euthanasia is likely.

When an animal is infected with the rabies virus the infection or virus is replicated in tissues throughout the body and it eventually reaches the brain. When it does there is personality change in the animal. The dog is likely to be aggressive and dangerous to be around. Soon afterward the animal’s throat is likely to become paralyzed, preventing him from swallowing. In this phase you are likely to see drooling or foaming at the mouth. Death usually occurs within ten days from the time the brain of the animal becomes infected.

Rabies: Is Your Dog At Risk courtesy of Dog Articles.

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