Terms of Dog Shows

When you begin going to dog shows you need to know the dog show lingo. That way you’ll understand what people are saying and know how to communicate. These are terms used at AKC dog shows.


The American Breed Class is a regular class open to all dogs six months old, which were whelped  in the United States. Its parents must have mated in the U.S.A.  The exception is champions. This is a basic term to be familiar with and learn.

The term angulation means the angle made when bones meet at the joint, which is a concrete notion useful when talking at dog shows. The angulation is related to balance. When both of these traits are good the canine’s joints be more flexible and the movement will be smooth.

Agility Trials are competitions in which the dogs surmount or negotiate jumps and obstacles like tunnels and weave poles. These events are a lot of fun for the audience.. The AKC holds a national agility trial. There are many canine agility events sanctioned by various dog clubs.

An All-Breed Show is a conformation show and any bred can show. Of course, you’ll want a very agile dog. In a conformation show the judges try to select the canines that are the epitome of the standard for their breed. A match show means no championship points are given at that show.

When a trainer uses a treat to attain a dog’s attention causing him to seem alert it is called baiting. It is important to teach your dog to bait properly; he should look attentive, quizzical, with an air of anticipation.

The bench show is one in which the dogs are seated on benches, when they are being shown.   Sitting on the bench allows the attendees, breeders, and exhibitors to view and discuss them. The judges look for the ideal dog for this show, exhibiting the standards better than the other competitors. When the dogs limbs and body are posed to design a pleasing look it is called stacking.

The champion is the title given to a dog that defeats a specific number of dogs in designated competitions during a series of shows. A standard is determined for a breed. A dog is measured out when his measurement is not within the limit for the breed. The dog earns credit toward a championship called points.

The exhibitor or handler is the person that brings a dog for showing and shows him in the correct class.   He shows the dog in the ring or works him at an event such as a field trial. He is hired by an owner that doesn’t want to show the dog himself.

Another person involved in shows is the  fancier. He  is someone that has a keen interest and normally is actively involved in some part of the sport of purebred canines.

The gait is how the dog moves. It is one indicator of  the dog’s condition and structure. Agility, angulation, and balance are intertwined in the dog’s gait.

To move is to gait a canine in a patten a judge proscribes. Moving close means that the dog’s hocks turn inward and his pasterns drops towards the ground, moving parallel to each other. Moving straight describes a balanced gait in which the inclination angle starts at the shoulder and legs stay mainly straight going from these points to the pads of the dog’s feet. This is while his legs extend. This can also start from the hip joint.

Terms of Dog Shows courtesy Dog Articles.

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