Socialize Your Dog for Life!

We tend to forget these days that dogs are pack animals.  Many of us may have just one dog, or even two.  But we don’t see them as they were in nature.  Left to their own devices, dogs join up into a pack, often of related animals.  Like their wolf cousins and ancestors, dogs have a hierarchical structure to their packs, with leaders, assistants, subordinates and followers.  In nature dogs would learn everything they need to know, including dog manners, from their mother and other pack mates.

To live in our world of cars, buildings and cell phones, we have taken dogs almost completely out of their natural world.  In many places they exist without even having fields and forests anymore to share with their humans as they did only 100-200 years ago.  The only way they can exist in our world is if we teach them the skills they need to understand it and to thrive in it.  This means we have to socialize them to the human world and to the people in it.

Socialization means much more than learning a few commands.  Socialization is learning, from birth, to accept humans.  Good breeders begin socializing puppies from the day of their birth, picking them up and holding them, stroking them and talking to them, getting them used to sights and sounds in the house.  This should continue for the first seven weeks of life, with puppies being introduced to new things each week.

From the age of 8 weeks to 12 weeks, the time when many people get their new puppy, puppies are going through a fear imprinting stage.  This means that it is very easy at this time for anything that frightens the puppy to be remembered for the rest of their life.  New owners should take special care during this time to bolster their puppy’s confidence.  Do let puppies see new things and introduce them to new places and people.  Give them time to see that there is nothing to be afraid of.  Give plenty of praise when the puppy is brave and curious about things.  Try not to encourage your puppy to be fearful at this time or reward fearful behavior.  If a loud noise or something frightens your puppy, instead of cuddling the puppy take him to see what it is and show him that it’s okay.  Dance, laugh, be positive instead of petting the puppy for being fearful.  This is the difference between a fearful adult dog and a confident one later in life.

Introduce your puppy to many different people during this time to help him learn that he has nothing to fear from strangers and that he can meet them and be friendly.  Take him for short rides in the car.  Introduce many strange things at this time, such as umbrellas and the vacuum cleaner if he has not already encountered them.  Let him see normal things in unexpected places in the house.  Make sure he gets used to being groomed and bathed during this time.  And, of course, make sure he learns some leash training.  This is helpful since he will be going to the vet for his shots during this time.  Makes these pleasant experiences for him (especially bathing) and your future experiences will be much better.

Exercise basic common sense, of course.  Don’t allow your puppy to put himself in any danger while encouraging him to be confident.  Don’t allow him to wander where other animals have left droppings.  Remember that your puppy is not fully vaccinated yet so limit his socialization time with any unknown pets.  Don’t make your puppy do anything that is frightening for him.  Puppies at this age will remember things forever.  You want to encourage confidence, not ask them to do more than they can cope with.  And, remember that your puppy is just a baby at this time.  He needs lots of sleep and several small meals during the day.  You should only have a couple of socialization sessions per day along with things that occur on their own.

The socialization period continues until dogs are about 20 weeks old.  By that time their basic personality is in place, though socialization can continue for months.  You’ll begin to see your puppy making his own decisions about what he wants to do, what he likes and doesn’t like, what frightens him and what he’s confident about.

Early socialization is an extremely important time in the life of every dog.  You can help your dog adapt to living with humans by working with him during this time and make your future life together a very happy one.

Socialize Your Dog for Life courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cute mouse pad showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


The Day Of The Show

Here are the things to take along which are considered necessities: the identification card and dog show ticket, a water pan (although you can always use the cardboard ones supplied by feed companies at most shows), a sponge and towel, a bench collar and bench chain or wire bench crate, a show lead, and finally, a comb and brush.  If you use a tack crate (a crate with drawers), these very useful and necessary articles may be permanently stored in the drawers and will always be ready to go.  If you do not use a tack crate, you will probably “latch on” to an old brief case or small overnight bag which will accompany you to shows, and these things can be stored in it and will always be ready to go.

Here are some things you can also take along if you wish: trimming tools, a bucket (if your water pan is large enough perhaps you will use that, but if your breed is a large one, which may need a lot of cleaning up, the bucket will come in handy), a first-aid kit (you never know what may happen), a thermos of water or coffee, lunch, and a change of shoes for your weary feet.  Everything in this list may be prepared the night before and placed with the necessities.

In the morning, exercise your dog carefully.  If you have a pen for him, fine; otherwise don’t turn him loose; he may wade through a puddle, or, worse, he may chase a passing cat and make you late for your arrival.  I have seen this happen to a friend of mine: the dog decided to take off one morning before a show and they didn’t catch up with him until it was too late to go to the show at all.

Watch to see if your dog evacuates.  If he doesn’t, you will want to give him the opportunity to do so immediately upon arriving at the show.  If not then, try again before he goes into the ring.  Your dog will show better for you if this act has been performed.  However, it happens that no matter how many opportunities you may give a dog to evacuate before he goes into the ring he will decide that right now, in the ring, is the time.  If it happens to you, don’t die of embarrassment.  Remember, it has happened before to others.  Just try, if possible without interrupting the dog, to maneuver him to the side or end of the ring and stay there until he has finished.  When he has finished, go on with whatever you were doing.

The Day Of The Show courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cute plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Puppy Dog Training

I know exactly how it can be, you buy that brand new, nice smelling, affectionate dog and you really want to offer it everything beneath the sun. It is a natural reaction for any individual whom looks at a sweet, small puppy to shower him or her with every little thing they would like, however this can certainly cause a few undesirable behavior and produce even more work for you. Now it will be a very good plan for you to get started in your own puppy dog training soon, and let your dog fully understand who is in charge.

As the owner you have to develop a relationship with your new puppy. The relationship you develop has to include a stable foundation, as well as your own puppy needs to learn that you are the leader! Simply by giving in to those puppy dog eyes every time your dog cries, you are just demonstrating to your pet that he is in charge, that he is the boss. In the event that you grant your puppy free reign in and around your house, your dog will never learn self-control, discipline, and will lack respect for your entire family.

A dog not possessing respect for their master will be the hardest achievable circumstances to have. By simply giving into your own pup, he may mature to become an even much larger monster, with absolutely no behavior training, rowdy as well as a lot of instances aggressive towards some other pets along with individuals. Most dog owners who possess these puppy dog training issues, often times simply give them away to shelters or even worse, simply abandon them. I do not wish this to take place to any pet therefore carry out with your puppy dog training.

In order to achieve control and respect via your very new pup you must challenge him or her with some primary commands. These types of commands need to be comparable to Sit, Stay, Down, and so forth. You should help make your puppy sit prior to he will go outdoors, or goes for a walk. Make your pet follow some important commands just before his routines and he will probably soon understand he has to comply to you before he or she receives everything that he wishes. Keep in mind that pups love a challenge, so turn this kind of instinct into a positive effort for you. Get your own puppy to pick up their toys, sit, fetch tennis balls, anything that places you in control. As a result of making your pup comply with several primary instructions on a daily basis, he or she will probably quickly understand that if he or she complies to your request, he will get a treat.

Or perhaps he will get his favorite toy, or go for a stroll. The faster your own puppy can pick up on this partnership you are creating with him, the quicker you will find benefits throughout your puppy dog training. Whenever your puppy follows through along with your instructions you should continually encourage him highly enthusiastically! When your puppy recognizes that he pleased you, your dog will certainly want to carry on with this kind of behavior over and over repeatedly. You never want to yell or discipline ones canine throughout your puppy dog training due to the fact that this particular kind of actions will certainly just set you back, and also make your pet plan to rebel against just about any command you require of him.

Puppy Dog Training courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cute key chain showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


10 Things You Should Know About Your New Puppy

Just about everybody loves a puppy.  What’s not to love?  Okay, maybe there are a few things — like accidents in the house, chewing your things, nipping…

Here are a few things that you should know about your new puppy:

1.  When you bring your new puppy home he doesn’t know very much.  He’s spent most of the first weeks of his life living with his mother and siblings, who are dogs.  That means he knows some basic dog things, like how to whimper and bark to get attention.  He knows how to poop on papers.  His breeder may have taught him a few things but there wasn’t time to teach him very much.  Your puppy is pretty much a blank slate.  It’s up to you to teach him everything he needs to know.

2.  Your puppy is a little animal, not a small person in a furry suit.  He has animal instincts and will always react as an animal when he doesn’t know what to do.  That means that your puppy can bite and scratch and hurt somebody if he’s not supervised and trained.  He needs training while he’s young so that he doesn’t grow up to be a badly-behaved dog.

3.  Puppies need socialization.  Socialization is the process of introducing your puppy to the big, wide world and everything in it.  Your puppy needs to go places, see new things and meet people.  He should learn that new things and new people are good.  Socialization teaches a puppy to be confident and helps him later in life.  Puppies that are well-socialized tend not to develop behavior problems later on.

4.  You should begin training your puppy early.  You can train a dog throughout his life but it’s always easier and advisable to start training a puppy when he’s young.  Teach your puppy good manners and some basic obedience skills like Sit and Come.  You can take him to Puppy Preschool or Puppy Kindergarten classes where he can learn some simple obedience and enjoy some socialization at the same time.

5.  Your puppy will most likely chew on things so you should try to “puppy proof” your house as much as possible.  Put away your shoes and other things that he can reach.  When your puppy chews on things take them away.  If you catch your puppy in the act of chewing on something he’s not supposed to chew on, you can correct him (no physical punishments).  Otherwise, if you don’t catch him, you should let it go.  There is no point in correcting a puppy or dog for something that has already happened. Your puppy or dog won’t know why they’re being corrected.

6.  Puppies may nip, bite too hard when playing or simply get too raucous.  When they do, you should stop playing with them and ignore them.  If they continue, you should call a time-out.  Time-outs work with puppies just as they do with children.  If your puppy nips you, you should yelp and let him know it hurts.  If he even touches his teeth to your skin, yelp and don’t play with him.  If you stop playing with him whenever he tries to nip he will stop nipping.

7.  If you have children teach them that they can’t mistreat a puppy.  Tell them not to stare at a puppy or otherwise make the puppy uncomfortable.  They puppy may lunge at them.  And, if they run away screaming from a puppy, the puppy will chase them.  Not all kids are happy about that fact.  Children under six should be supervised when they play with puppies.

8.  Puppies may whine and bark and whimper for attention.  Sometimes you will have to ignore them, especially if you want to get any sleep.

9.  Do make sure that your puppy gets all of his vaccinations on schedule.  See that he takes heartworm preventive and flea medication if he needs it in your area.  Your puppy’s health and well-being depend on proper veterinary care.  You should also make sure that you are feeding him a good dog food with meat protein sources.

10.  Puppies are adorable and they will make you do whatever they want.

Those are a few things you should know about puppies.  Have fun with your puppy and may he (or she) grow up to be a wonderful dog.

10 Things You Should Know About Your New Puppy courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a puzzle showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Studying The Results Of Experienced Handlers

Good advice for people who want to show their dog is to watch the good handlers in your breed.  It is also wise of you to know your breed well.  Here is one very good reason why this is important:  A novice watches a good handler show a dog.  He sees the handler place his hand on the dog’s rump, between the hipbones and the tail set.  The handler makes sure the judge has seen him do this.  The judge looks at the same spot on the other dogs in the class and gives the first prize to the handler of whom we’re speaking.  The novice, if he doesn’t know why the handler acted as he did, mimics the handler when he shows his dog but with disastrous results.  Why?  The novice did not know he was pointing out a fault in his dog whereas the handler was pointing out a good spot on his dog.  The Standard of perfection for the breed in question states that this breed should have a medium-high tail set.  The smart handler noticed when he came into the ring that his dog had a very good tail set but the other dogs in the ring were faulty at this spot.

Where the competition is keen, these things count quite a lot.  The handler placed his hand on his dog’s good spot, the judge saw it, recognized that the dog excelled here, looked at the other dogs, realized that they were faulty here, and gave the award to the handler.  The novice, if he doesn’t know his breed, does the same thing, but instead of pointing out his dog’s good spot, he points out what may be his dog’s main fault, a poor tail set.  The same situation might exist regarding throat on a dog, or clean-cut shoulders, or good feet, or any number of spots where a dog excels, when pointed out, it may help the decision come your way.

It is best if you do not try to point out good or bad parts of your dog until you know very well what they are and how best to point them out, and until you are able to recognize as soon as you enter the ring whether or not it is to your advantage to point them out.  When you feel you do know, please don’t be obnoxious about it.  If you cannot do it in a nice way, don’t do it at all.

At times during a dog show there has been two excited handlers who decided to show the judge how good their dogs were.  They got so intent on what they were doing, each trying to outdo the other, that the judge became annoyed.  He said they were insulting his intelligence – that he could and would find the dog of his liking without any further help from the handlers.  This could prove disastrous results for you if not taken into account during  a dog show.

Studying The Results Of Experienced Handlers courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a holiday magnet showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems

Great Danes are known for being charming and affectionate dogs despite their size. However, as with the case with any other dog, without proper training, certain behavioral issues are bound to arise. But with enough consistency and patience, Great Dane training need not be a daunting task. It may take some time, but bear in mind that there aren’t any behavioral problems that can’t be corrected.

The most important aspect of Great Dane training is socializing your dog.

Great Danes love being around other people. In fact, they crave the attention and affection. But because of their size, it is quite common for most families to simply arrange a space for them outdoors and leave them out in the yard. If this is the case, depriving them of attention and affection can cause them to develop certain behavioral problems. Instead of their natural pleasant disposition, they may tend to appear aloof and distant.

The most common ways Great Danes cope with anxiety are by excessive digging, whining, barking, and growling. Here are a few pointers for efficient Great Dane training:

1. Digging Digging is part of a dog’s general nature. However, it does become a problem if your Great Dane starts digging in several places in your yard. You don’t want your dog destroying your beautiful landscape do you? To solve this, designate one area where your dog can dig. A common trick most people use is burying its feces where you don’t want it to dig and burying a dog bone in an area where it can dig. Digging up its own feces will discourage it from ever touching that area.

2. Whining and barking Whining or barking is a way for dogs to get attention. Our natural tendency is to come to our dog’s aid and see what is wrong. But once we see that there’s nothing really wrong, and that it just wants our attention, try not to encourage this behavior. Wait until it‘s calm before you approach it. Immediately giving in to its call for attention is like spoiling a child. Let your dog know that there is a proper way to get what it wants.

3. Growling If a Great Dane has not been properly socialized, its tendency will be to growl at strangers. This can be quite terrifying considering its size. Just keep in mind that Great Danes are not aggressive dogs. Make it a point to introduce them to other people and dogs. Growling can either be a sign of fear or it may simply be a defense mechanism. Once you let them know that it’s completely safe to have company, your dog will definitely come around.

Great Dane training is simple like other dog training. It’s always good to address behavioral problems as early as possible. Lucky for you, it is in their genetic make-up to be loving and friendly companions. Do your part and help your dog prove to others what an endearing pet it really is.

Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful mouse pad showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Dental Care For Your Dog

Our furry little friends are likely to develop dental disease if their dental needs are ignored. Periodontal disease is not uncommon among dogs, particularly small dog breeds. And just like with humans, these problems can result in bad breath, yellowed teeth, and in the worst of cases, even progress to loss of teeth.

The development of such problems usually begins with such signs as swollen, red, and painful gums. Your pet may have less of an appetite as well. These signs indicate a need for immediate professional care.

Tooth decay and/or the loss of teeth usually indicate the presence of bacteria in the mouth. If left untreated the damage can progress from only involving the mouth to further damage that can include serious complications related to the kidneys, lungs, and heart, all of which can lead to a shortened lifespan. Periodontal problems usually start with the formation of plaque.

Plaque builds on the teeth and in thirty-six hours or less, plaque can harden and tartar can form. This problem usually develops first and the worst in the upper back teeth. Unfortunately, once tartar has formed, it cannot be brushed away.

The good news is that these problems can be avoided. Although healthy routines can be started with any dog at any age, it is always best to start healthy routines with a young puppy. If the dog is older you should insure that he has a professional dental cleaning and then begin the healthy dental routine at home.

If you have a regular routine of brushing your dog’s teeth on a daily basis you can avoid most of these problems. The routine should be established while the dog is young if at all possible. He will then accept the brushing as part of his regular care.

At first the dog will wonder what you are doing so it is best to allow him to taste the doggie toothpaste. These special pastes are formulated to be appealing to dogs. You can use your finger or a special dog toothbrush. Don’t forget to clean both the teeth and the gums. Begin in the back and work in small circular motions. The entire brushing process will take less than a minute.

Providing such things as chew treats, hard dog biscuits and bones, and even soft toys for your pet can help to prevent dental problems. Besides keeping the teeth strong and healthy many of the items are specially formulated to freshen the breath. Feeding crunchy food items on a regular basis is another way to keep your pet’s teeth healthier. Another tip is that while warming your dog’s food will often make it more appealing it is important to insure that the food is only slightly warm and never hot. On the flip side, dogs should not be served cold food.

Dental Care For Your Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love an adorable cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


5 Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

Traveling with your dog can be a lot of fun.  You can enjoy seeing new things and doing things together.  Many dogs enjoy traveling.  These days many hotels welcome dogs as guests.  But if you’re going to be traveling with your dog there are some things you can do to make your trip a success.  Here are some tips:

1.  Make sure that your dog is up-to-date on his vaccinations before setting out on your trip.  Some areas can require you to show proof of your dog’s vaccinations if they ask so take your dog’s rabies certificate as well as having him wear his tags.  Rabies shots are required throughout the United States, so be sure that your dog is current on his rabies vaccination.  Besides the requirement, you never know what diseases may be present in the areas where you’ll be traveling.  It’s best to have your dog protected in case you encounter something unhealthy for your dog.

2.  When you travel your dog should wear a good collar with identification tags.  Even if your dog has a microchip, your dog should wear tags when he’s on vacation.  If your dog were to become lost (Heaven forbid!), and someone found him, it’s possible that they wouldn’t know to check for a microchip.  However, tags are always immediately recognizable.  Tags should have your name and current address and phone numbers on them.  You can also include your vet’s phone number or another number where people will know how to contact you.

Microchips are still good.  Collars can come off or be removed.  In that case, a shelter or vet scanning your dog can find the microchip and be able to contact you.

3.  When you travel with your dog take some water from home or buy bottled water on your trip.  A dog’s stomach can be easily upset when traveling.  Drinking strange water on the trip can cause diarrhea or other stomach upsets.  Taking your own water or buying bottled water can keep your dog feeling good and prevent you from having to do some clean up.

4.  Take your dog’s food with him on the trip.  Even if your dog eats a national brand of pet food there are variations in batches and lots.  It’s best to continue to feed your dog from the same bag or cans you bought at home to avoid stomach upset.  If your dog eats a food that’s hard to find then you can’t count on finding it when you travel.

5.  Crate your dog while he rides in the vehicle.  Whether you have a car, van, truck or any other kind of vehicle, you should crate your dog when he’s traveling with you.  Allowing your dog to ride lose in the car is not very safe for him.  Riding in a crate is the safest way for your dog to travel.  A hard-sided airline crate is usually the safest kind of crate for travel.  If you are in an accident you dog won’t go flying through the vehicle.  If he’s in the crate he will be as protected as possible.

Don’t choose a crate that’s too large.  If the crate is too big then your dog will be slung around in the crate if there is an impact.  Instead, choose a crate that is big enough for your dog to stand and lie down.  This will protect him in case of an accident.

There are many other things to remember when you travel with your dog:  remember to bring a can opener if you feed canned food.  Remember to bring your dog’s dinner dishes.  Remember to bring paper towels for any clean up.  Remember to bring your dog’s bed if he has a favorite dog bed.  The list is endless!  It’s like traveling with a baby.

There are some things that you can pick up on the way if you forget them at home, but if you remember to have your dog up-to-date on his shots, wear a good collar with current ID, bring water from home (or bottled water), bring his food, and crate him while he rides, you should have a great — and safe — trip.

5 Tips For Traveling With Your Dog
courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Your New Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy – A Supplies Checklist

Acquiring a pet as an addition to the home may be one of the most rewarding things in life. Choosing a Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy in itself is already a plus. With proper care and attention, Pembroke Welsh Corgis develop to be intelligent, loving, and affectionate companions. However, bear in mind that your newest family member also comes with special needs. This simple checklist will help assure that you acquire all the essentials to keep your new puppy happy and healthy. Cover the basics with these items:

Collar – collars are not just an accessory, they ensure control over your dog. Sometimes it’s also good to have a harness as not to injure your dog especially when you take it on walks.

Leash – Traditional and retractable ones both work fine.

Name tag – In case your little one decides to wander off on its own.  Small bell for collar – It always helps to keep track of your new puppy since they are usually very quiet.

Carrier /crate- For convenient transportation of your new puppy. This will also aide you in puppy training in the future.  Restraining gate – To ensure secure a place for it in your home.

Healthy treats – This is especially crucial since Pembroke Welsh Corgis are prone to obesity.  Toys – To keep your puppy entertained as well as stimulate it mentally.

Pooper scooper – To help you conveniently clean up its mess when nature calls. Health and Hygiene needs of your new Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy:  Dog food – Some dogs may prefer dry pellets, while some prefer canned food. But to start off, you can always do a combination of both. Simply mix in a teaspoon of canned food with some pellets for each feeding.

Food and water bowls – To establish a permanent feeding station for your dog.

Food scoop and storage bin – To keep its food clean and fresh.

Shampoo – Make sure you get a mild product especially made for puppies.

Dental Health Products – This includes specially formulated toothpaste for dogs, a brush, and finger glove for more accurate cleaning.

Finishing Touches: Microchipping – perhaps one of the greatest investments you can make for your puppy. The moment you acquire your new Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for a general check-up. Make sure you cover issues with vaccination and other health concerns. Take your dog home and get settled. Spend time with it to help it bond with all the other members of the family and make sure it adjusts well to its new home. Most importantly, give your puppy the best care it can get.

Your New Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy – A Supplies Checklist courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


My Dog Won’t Listen To Me

Bringing home a new puppy is very exciting but we often forget that a new puppy doesn’t know very much.  He’s still a baby.  His mother and siblings have taught him a few things about being a dog but when it comes to understanding people, he’s a rank beginner.

It doesn’t matter how many times you tell him, “NO!” or “OFF!”  Your puppy hasn’t yet learned what these words mean.  He doesn’t even know his name yet.  He really has no idea what it means when you tell him to lie down or leave something alone.

Your puppy will quickly become very good at reading your body language and understanding the tone of your voice but you will have to patiently teach him each word and phrase that you want him to know.  Puppies aren’t born knowing English or any other language.  It’s up to you to teach him the basic vocabulary.

If you are adopting an adult dog then he will also have to learn some things when he comes to living with you.  He may know some basic words and phrases, especially if he has been housebroken already.  But your family will probably have some words that are unknown to him.  There may be some new rules that he doesn’t know yet.  It will take a little time for your new dog to learn the new words for things.  He may know some things by other names — “bathroom” for “potty,” or “dinner” for “supper,” and so on.  Try different words for things and see if he gives a reaction.  You may find the words that he knows.

On the other hand, there are times when your puppy or dog does know certain words and may choose to ignore you.  If you have been training your puppy or dog and you know that he knows the word “Sit” but he won’t sit for you, then there may be something wrong with your training methods.  Most likely your training is inconsistent.  You may not train very often and your dog doesn’t see any reason why he should obey the command when it is only used once in a while.  In these situations you should train more often so your dog will take the training more seriously.

If you let your dog sleep on your bed six nights in a row and on the seventh night you tell him very sternly that he’s not allowed on the bed, the chances are that he’s not going to take you seriously.  Training is the same way.  If you want your dog to listen to you then you must be consistent in what you tell your dog and in what you expect him to obey.  Be consistent, use the same words for things, and always be fair.  You must also train regularly so that your dog knows you are committed to what you are teaching him.

If you are inconsistent or you don’t train very often, then your dog is apt to ignore you.

Remember that your puppy isn’t born knowing any language at all.  Like human children, puppies have to learn the meaning of words.  They cannot hope to learn any training until they begin to understand some words in the home.  Fortunately, puppies learn very quickly and they can start to learn all that we have to teach them — and some things we don’t mean to teach them.  Your puppy will begin listening to you as soon as he is able.  It’s up to you to teach him things that are worth learning.

My Dog Won’t Listen To Me courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a holiday ornament showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com