Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems

Great Danes are known for being charming and affectionate dogs despite their size. However, as with the case with any other dog, without proper training, certain behavioral issues are bound to arise. But with enough consistency and patience, Great Dane training need not be a daunting task. It may take some time, but bear in mind that there aren’t any behavioral problems that can’t be corrected.

The most important aspect of Great Dane training is socializing your dog.

Great Danes love being around other people. In fact, they crave the attention and affection. But because of their size, it is quite common for most families to simply arrange a space for them outdoors and leave them out in the yard. If this is the case, depriving them of attention and affection can cause them to develop certain behavioral problems. Instead of their natural pleasant disposition, they may tend to appear aloof and distant.

The most common ways Great Danes cope with anxiety are by excessive digging, whining, barking, and growling. Here are a few pointers for efficient Great Dane training:

1. Digging Digging is part of a dog’s general nature. However, it does become a problem if your Great Dane starts digging in several places in your yard. You don’t want your dog destroying your beautiful landscape do you? To solve this, designate one area where your dog can dig. A common trick most people use is burying its feces where you don’t want it to dig and burying a dog bone in an area where it can dig. Digging up its own feces will discourage it from ever touching that area.

2. Whining and barking Whining or barking is a way for dogs to get attention. Our natural tendency is to come to our dog’s aid and see what is wrong. But once we see that there’s nothing really wrong, and that it just wants our attention, try not to encourage this behavior. Wait until it‘s calm before you approach it. Immediately giving in to its call for attention is like spoiling a child. Let your dog know that there is a proper way to get what it wants.

3. Growling If a Great Dane has not been properly socialized, its tendency will be to growl at strangers. This can be quite terrifying considering its size. Just keep in mind that Great Danes are not aggressive dogs. Make it a point to introduce them to other people and dogs. Growling can either be a sign of fear or it may simply be a defense mechanism. Once you let them know that it’s completely safe to have company, your dog will definitely come around.

Great Dane training is simple like other dog training. It’s always good to address behavioral problems as early as possible. Lucky for you, it is in their genetic make-up to be loving and friendly companions. Do your part and help your dog prove to others what an endearing pet it really is.

Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful mouse pad showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Five Corgi Training Commands to Master

Corgis are usually easy dogs to train, having a natural ability to understand what is wanted and being anxious to please. One kind of behavior problem, however, is nipping. Corgis were bred as working dogs, and in some regions of the world they are used to herd cattle. They nip at the cows’ heels to get them to go where they are wanted. Thus, corgis like to nip, especially moving objects, such as your heels. If your puppy is less than ten weeks old, he or she cannot understand what you don’t like, so wait until the pup is at least ten weeks old to start your Corgi Training. Here are five practical methods:

1. In a wild dog pack the leader will hold the puppy’s neck or muzzle and keep it still for a few seconds to give it the idea that nipping is unacceptable. If you do the same, the dog will understand that you are the pack leader and will not tolerate nipping. As you hold the muzzle or neck, use a command such as, “No nip,” and use it consistently.

2. Another method is to hold the skin at the back of the neck and lift the puppy so that its front paws are off the ground for a few seconds. This, too, shows that you are in command. Again, say, “No nip, “ No bite,” or some other words consistently during dog training.

3. If you prefer, you can hold the puppy down, using two hands to hold it at the shoulders and lower back. Hold the pup until it stops wiggling, again saying a command that it will learn to recognize.

4. A bottle or glass of water, or a squirt gun can also be used. When the puppy nips, squirt it in the face or pour water over its head. If your puppy seems think this is a fun game, then abandon this method.

5. Distraction is another method you can use. Get a soft chew toy or rope for the puppy to chew, and substitute this object every time the puppy tries to nip your heels.

If the above methods do not work for you, then take your pup to a veterinarian or trainer before he or she gets any older. It is best to nip bad behavior in the bud as soon as possible.

Five Corgi Training Commands to Master courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a puzzle showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


My Dog Hates To Travel

In your mind you and your dog are traveling down the road in a convertible.  The top is down and you and your dog are letting the wind blow through your hair (and fur) as you drive off into the sunset.  It’s a beautiful fantasy.  Unfortunately, in real life, your dog drools, whines and throws up every time you try to put him in the car.  A quick trip to the vet for his shots leaves him shaking and staring at you like you’re going to have him put to sleep.  Taking your dog on an actual vacation would probably mean the end of your relationship.

What have you done to deserve this?  Why does your dog hate to travel?  And, is there anything you can do to make things better?

Contrary to popular belief, carsickness and travel anxiety can occur in any dog.  Even puppies that are introduced to riding in cars at a very young age may develop into bad travelers.  Some dogs simply seem to be more anxious by nature than other dogs.  Certainly socialization in all forms will help to create a more secure, more confident dog, which can decrease anxiety in general.  But if your dog becomes anxious about traveling in the car it’s going to take some work to help him get over his carsickness problems.

If you have a puppy or young dog do try to make the car a fun place for them, especially when you aren’t going anywhere.  Play with your puppy in the car or van.  Spend time there that isn’t associated with traveling.  Let it be a place for games and playtime.  That way, when you put your dog in the car or van to go on a short trip, your dog will associate the vehicle with good things.  That good attitude may help a little.

Whether you have a puppy or a dog that is already experiencing some travel problems, go for very short trips.  Drive around the block.  Go back home before your puppy or dog can develop any bad reaction to the trip.  Praise your puppy or dog and give them treats.  You can do this several times a week, gradually making the trips a little longer.  Most puppies will be fine with this routine and develop into great little travelers.  If you have a dog which is already showing signs of being a bad traveler you should monitor him carefully to see how far you can drive before he starts having problems.  See if you can slowly help him get a little further each time but don’t push things too far or make him uncomfortable.  Carsickness is a very real, physical problem and if your dog is carsick he can’t help it.

Keep in mind that once a dog has been sick in your car that the odor will linger for quite a while.  You may stop noticing it but your dog can still detect it.  The scent of it may contribute to making him sick again so be sure to try to thoroughly clean any carsickness accidents in your vehicle.  This will help your dog do better the next time you make an attempt.

If your dog isn’t improving by trying to gradually lengthen his trips in the car you can try some natural remedies.  One of the old favorites uses ginger cookies or any kind of cookie or treat with ginger.  Ginger is a traditional home remedy for settling an upset stomach and it works well for dogs as well as humans.

Some people recommend pheromones.  Comfort Zone with D.A.P (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) has helped some dogs by reducing anxiety.

Herbal and nutritional remedies are also popular.  Composure Liquid by Vetri-Science has been used with success by some owners.  Nutricalm has also worked to reduce anxiety for some dogs.

Some people prefer the Bach Flower Essences, such as Rescue Remedy.

If the natural remedies don’t work for you and your dog you may wish to try the over-the-counter anti-nausea drug Dramamine.  Dramamine helps many dogs who don’t travel well.  If your dog still has problems with traveling you should consult your veterinarian.  He or she may prescribe something stronger for anxiety, such as Valium or Serax.

You don’t have to give up your dream of traveling with your dog but it may take a little work to get the two of you on the road together.

My Dog Hates To Travel courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely ornament showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Dog Health – Essential Diet Guidelines

You need to make sure your dog is getting the right balance of foods each day.  The different considerations are protein, carbohydrates and good fats.  Eating a well-balanced meal will ensure a long and happy life, a beautiful coat, and a lot of energy.

Many people are unsure of the proper balance for their dog’s diet.  The general rule includes the following:

– 2-25% protein
– 20-35% fat
– 40-60% carbohydrates

In addition to those important elements; dogs also need vitamins and minerals.  Their needs are a bit different than human needs, however.  One of the most important needs is vitamin B1.  This is one that dogs do not store well in their bodies and is not often found in dog food.

It is necessary to note that feeding your dog a diet of lean meat alone will not help them meet the requirements.  Dogs in nature eat their prey whole, which does contain everything they need.  It’s your job as a dog owner to come as close to nature as possible.

There have even been studies about the habits of dogs and what they eat.  These studies have revealed that dogs prefer to have their food cooked and mushy rather than raw and meaty.  Even so, dogs will likely eat most things that are put in front of them so you must do the job of differentiating for them.

Most people tend to feed their dogs commercially available food.  These are often fortified with the necessary vitamins and mineral.  Manufacturers know that these foods need to be easy for buyers to store.  That is why they come in simple cans or bags and are a favorite of dog owners everywhere.  The downside here is that this food can get expensive.

More and more people are starting to make their own dog food.  It can be hard to balance the food just right, and you can’t base it solely off of what you eat.  You need to extensively study the subject in order to make sure you’re giving your dog the best possible health.

There are some health issues that might pop up if pet owners are not careful.  For example, putting too much milk powder in the food can cause scouring because dogs have a hard time digesting lactose.  Instead of creating your own recipes it’s important to find ones that are time tested.

Another thing to consider is that while dogs enjoy chewing on bones it is important to avoid many of them.  If they are small and have been cooked the bone is a lot more likely to splinter and cause problems.  Avoid cooked chicken, lamb chop, and fish bones, as they are the biggest culprits.  Be extra careful if you’re one who likes to feed their dog from the table.

You will live and learn about what is best for your dog.  If he has a bad experience with a certain meal you will probably notice that he avoids it in the future.  This is a natural instinct of survival that you should pay attention to.  Following the unique diet requirements of dogs is the best way to ensure that they are healthy and happy for a long time to come.

Dog Health – Essential Diet Guidelines courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Making Life Easier For The Handicapped

Having proved their love for humans and their desire to serve, Labradors are now being trained throughout the world to assist many types of handicapped owners in the chores of everyday life. You have probably seen a handicapped man or woman being guided by a loving and well-trained Labrador Retriever at some time.  With some assistance, many people who would formerly have been confined in their activities are now entering the mainstream of society. Their extensively trained Labradors are their vehicles to freedom.

Because Labradors have extraordinary sense of perceptions, they are one of the breeds being widely used as Hearing Ear Dogs. After completing a rigorous four- to six-month obedience and auditory awareness program, they are specifically trained to the individual needs of their hearing-impaired or deaf owners. Their primary tasks are  to alert the owner to the noises that most people take for granted such as the doorbell or telephone, the alarm clock, a baby crying, smoke alarms, oncoming traffic, or emergency sirens. The Hearing Ear Dog makes his owner aware of any important sound by running between the sound and the owner until attention is paid, gently nudging an owner who is asleep, or pulling the owner from harm’s way.

Aid Dogs are trained to assist physically disabled people with tasks requiring dexterity or mobility. This variety of tasks include picking up items dropped on the floor to bringing in the mail or turning light switches on and off. These skills are taught to a Labrador by building on his natural intelligence, retrieving instincts, gentle nature, and his desire to please. After mastering a battery of advanced obedience techniques, each dog is placed with his disabled owner and taught the specific chores he will be required to perform in the home.

With an arthritis sufferer, for example, the Aid Dog will retrieve or carry objects as commanded. With a more severely handicapped individual, such as a wheel-chair-bound stroke victim or paraplegic, a system of communicating with the dog may also have to be devised to replace vocal commands or hand signals. Aid Dogs learn to assist their owners by performing many of the physical tasks they are unable to handle, in this way widening the owners’ abilities to take an active role in the world around them.

Making Life Easier For The Handicapped courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Staying Overnight With Your Dog

So finally you and your dog are ready to leave for the show with all of your equipment ready in the car.  You should perhaps place a cover on the upholstery and some newspapers on the floor of the car if your dog has not been car broken.  Don’t feed him or give him any water in the morning before the trip if he isn’t car broken.  Incidentally, car breaking is something you can do long before you start to show a dog.  Start when he is a puppy, with short rides daily.  He will soon love it, and you will have no further trouble.  Some dogs are wonderful riders and never have to be car-broken; Others never quite get used to riding. You are lucky if your dog is a natural rider.

Now is a good time to mention a few helpful hints about staying overnight with your dog when you take him to a show.  Years ago it was not much of a problem, as almost all hotels allowed you to bring your dog into your room.  However, so many people abused the privilege that the hotels have had to put an end to the practice.  There are still some hotels and some motels which will allow the dogs in the rooms, and usually the show-giving club prints the names of these establishments nearest the show grounds in the premium list.  You can also obtain a booklet listing the names of hotels and motor courts which offer accommodations for guests accompanied by their dogs.  Some establishments which accept dogs conditionally require that you sign a form stating that you will be responsible for any damage your dog may do.

No matter how well housebroken your dog is, or how accustomed he may be to staying in your house alone, when he gets in a strange place and is left completely alone he worries and frets and usually gets into trouble of some sort.  He may soil the rug, tear the bed-spread, chew on the furniture, or just plain bark and howl.  The folks in the room next to yours will certainly complain.  Now I know you cannot take the dog into a dining room with you and you probably will be hungry after the trip; but see if you can’t arrange to leave the dog in your car, particularly if he is accustomed to it and enjoys sleeping in it, at least until you finish eating and until you are ready to go to your room for the night.  When you are with him he will probably settle down and be the angel he is at home and you will save yourself a lot of trouble and money.  Besides, you owe it to other exhibitors and dog lovers who do manage to keep their dogs out of mischief, to see to it that the few hotels and motels who now allow you this privilege of having your dog with you, continue to do so. If your dog is accustomed to going out early in the morning, leave a call and get up at the same time and take him out.

Staying Overnight With Your Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful magnet showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Crate Training Your Golden Retriever

You’re going to have to get over your old idea that crates are punishment for dogs. The truth is that your Golden Retriever will love his crate. It’s a safe place that satisfies his natural instinct for his den. All dogs are instinctively den-dwelling creatures, and his crate may be an excellent substitute that meets your Golden Retriever’s genetic need for a warm, safe place, particularly when he’s afraid or confused. At the same time, it’s not a good idea to let your Golden stay in his crate for hours on end, as this could cause other behavioral problems that will be difficult to solve.

When you bring your Golden Retriever puppy home for the first time, the open crate should already be there in the spot you want it to be permanently. The crate should probably be located centrally in the house but not in a high-traffic area. Many people leave their crate near an outside door so that their Golden Retriever can go outside to potty when h needs to. Put a toy, a dog treat, or a blanket in the crate to provide a point of interest or comfort.

But don’t take the puppy to the crate or put him in it. Just let him roam the house, sniffing everything and finding his way around. Your Golden Retriever puppy will find the crate, and he’ll probably want to visit it often. When your Golden Retriever puppy finds and enters the crate, give him lots of praise. If the puppy seems to want to stay for a while, you can close the door to see how he’ll react.

Stay nearby at first and, if the puppy whines, reassure him with gentle words. If he gets upset, excited or is barking, don’t let him out of the crate. This will reward the puppy for bad behavior. Rather, leave your puppy in the crate until he calms down. Then opening the door will be a reward for good behavior. Once the puppy is comfortable with the crate, it’ll be safe to leave him in it now and then, for example when you have to leave the house for a little while. After your Golden Retriever puppy gets used to his new home and family, you can leave the crate door open. He’ll probably start to wander in and out of the crate. Remember, praise him while he’s in the crate to reinforce the behavior.

It will take some time to crate train your new Golden Retriever puppy, but not nearly as long as you may think. Crates can be a safe haven for your puppy, so never use it as punishment or a “time out.” Consistently show your Golden Retriever that his crate is his own private home, his place and his alone. Natural instinct and positive reinforcement will accomplish the desired behavior.

Crate Training Your Golden Retriever courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Why Should Great Danes Never Have Table Scraps?

Great Danes need a nutritional and well balanced diet, this is essential for their health and growth. Quality premium dog food as well as the way you feed these dogs is the key to your Great Danes’ long and healthy life. For this breed, table scraps are not recommended as a substitute or supplement to their normal daily dietary requirements.

Great Danes need to be fed a few times a day in order to reduce the risk of bloating or torsion. Puppies may feed up to four times a day until they reach about 6 months of age. As these dogs reach maturity they will let you know when they are ready to reduce their meals to twice a day by eating less. This breed should always be fed at least twice a day, never less.

Adding natural foods to your Great Dane’s diet may reduce the nutritional content of their food. This may mean less vitamins and minerals that will ultimately cause health problems. Many owners don’t understand the importance of the types of foods we give to our Great Danes. Some foods we give them lack the required nutrients and contain something entirely different. Soy products are to be avoided as they can cause gas that may contribute towards bloat. Table scraps or other food that changes daily tend to cause digestive issues rather than the same diet each day.

Table scraps may also cause your Great Dane to gain too much weight which can cause developmental problems while they are young and still growing. Some human foods may also cause deficiencies in some much needed vitamins and minerals or contain too much protein. Selecting the right blend of vitamins and minerals in their diet is most important. Purchasing a food bowl tower has also aided in avoiding bloat and other bowel issues to this breed.

Maintaining a low weight for these gentle giants is extremely important. Most pups consume about 1½ to 2 cups of kibble 3 times a day. As they grow their food intake will increase up to 4 cups twice daily until they are about 4 – 6 months of age. Staying on this type of food will help keep your dog and tip top form without gaining excess weight.

The following is a list of suitable brands that are recommended by Breeders and Vets, as they cater to the dietary requirements of Great Danes. Try these, Eagle Pack, Solid Gold Wolf Cub, Canidae, Back to Basics, Wellness, Natures Variety, Innova, Pet Guard, Artemis and Spectrum are but a few well known brands suitable for maintaining a healthy and happy dog.

So when it comes down to feeding your Great Dane, make sure the product is of high quality and covers all the nutritional requirements. Homemade dog food and food bowl towers are also beneficial for your Great Dane’s health. Steer clear of table scraps to avoid any unnecessary health problems and you and your Dane will enjoy the company of each other for years to come.

Why Should Great Danes Never Have Table Scraps courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a license plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com