The Day Of The Show

Here are the things to take along which are considered necessities: the identification card and dog show ticket, a water pan (although you can always use the cardboard ones supplied by feed companies at most shows), a sponge and towel, a bench collar and bench chain or wire bench crate, a show lead, and finally, a comb and brush.  If you use a tack crate (a crate with drawers), these very useful and necessary articles may be permanently stored in the drawers and will always be ready to go.  If you do not use a tack crate, you will probably “latch on” to an old brief case or small overnight bag which will accompany you to shows, and these things can be stored in it and will always be ready to go.

Here are some things you can also take along if you wish: trimming tools, a bucket (if your water pan is large enough perhaps you will use that, but if your breed is a large one, which may need a lot of cleaning up, the bucket will come in handy), a first-aid kit (you never know what may happen), a thermos of water or coffee, lunch, and a change of shoes for your weary feet.  Everything in this list may be prepared the night before and placed with the necessities.

In the morning, exercise your dog carefully.  If you have a pen for him, fine; otherwise don’t turn him loose; he may wade through a puddle, or, worse, he may chase a passing cat and make you late for your arrival.  I have seen this happen to a friend of mine: the dog decided to take off one morning before a show and they didn’t catch up with him until it was too late to go to the show at all.

Watch to see if your dog evacuates.  If he doesn’t, you will want to give him the opportunity to do so immediately upon arriving at the show.  If not then, try again before he goes into the ring.  Your dog will show better for you if this act has been performed.  However, it happens that no matter how many opportunities you may give a dog to evacuate before he goes into the ring he will decide that right now, in the ring, is the time.  If it happens to you, don’t die of embarrassment.  Remember, it has happened before to others.  Just try, if possible without interrupting the dog, to maneuver him to the side or end of the ring and stay there until he has finished.  When he has finished, go on with whatever you were doing.

The Day Of The Show courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cute plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Studying The Results Of Experienced Handlers

Good advice for people who want to show their dog is to watch the good handlers in your breed.  It is also wise of you to know your breed well.  Here is one very good reason why this is important:  A novice watches a good handler show a dog.  He sees the handler place his hand on the dog’s rump, between the hipbones and the tail set.  The handler makes sure the judge has seen him do this.  The judge looks at the same spot on the other dogs in the class and gives the first prize to the handler of whom we’re speaking.  The novice, if he doesn’t know why the handler acted as he did, mimics the handler when he shows his dog but with disastrous results.  Why?  The novice did not know he was pointing out a fault in his dog whereas the handler was pointing out a good spot on his dog.  The Standard of perfection for the breed in question states that this breed should have a medium-high tail set.  The smart handler noticed when he came into the ring that his dog had a very good tail set but the other dogs in the ring were faulty at this spot.

Where the competition is keen, these things count quite a lot.  The handler placed his hand on his dog’s good spot, the judge saw it, recognized that the dog excelled here, looked at the other dogs, realized that they were faulty here, and gave the award to the handler.  The novice, if he doesn’t know his breed, does the same thing, but instead of pointing out his dog’s good spot, he points out what may be his dog’s main fault, a poor tail set.  The same situation might exist regarding throat on a dog, or clean-cut shoulders, or good feet, or any number of spots where a dog excels, when pointed out, it may help the decision come your way.

It is best if you do not try to point out good or bad parts of your dog until you know very well what they are and how best to point them out, and until you are able to recognize as soon as you enter the ring whether or not it is to your advantage to point them out.  When you feel you do know, please don’t be obnoxious about it.  If you cannot do it in a nice way, don’t do it at all.

At times during a dog show there has been two excited handlers who decided to show the judge how good their dogs were.  They got so intent on what they were doing, each trying to outdo the other, that the judge became annoyed.  He said they were insulting his intelligence – that he could and would find the dog of his liking without any further help from the handlers.  This could prove disastrous results for you if not taken into account during  a dog show.

Studying The Results Of Experienced Handlers courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a holiday magnet showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Conformation… Can I Handle My Own Dog In The Ring?

Showing dogs can be a wonderful and fun activity, whether you are very competitive or just looking for something for your family to enjoy.  People getting their first showdog have lots of questions.  One of the first things people want to know is whether or not they can handle their own dog in the ring or whether they need to hire a professional handler.  The answer depends on several factors.

Anyone at all can enter a dog show.  Anyone in good standing with a kennel club (that is, someone who has not broken the rules previously and been denied the privilege).  You don’t have to meet any particular criteria.  And any dog registered with that kennel club can be entered in a dog show held by that kennel club.  That means that if you have an AKC registered Pug you can enter your dog in any dog show sanctioned by the American Kennel Club in the United States.  You can find information about upcoming shows around the country (posted a few weeks prior to the show) on a kennel club’s web site or in magazines, pay the entry fee, and enter a show.  It’s that simple.  There is no mystery or mystique to it.  You will receive information in the mail telling you the time to be there, your ring number, and your armband number.  You then show up on the day of the show, tell the ring steward you are there so you can pick up your armband number, and go in the ring for your class so the judge can judge your dog.  That’s all there is to it.

Of course, there is a lot more to it.  In some breeds there may be a lot of dogs entered and the competition may be very fierce.  In other breeds you could be the only entry so you would almost automatically win Best of Breed.  Entries also vary around the country.  There may be lots of Irish Wolfhounds entered in California but none entered in shows in Texas, so geography can play a role in how much competition people face.  There could be ten male dogs entered and only two female dogs, so the competition would be much harder for the boys.  But at the next show it could be reversed.  It often depends on who decides to enter, or how far someone wants to drive for a show.  People may ask friends who is entering a show but this information is not always reliable.

Novices can and do show their own dogs in the showring.  They can even win.  It may take a little practice but everyone was a beginner at one time.  Amateur handlers or owner-handlers can successfully compete against professionals, especially in the breed ring where points are won for championships.  The amateur handler has the advantage of actually living with his dog and knowing him better than anyone.  Many professional handlers only “pick up” a dog the day of the dog show at ringside.  They may barely know the dog they are showing.  Professionals have excellent dog skills and grooming skills, but amateurs know their dogs and their dogs love them.

In order to successfully compete against the professional handler the amateur will have to work hard on his grooming skills, especially with longhaired dogs and terriers.  Look for books about your breed and make sure your dog is groomed to look like the show dogs pictured in it.  Ask for help from your dog’s breeder or other people who show their dogs.  Make sure toenails are kept short.  Most professional handlers show dogs with very short toenails while many amateurs have dogs with toenails that are too long.

Professionals also have expert handling skills in the ring.  Practice handling your dog.  Watch the best professional handlers and imitate them.  Go to handling classes with your dog.  You will also notice that professionals dress for success.  Many amateur handlers appear sloppy next to the professional handlers in the ring.  You can improve your chances of winning by dressing more sharply.  The overall picture you and your dog make together counts for a lot.  Practice with your dog in front of a mirror to see how you look.  Watch dog shows on TV to see how people pose your breed in the ring.  Visit a few dog shows before you enter one so you can get the hang of what goes on.

Pro handlers are not only good at what they do, they attract good dogs.  Sometimes they win because they are better handlers even when they don’t have the best dog, but many times they actually have good dogs.  Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that they are only beating you because the judge knows them.  They are pros for a reason.  They have been practicing their skills for a long time and people would not be hiring them if they didn’t know how to present a good dog.  Many professional handlers began showing as kids so they have a great deal of experience.  They can make a good dog look even better.  But they can still be beaten if you also have a good dog.  Groom your dog to look his best, practice your own handling skills and you have a good chance of winning.  You’ll feel great when you beat the pros.  But keep in mind that professional handlers are not the “enemy.”  Many of them are quite friendly and willing to give you tips with your dog if you speak to them after the show.

Showing dogs is fun.  Whether you are thinking about it as an activity for a youngster in your family or for yourself, it’s a great way to spend time with your dog.  You can win.  You can beat the pros.  Many amateur handlers are competing at the highest levels of the sport.  Watch the best handlers and beat them at their own game.

Conformation… Can I Handle My Own Dog In The Ring courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely holiday throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Staying Overnight With Your Dog

So finally you and your dog are ready to leave for the show with all of your equipment ready in the car.  You should perhaps place a cover on the upholstery and some newspapers on the floor of the car if your dog has not been car broken.  Don’t feed him or give him any water in the morning before the trip if he isn’t car broken.  Incidentally, car breaking is something you can do long before you start to show a dog.  Start when he is a puppy, with short rides daily.  He will soon love it, and you will have no further trouble.  Some dogs are wonderful riders and never have to be car-broken; Others never quite get used to riding. You are lucky if your dog is a natural rider.

Now is a good time to mention a few helpful hints about staying overnight with your dog when you take him to a show.  Years ago it was not much of a problem, as almost all hotels allowed you to bring your dog into your room.  However, so many people abused the privilege that the hotels have had to put an end to the practice.  There are still some hotels and some motels which will allow the dogs in the rooms, and usually the show-giving club prints the names of these establishments nearest the show grounds in the premium list.  You can also obtain a booklet listing the names of hotels and motor courts which offer accommodations for guests accompanied by their dogs.  Some establishments which accept dogs conditionally require that you sign a form stating that you will be responsible for any damage your dog may do.

No matter how well housebroken your dog is, or how accustomed he may be to staying in your house alone, when he gets in a strange place and is left completely alone he worries and frets and usually gets into trouble of some sort.  He may soil the rug, tear the bed-spread, chew on the furniture, or just plain bark and howl.  The folks in the room next to yours will certainly complain.  Now I know you cannot take the dog into a dining room with you and you probably will be hungry after the trip; but see if you can’t arrange to leave the dog in your car, particularly if he is accustomed to it and enjoys sleeping in it, at least until you finish eating and until you are ready to go to your room for the night.  When you are with him he will probably settle down and be the angel he is at home and you will save yourself a lot of trouble and money.  Besides, you owe it to other exhibitors and dog lovers who do manage to keep their dogs out of mischief, to see to it that the few hotels and motels who now allow you this privilege of having your dog with you, continue to do so. If your dog is accustomed to going out early in the morning, leave a call and get up at the same time and take him out.

Staying Overnight With Your Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful magnet showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


The Joy Of Attending A Live Dog Show

The atmosphere of most any dog show is that if extreme excitement and happiness, almost too exciting, especially during the early hours of the show day.  Everyone arriving is wearing a smile, even if a bit forced and tense, everyone is wearing his or her best manners as well as best clothes.  They are waving hello to friends they haven’t seen for almost a year as well as to those they saw just last night.  Most are hurrying to find a spot to place their equipment so that they can rush to get their car parked, rush to get a ringside seat, so that they can place an article on it, and rush back to prepare their dogs for the big entrance into the ring.

Meanwhile, under the handler’s tent the job of cleaning up the dogs after their journey goes on with a last-minute check on trimming, a last-minute check of the show lead, a bit more combing and brushing, with many fingers crossed and silent prayers being said.  Thermos bottles of steaming hot coffee are very much in evidence, so much so that a crate top or table top will be completely covered with plastic or paper cups, some full of coffee, some emptied.

On one table a dog is being sprayed with something that smells like perfume but which is actually just giving a shine to the coat.  Another dog will be getting a rubdown with something that smells like alcohol.  It is being used to wipe away the dust which has been attracted to the dark sleek coat.  Nearby, someone is furiously throwing medicinally scented talcum powder on the snow-white coat of his charge who either is still wet from a bath or who did not get a bath and whose owner is now trying to whiten him with the powder (This powder must be completely removed before the dog is shown).

Almost every crate or table has a bucket or pan of water setting on it or under it or next to it, and frequently a nervous person will drop some piece of equipment into it or stumble over it and get his new suit all splashed.  Every so often a dog will look longingly at a bucket of water and get tired of waiting until it is offered to him, jump down from his crate, and help himself until the owner is able to reach him and place him on the table again, where he must then be all dried off with a towel.

Occasionally you will hear the shouts of congratulations from a happy group gathering to look over a dog who has just made a nice win, and occasionally you will hear a warning cry go up from someone who did not carefully lock the exercise pen and from which one or two or more dogs are making their escape, or from someone whose dog has decided to take a piece out of another dog and who needs help in separating the quarreling dogs.  You will hear high-pitched barks, deep, low barks, yelps, howls, growls, and all the other types of canine noises.  If you look over your shoulder you are bound to see a young woman crying, either because her dog has just won or because her dog has not won either one can bring on the tears.

The Joy Of Attending A Live Dog Show courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a set of coasters showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com