10 Things You Should Know About Your New Puppy

Just about everybody loves a puppy.  What’s not to love?  Okay, maybe there are a few things — like accidents in the house, chewing your things, nipping…

Here are a few things that you should know about your new puppy:

1.  When you bring your new puppy home he doesn’t know very much.  He’s spent most of the first weeks of his life living with his mother and siblings, who are dogs.  That means he knows some basic dog things, like how to whimper and bark to get attention.  He knows how to poop on papers.  His breeder may have taught him a few things but there wasn’t time to teach him very much.  Your puppy is pretty much a blank slate.  It’s up to you to teach him everything he needs to know.

2.  Your puppy is a little animal, not a small person in a furry suit.  He has animal instincts and will always react as an animal when he doesn’t know what to do.  That means that your puppy can bite and scratch and hurt somebody if he’s not supervised and trained.  He needs training while he’s young so that he doesn’t grow up to be a badly-behaved dog.

3.  Puppies need socialization.  Socialization is the process of introducing your puppy to the big, wide world and everything in it.  Your puppy needs to go places, see new things and meet people.  He should learn that new things and new people are good.  Socialization teaches a puppy to be confident and helps him later in life.  Puppies that are well-socialized tend not to develop behavior problems later on.

4.  You should begin training your puppy early.  You can train a dog throughout his life but it’s always easier and advisable to start training a puppy when he’s young.  Teach your puppy good manners and some basic obedience skills like Sit and Come.  You can take him to Puppy Preschool or Puppy Kindergarten classes where he can learn some simple obedience and enjoy some socialization at the same time.

5.  Your puppy will most likely chew on things so you should try to “puppy proof” your house as much as possible.  Put away your shoes and other things that he can reach.  When your puppy chews on things take them away.  If you catch your puppy in the act of chewing on something he’s not supposed to chew on, you can correct him (no physical punishments).  Otherwise, if you don’t catch him, you should let it go.  There is no point in correcting a puppy or dog for something that has already happened. Your puppy or dog won’t know why they’re being corrected.

6.  Puppies may nip, bite too hard when playing or simply get too raucous.  When they do, you should stop playing with them and ignore them.  If they continue, you should call a time-out.  Time-outs work with puppies just as they do with children.  If your puppy nips you, you should yelp and let him know it hurts.  If he even touches his teeth to your skin, yelp and don’t play with him.  If you stop playing with him whenever he tries to nip he will stop nipping.

7.  If you have children teach them that they can’t mistreat a puppy.  Tell them not to stare at a puppy or otherwise make the puppy uncomfortable.  They puppy may lunge at them.  And, if they run away screaming from a puppy, the puppy will chase them.  Not all kids are happy about that fact.  Children under six should be supervised when they play with puppies.

8.  Puppies may whine and bark and whimper for attention.  Sometimes you will have to ignore them, especially if you want to get any sleep.

9.  Do make sure that your puppy gets all of his vaccinations on schedule.  See that he takes heartworm preventive and flea medication if he needs it in your area.  Your puppy’s health and well-being depend on proper veterinary care.  You should also make sure that you are feeding him a good dog food with meat protein sources.

10.  Puppies are adorable and they will make you do whatever they want.

Those are a few things you should know about puppies.  Have fun with your puppy and may he (or she) grow up to be a wonderful dog.

10 Things You Should Know About Your New Puppy courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a puzzle showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Dog Assisted Therapy

Many people are familiar with the idea of pet therapy, or “animal assisted activities.”  Less familiar is the practice of “Animal Assisted Therapy.”  Animal assisted activities generally refer to pet visits in hospitals and residential care facilities, while Animal Assisted Therapy is a much more focused use of a pet to help in the treatment program of a particular patient.

Animal Assisted Therapy usually has specific and measurable objectives.  It’s part of a carefully designed treatment program that matches one animal to one patient.  A “therapy dog” and his trained handler work with a medical professional to help a patient who may have a severe mental and/or physical disability.  The patient is encouraged to interact with the therapy dog.  This interaction is increased gradually.  In the beginning the patient may only observe the dog or be encouraged to touch him.  Later the patient may be confident enough to brush the dog or put the dog’s collar on, or even to walk the dog.  The medical professionals will maintain progress records during treatment.

Dogs are ideal participants in this Animal Assisted Therapy.  They are nonjudgmental, they do not pressure the patient, and they are very patient.  They are also very empathetic.  The patient can also feel useful by grooming and walking the dog, which can be an important part of patient recovery.  Therapeutic interactions between dogs and patients have been shown to exist in studies.

Animal assisted activities, or pet visits with therapy dogs, are less formal in nature.  Their benefits may vary depending on the needs and conditions of the patients participating.  There is no formal treatment plan or schedule involved and they generally are not set up for one-to-one visits between patient and pet.  These visits usually take place in hospital settings or assisted living homes or in nursing homes.  They change the routine of the residents and cheer people up.  These visits can be very beneficial, however, appealing to people who may have shut themselves off from others.  Pets can stir emotions that people may not have acknowledged.  There are examples of patients who have not spoken in over a year who have begun speaking to visiting dogs.

Many institutions are continuing the idea of pet therapy with a “resident pet.”  A resident pet is a cat or dog that becomes a permanent resident of a facility and has free run of the place.  Each resident has an owner’s interest in the animal and can look forward to assisting in the animal’s care.  In some places a full course of therapy has been built around the care and feeding of the resident pet, giving residents something to look forward to.  Residents meet to discuss the animal’s care and other matters relating to the animal.  They may develop their own charts and schedules to take care of him or her.  Of course the staff must watch out to avoid problems of jealousy over the pet and caring for him.

Characteristics that make for a good therapy dog are more about temperament than training.  Of course such dogs do require basic obedience training, but personality plays a crucial role in determining which dogs will succeed as animal assistance dogs.  Patients, residents and even staff will react to the dogs in these programs in varying ways.  Some people will be outgoing and show emotion; others will be quite shy.  The dogs must be able to respond to a variety of emotions and remain calm.  They must have stable temperaments, even if patients lunge to grab them or make loud noises.  Dogs may also need to accept various medical equipment and hospital noises in some cases.  When considering a dog for these circumstances you would discount dogs that are nervous or high strung or one that doesn’t like to socialize.

Many studies have shown the benefits and importance of pet therapy.  Pets have been helpful with AIDS patients, cancer patients, the elderly and the mentally ill.  One study has even determined that petting a dog can lower blood pressure.  Another study found that pets can help reduce stress-related illnesses.  According to a study at City Hospital in New York, heart patients who owned pets lived longer than those who had no pets.  In fact, owning a pet was even more significant to long term survival than whether a person had a spouse or friends.  That’s rather amazing.  Pets can make a remarkable difference in our lives.

Dog Assisted Therapy courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Beginner’s Guide to an Australian Shepherd Pup

The origins of the Australian Shepherd aren’t actually grounded on the continent of Australia. The predecessors to the breed did make a small trip to Australia, but they quickly moved on to the western United States. Since the previous owners came from Australia, the name stuck. With their movements came sheep and that’s what they were trained to work with. In the 1800’s the breed was fine tuned giving it several unique characteristics. It is a nice compact, medium sized dog averaging 45 to 50 pounds in weight and 20” high at the shoulders. Their coats have a soft, thick undercoat with a slightly wiry top coat. This allows them to be physically able to live outside, but they need human contact and thus are not emotionally suited to a life in the yard.

Understanding a dog’s history goes a long way to understanding a breed as a whole. As a herding dog, Australian Shepherds like to herd children, cats, other dogs and anything they may perceive as livestock. This is an instinct that has been selectively bred into the Aussie. You may not see this behavior early on in your puppy’s life, but as they mature, you will begin to notice the signs of herding (like nipping at heels, body slamming, posturing, stare downs and the like). You want to prepare your Australian Shepherd with training to help curb that behavior into an appropriate release – no nipping on human heels. As the Australian Shepherd is a quick learner, you may find your training progresses easily, but don’t let that fool you. Keep instilling the trained behaviors in then, not to prevent their inherent instincts from coming out, but to control them when they do.

One of the most important things to teach an Australian Shepherd puppy is the “come” command. As herders and subtle guardians, they need a good recall instilled in them. Aussies are not only intelligent, quick learners, they are problem solvers. This ability allows them to make decisions, some good and some bad. Other commands like sit, stay, no, run and fetch are great to teach them early on. You also want to get them used to a routine. Set up play time, run time and relax time and stick to it. This will help you to keep your Australian Shepherd out of trouble as they will know what to expect and can look forward to it.

When they grow up, your Australian Shepherd will need to be exercised on a daily basis. This is where extensive training comes. You can begin to train your puppy to stay for longer periods of time before they chase after that tennis ball. They can be trained to perform helpful tasks like pulling the kids up a small slope on a sled. Agility training is also a great and fun outlet for their energy and mental stimulation.

An Australian Shepherd makes a great companion for families, individuals, farms, etc. and with the proper training and exercise can be lifelong partners (their average lifespan is 13 years). So, be sure to start training early, set up a schedule that is enjoyable for all and most importantly have fun with your Aussie.

Beginner’s Guide to an Australian Shepherd Pup courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Staying Overnight With Your Dog

So finally you and your dog are ready to leave for the show with all of your equipment ready in the car.  You should perhaps place a cover on the upholstery and some newspapers on the floor of the car if your dog has not been car broken.  Don’t feed him or give him any water in the morning before the trip if he isn’t car broken.  Incidentally, car breaking is something you can do long before you start to show a dog.  Start when he is a puppy, with short rides daily.  He will soon love it, and you will have no further trouble.  Some dogs are wonderful riders and never have to be car-broken; Others never quite get used to riding. You are lucky if your dog is a natural rider.

Now is a good time to mention a few helpful hints about staying overnight with your dog when you take him to a show.  Years ago it was not much of a problem, as almost all hotels allowed you to bring your dog into your room.  However, so many people abused the privilege that the hotels have had to put an end to the practice.  There are still some hotels and some motels which will allow the dogs in the rooms, and usually the show-giving club prints the names of these establishments nearest the show grounds in the premium list.  You can also obtain a booklet listing the names of hotels and motor courts which offer accommodations for guests accompanied by their dogs.  Some establishments which accept dogs conditionally require that you sign a form stating that you will be responsible for any damage your dog may do.

No matter how well housebroken your dog is, or how accustomed he may be to staying in your house alone, when he gets in a strange place and is left completely alone he worries and frets and usually gets into trouble of some sort.  He may soil the rug, tear the bed-spread, chew on the furniture, or just plain bark and howl.  The folks in the room next to yours will certainly complain.  Now I know you cannot take the dog into a dining room with you and you probably will be hungry after the trip; but see if you can’t arrange to leave the dog in your car, particularly if he is accustomed to it and enjoys sleeping in it, at least until you finish eating and until you are ready to go to your room for the night.  When you are with him he will probably settle down and be the angel he is at home and you will save yourself a lot of trouble and money.  Besides, you owe it to other exhibitors and dog lovers who do manage to keep their dogs out of mischief, to see to it that the few hotels and motels who now allow you this privilege of having your dog with you, continue to do so. If your dog is accustomed to going out early in the morning, leave a call and get up at the same time and take him out.

Staying Overnight With Your Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful magnet showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Guide To Service And Assistance Dogs

Dogs are often said to be man’s best friend, and they certainly are, but there are some dogs out there who go above and beyond the call of that loving bond. From police service to personal guides to herding sheep or cattle, service dogs offer a lot to their trainers and masters.

In addition to working for us, there are some particularly trained dogs out there who work with us. Assistance dogs are there to aid those who have some sort of limitation and may not be able to get around without the help of a well trained four-legged friend. Those who are disabled and having an assistance dog will be more than willing to tell you how essential their animal is to their everyday life.

A short list of the different ways assistance dogs can aid the disabled is as follows:

Guide or ‘Seeing Eye’ Dogs:

If you were to ask someone about assistance dogs, this would be the first one that comes to mind. These dogs are specially trained to help those who are visually impaired  function more easily and safely in the everyday world. These dogs help their masters find their way around, get up stairs and cross streets. An indispensable tool to those who need them, they keep their masters safe in situations that could otherwise be dangerous.

Hearing Dogs:

Hearing dogs aid those who are hearing impaired. They are trained to get their owner’s attention when they hear specific noises. When someone comes to the door, calls on the phone, or when they hear a horn (among other sounds), they alert their masters to the sound.

Mobility Assistance Dogs:

For those of us who have a hard time getting around, these animals are trained to pull their wheelchairs, carry small equipment and items in their special doggy service backpacks and other such tasks.

Seizure Response/Alert Dogs:

These dogs are with their master all of the time and constantly on the look out for trouble. In case of cardiac arrest or seizure, they are trained to hit a certain button connected to a special phone line that directly dials 911. The 911 operators recognize that the incoming call is coming from a service dog line and will notify paramedics that there may be an emergency with the registered owner of the service dog.

Psychiatric Service Dogs:
For those with severe mental illness or phobias, these dogs are continually by their side and offer emotional comfort and security to their owners. Service dog owners with autism are helped to stay focused by their psychiatric service dog. This working dog provides a stable and constant relationship for their owners to seek comfort in.

Combination Service Dogs:

For some owners with multiple limitations or disabilities, their service dogs are trained to perform multiple assistance jobs. Their impressive ability to learn to aid their owners with more than one limitation is only surpassed by their consistency in doing their jobs. These dogs become a big necessity to their master’s lives and are widely recognized as very intelligent and very hard working.

The tasks these service animals learn are vital to their owners’ lives, but just as important is the constant companionship and comfort they offer to their masters. They function as helpers, but they are also incredible friends.

Guide To Service And Assistance Dogs courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com