Dog Assisted Therapy

Many people are familiar with the idea of pet therapy, or “animal assisted activities.”  Less familiar is the practice of “Animal Assisted Therapy.”  Animal assisted activities generally refer to pet visits in hospitals and residential care facilities, while Animal Assisted Therapy is a much more focused use of a pet to help in the treatment program of a particular patient.

Animal Assisted Therapy usually has specific and measurable objectives.  It’s part of a carefully designed treatment program that matches one animal to one patient.  A “therapy dog” and his trained handler work with a medical professional to help a patient who may have a severe mental and/or physical disability.  The patient is encouraged to interact with the therapy dog.  This interaction is increased gradually.  In the beginning the patient may only observe the dog or be encouraged to touch him.  Later the patient may be confident enough to brush the dog or put the dog’s collar on, or even to walk the dog.  The medical professionals will maintain progress records during treatment.

Dogs are ideal participants in this Animal Assisted Therapy.  They are nonjudgmental, they do not pressure the patient, and they are very patient.  They are also very empathetic.  The patient can also feel useful by grooming and walking the dog, which can be an important part of patient recovery.  Therapeutic interactions between dogs and patients have been shown to exist in studies.

Animal assisted activities, or pet visits with therapy dogs, are less formal in nature.  Their benefits may vary depending on the needs and conditions of the patients participating.  There is no formal treatment plan or schedule involved and they generally are not set up for one-to-one visits between patient and pet.  These visits usually take place in hospital settings or assisted living homes or in nursing homes.  They change the routine of the residents and cheer people up.  These visits can be very beneficial, however, appealing to people who may have shut themselves off from others.  Pets can stir emotions that people may not have acknowledged.  There are examples of patients who have not spoken in over a year who have begun speaking to visiting dogs.

Many institutions are continuing the idea of pet therapy with a “resident pet.”  A resident pet is a cat or dog that becomes a permanent resident of a facility and has free run of the place.  Each resident has an owner’s interest in the animal and can look forward to assisting in the animal’s care.  In some places a full course of therapy has been built around the care and feeding of the resident pet, giving residents something to look forward to.  Residents meet to discuss the animal’s care and other matters relating to the animal.  They may develop their own charts and schedules to take care of him or her.  Of course the staff must watch out to avoid problems of jealousy over the pet and caring for him.

Characteristics that make for a good therapy dog are more about temperament than training.  Of course such dogs do require basic obedience training, but personality plays a crucial role in determining which dogs will succeed as animal assistance dogs.  Patients, residents and even staff will react to the dogs in these programs in varying ways.  Some people will be outgoing and show emotion; others will be quite shy.  The dogs must be able to respond to a variety of emotions and remain calm.  They must have stable temperaments, even if patients lunge to grab them or make loud noises.  Dogs may also need to accept various medical equipment and hospital noises in some cases.  When considering a dog for these circumstances you would discount dogs that are nervous or high strung or one that doesn’t like to socialize.

Many studies have shown the benefits and importance of pet therapy.  Pets have been helpful with AIDS patients, cancer patients, the elderly and the mentally ill.  One study has even determined that petting a dog can lower blood pressure.  Another study found that pets can help reduce stress-related illnesses.  According to a study at City Hospital in New York, heart patients who owned pets lived longer than those who had no pets.  In fact, owning a pet was even more significant to long term survival than whether a person had a spouse or friends.  That’s rather amazing.  Pets can make a remarkable difference in our lives.

Dog Assisted Therapy courtesy Dog Articles.

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Can You Catch A Disease From Your Dog?

We all love our four legged friends, but is there a possibility we may catch something from them?

Most everyone is familiar with tales of rabid animals, dogs included. Animals that foam at the mouth, go insane and are more than willing to bite. Chances are, you’ve never met a rabid animal, but you’ve certainly heard of one.

If you’ve ever been bitten by a dog, you’ll know that one of the things they have to do is rabies testing on the animal to make sure there is no way you could contract the disease from the bite.

Obviously, if there’s this much concern, there is definitely the potential for you contracting an illness or disease because of your dog.

Rabies is what is called a Zoonotic Disease. Derived from the Greek word “zoon”, or animal, and “nosos”, or ill, zoonotic diseases are diseases that can be transmitted from a wild or domesticated animal to a human (or vice versa).

While these diseases are relatively rare, they are still something to be considered when approaching strange or stray dogs as well as when handling your own.

Even if your animal does not appear to be ill, he could easily have a parasite you aren’t aware of. For example, hookworms can be present in the feces and (consequently) the salvia of an otherwise healthy dog without your knowledge. If you or your child were to let your dog “kiss” them while he is infected with hookworm, it could very easily be spread to you or your child. This demonstrates the importance of worming your animal early on and making sure your animal has regular check ups.

Hookworms, rabies, salmonella, roundworms, fleas, lyme disease, tapeworms, giardia, ringworm and other bacterial, fungal and parasitic illnesses are zoonotic and can be caught from your animal.

The best solution here is preventative maintenance. For one, always be sure to take your animal to the vet for regular check ups and for his routine vaccinations. If your animal is not sick, there is no way you can catch a sickness from him.

Also, do not handle animal feces directly. Always wear gloves or use a doggy poop bag when handling your animal’s waste. Also, always be sure to pick up any animal waste in your home quickly if there is the potential for your child to come in contact with it.

Wash your hands frequently when handling any animal. At the very least, be sure that wash your hands in between handling an animal and eating or touching your mouth in other ways. Use caution around strange dogs. Even if they appear healthy and friendly, they way very well be carrying a parasitic or fungal infection which could be contagious to you.

While it seems like there is much to be wary about in terms of your animal (or other animals) infecting you, remember that the list of zoonotic diseases is very short in comparison to the number of diseases you can catch from another human. As long as you are sure to worm your animal, treat them with flea/tick treatment if necessary, take them to regular vet check ups and stay hygienic when handling animals, you have very little to worry about.

Can You Catch A Disease From Your Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

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How to Identify Canine Health Problems

It’s a truism that our dogs can’t talk to us.  They can’t tell us how they feel or if there is something ailing them. In fact, most dogs tend to hide ailments.  Your dog may have an injury or be in pain and you might not know it for several days unless you are paying close attention to any departure from his normal behavior.

You can learn to tell if your dog has a health problem by doing the following:

1.  Pay attention to your dog’s daily routine.  Did he finish his food?  Did he follow his usual bathroom habits?  Is he drinking his normal amount of water?  More?  Less?  All of these things can tell you important information about your dog’s health.  They are often first indicators that something may be wrong with your dog.

2.  How is your dog’s overall condition?  Has he lost weight?  Gained weight?  Is his coat shiny or is it looking bad?  Again, these are important indicators that your dog may be experiencing a change in his health.  Watch them closely.  It can be easy to miss your dog gaining or losing weight since it may happen gradually, but if your dog begins losing hair or having other skin problems, these are usually very noticeable and they can be an indication of thyroid problems, allergies or other conditions.

3.  How is your dog’s energy level?  Is he as active as he usually is or does he lie around more?  Is he lethargic?  Is he hyperactive?  A change in your dog’s energy level can indicate a change for the worse in his health.  Lethargy could be an indication of anything from hypothyroidism to heart failure.

4.  Is your dog sensitive about his ears?  Ear problems are very common with dogs, especially long-eared breeds and breeds with long hair.  Ear problems can take the form of yeast and bacterial infections.  If left untreated they can even lead to hearing lost or require surgery.

These are some of the things that are easily observable.  You can also check your dog’s gums to see if they are healthy and pink.  If they are too pale that could be an indication that your dog is not processing oxygen as well as he should — perhaps a sign of hemolytic anemia or a cardiovascular problem.

If your dog is limping for more than a few hours you may need to take him to the vet to see what the problem is.  Dogs can twist or sprain a limb the same way people can, but if your dog limps for more than just a short period of time he could have a bony growth or be feeling some form of arthritis.  Your vet would need to make the diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

With dogs, as with humans, there are so many possible health conditions that it’s hard to say what might be wrong with your dog just by looking at him.  However, you can usually tell by looking at a dog if something is wrong, even if you don’t know exactly what it is.

You know your dog better than anyone.  If you sense that something is “off” or just not right with your dog you should trust your instincts and take your dog to the vet.  Better safe than sorry where the health of your dog is concerned.

How to Identify Canine Health Problems courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com