10 Things You Should Know About Your New Puppy

Just about everybody loves a puppy.  What’s not to love?  Okay, maybe there are a few things — like accidents in the house, chewing your things, nipping…

Here are a few things that you should know about your new puppy:

1.  When you bring your new puppy home he doesn’t know very much.  He’s spent most of the first weeks of his life living with his mother and siblings, who are dogs.  That means he knows some basic dog things, like how to whimper and bark to get attention.  He knows how to poop on papers.  His breeder may have taught him a few things but there wasn’t time to teach him very much.  Your puppy is pretty much a blank slate.  It’s up to you to teach him everything he needs to know.

2.  Your puppy is a little animal, not a small person in a furry suit.  He has animal instincts and will always react as an animal when he doesn’t know what to do.  That means that your puppy can bite and scratch and hurt somebody if he’s not supervised and trained.  He needs training while he’s young so that he doesn’t grow up to be a badly-behaved dog.

3.  Puppies need socialization.  Socialization is the process of introducing your puppy to the big, wide world and everything in it.  Your puppy needs to go places, see new things and meet people.  He should learn that new things and new people are good.  Socialization teaches a puppy to be confident and helps him later in life.  Puppies that are well-socialized tend not to develop behavior problems later on.

4.  You should begin training your puppy early.  You can train a dog throughout his life but it’s always easier and advisable to start training a puppy when he’s young.  Teach your puppy good manners and some basic obedience skills like Sit and Come.  You can take him to Puppy Preschool or Puppy Kindergarten classes where he can learn some simple obedience and enjoy some socialization at the same time.

5.  Your puppy will most likely chew on things so you should try to “puppy proof” your house as much as possible.  Put away your shoes and other things that he can reach.  When your puppy chews on things take them away.  If you catch your puppy in the act of chewing on something he’s not supposed to chew on, you can correct him (no physical punishments).  Otherwise, if you don’t catch him, you should let it go.  There is no point in correcting a puppy or dog for something that has already happened. Your puppy or dog won’t know why they’re being corrected.

6.  Puppies may nip, bite too hard when playing or simply get too raucous.  When they do, you should stop playing with them and ignore them.  If they continue, you should call a time-out.  Time-outs work with puppies just as they do with children.  If your puppy nips you, you should yelp and let him know it hurts.  If he even touches his teeth to your skin, yelp and don’t play with him.  If you stop playing with him whenever he tries to nip he will stop nipping.

7.  If you have children teach them that they can’t mistreat a puppy.  Tell them not to stare at a puppy or otherwise make the puppy uncomfortable.  They puppy may lunge at them.  And, if they run away screaming from a puppy, the puppy will chase them.  Not all kids are happy about that fact.  Children under six should be supervised when they play with puppies.

8.  Puppies may whine and bark and whimper for attention.  Sometimes you will have to ignore them, especially if you want to get any sleep.

9.  Do make sure that your puppy gets all of his vaccinations on schedule.  See that he takes heartworm preventive and flea medication if he needs it in your area.  Your puppy’s health and well-being depend on proper veterinary care.  You should also make sure that you are feeding him a good dog food with meat protein sources.

10.  Puppies are adorable and they will make you do whatever they want.

Those are a few things you should know about puppies.  Have fun with your puppy and may he (or she) grow up to be a wonderful dog.

10 Things You Should Know About Your New Puppy courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a puzzle showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems

Great Danes are known for being charming and affectionate dogs despite their size. However, as with the case with any other dog, without proper training, certain behavioral issues are bound to arise. But with enough consistency and patience, Great Dane training need not be a daunting task. It may take some time, but bear in mind that there aren’t any behavioral problems that can’t be corrected.

The most important aspect of Great Dane training is socializing your dog.

Great Danes love being around other people. In fact, they crave the attention and affection. But because of their size, it is quite common for most families to simply arrange a space for them outdoors and leave them out in the yard. If this is the case, depriving them of attention and affection can cause them to develop certain behavioral problems. Instead of their natural pleasant disposition, they may tend to appear aloof and distant.

The most common ways Great Danes cope with anxiety are by excessive digging, whining, barking, and growling. Here are a few pointers for efficient Great Dane training:

1. Digging Digging is part of a dog’s general nature. However, it does become a problem if your Great Dane starts digging in several places in your yard. You don’t want your dog destroying your beautiful landscape do you? To solve this, designate one area where your dog can dig. A common trick most people use is burying its feces where you don’t want it to dig and burying a dog bone in an area where it can dig. Digging up its own feces will discourage it from ever touching that area.

2. Whining and barking Whining or barking is a way for dogs to get attention. Our natural tendency is to come to our dog’s aid and see what is wrong. But once we see that there’s nothing really wrong, and that it just wants our attention, try not to encourage this behavior. Wait until it‘s calm before you approach it. Immediately giving in to its call for attention is like spoiling a child. Let your dog know that there is a proper way to get what it wants.

3. Growling If a Great Dane has not been properly socialized, its tendency will be to growl at strangers. This can be quite terrifying considering its size. Just keep in mind that Great Danes are not aggressive dogs. Make it a point to introduce them to other people and dogs. Growling can either be a sign of fear or it may simply be a defense mechanism. Once you let them know that it’s completely safe to have company, your dog will definitely come around.

Great Dane training is simple like other dog training. It’s always good to address behavioral problems as early as possible. Lucky for you, it is in their genetic make-up to be loving and friendly companions. Do your part and help your dog prove to others what an endearing pet it really is.

Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful mouse pad showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


The Combination Approach To Feeding Your Golden Retriever

Although you can get commercial food for your Golden Retriever, the ideal way to feed is to use a combination approach of both commercial food and fresh people foods.  Most commercial food is good for your Golden, although it lacks nutrients and vitamins that fresh food has.  Vets will tell you that fresh food is good, providing you don’t overdo it.  Golden Retrievers love fresh food as well, as they can smell it a mile away. If it smells good to them – they’ll want it.

Most commercial foods will offer your Golden great sources of protein and vitamins, although fresh food contains far more essential sources.  Chicken and meat for instance, have far more protein and minerals than any type of commercial dog food.  Fish is another great choice, as it contains a lot of the protein your dog needs to maintain a healthy brain.

All dogs are well within the capacity of staying healthy, although you need to provide them with the minerals they need.  Each dog is an individual, meaning that you can’t continue to feed him the same food on a daily basis.  Golden Retrievers love people food, and they also love variety.  What they need one day may vary the next, so you should always mix it up a bit and give them something different each day.

To be on the safe side, you should give your Golden a little bit of everything.  This way, he will get everything he needs with his diet.  When you design the diet for your growing Golden Retriever, you should always make sure to include animal protein.  This is very important for your Golden, as he has to have it.  Without animal protein, your dog will find himself literally struggling to stay healthy.

To keep your Golden Retriever healthy, it is very important that he gets quality nutrition.  Although quality nutrition is very important, you should never him eat so much that he gains weight too fast.  If you monitor his diet and know exactly what you are feeding him, he should remain in his weight class.  Sometimes this can be hard to help though, especially if your Golden starts to develop allergies to a certain type of food.

If you ever have any questions regarding the diet of your Golden Retriever, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask your vet.  Your vet could make some recommendations for you, even tell you the best type of commercial food for your dog.  Depending on his individual needs, what he requires may be totally different than what another dog needs.  As long as you keep your dog on a healthy diet and make sure he gets the food he needs – he should grow to be a healthy dog with plenty of energy.

The Combination Approach To Feeding Your Golden Retriever courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Five Tips For Successful Great Dane Training

1) Because of their size, it is important to train Great Danes not to jump onto people. Some people make the mistake of allowing cute puppies to jump, and that makes it harder to train them when they weigh over a hundred pounds. Your Great Dane should learn the command, “Off,” early as possible. It is necessary to start Great Dane training at a young age. Most dogs respond well to food treats. When your Great Dane puppy starts to jump onto someone, say, “Off,” and show him or her the treat, moving the treat away from the person. When the dog has turned away from the person, reward him or her with the treat.

2) Unless you live on a large ranch where you will never need to walk your dog on a leash, leash training is a must to keep from being dragged down the sidewalk. Place a collar and leash onto your puppy. Say, “Let’s go,” and begin to walk. When the puppy follows you, reward him or her with a treat. Repeat this exercise for about half an hour every day, until the dog is easily walking by your side. This kind of leash training is good for casual strolling. Allow your Great Dane to sniff and relieve him or herself as needed. (Be sure to clean up to stay on your neighbors’ good sides). If you are going into a crowd of people or other animals, the command, “Heel,” is appropriate. Say, “Heel,” and pull your puppy to your side. When he or she walks at your side without pulling at the leash, he or she gets a reward. Hold the leash in your right hand and take up the slack with your left. Remember, you should not have to pull with your left hand. Your dog should be walking by your side without being pulled.

3) We have all encountered highly enthusiastic dogs that like to jump around the house, and, if they are members of toy breeds, this is harmless. In a Great Dane it is not. Gently make your puppy lie down, and say, “Settle.” Take your hands away, and if the puppy stays lying down, reward him or her with a treat. Repeat until the puppy automatically lies down when he or she hears the command.

4) Dogs frequently have a fondness for foods that are not good for them, or pick up things you don’t want them to have. This can be particularly annoying when your dog’s head comes up above the level of the dining room table. Place one treat onto the floor and hold one in your hand. When your puppy starts to go for the treat on the floor, say “Leave it,” while leading his or her attention away with another treat. Reward him or her with the treat from your hand. After enough repetitions, your dog will respond to “Leave it,” when the command refers to any object.

5) Any dog should recognize you as the leader of the pack, and this couldn’t be more important than in a pet so massive as a Great Dane. Teaching tricks is not only fun, but puts you into the position of decision maker. Help your puppy to sit and lift his front paws until his is comfortably seated with his or her paws up. Say, “Sit up.” Reward him or her with a treat. Repeat until he or she automatically sits up on command. When your Great Dane comes to you wanting a treat, play, or a walk, say, “Sit up,” and reward the dog with what he or she is asking for. This puts you into the position of employer giving out paychecks to reward good behavior. If behavior is still a problem after you have followed these dog training tips, take your Great Dane to a veterinarian or professional trainer. Have a good time, and enjoy your majestic pet.

Five Tips For Successful Great Dane Training courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Beloved Companion and Therapy Dogs

By far the most common use of today’s Labrador is as a home companion, a role at which he excels. Surprisingly, the Labrador Retriever was rarely kept strictly as a house pet until several decades after the breed’s introduction to the United States. The initial fanciers of the breed became acquainted with him through knowledge of the shooting game. When the breed was well established as a sporting companion, his docile, brainy nature won his way out of the kennel and into the home.

The Labrador Retriever’s ability to quickly adapt and respond to instruction made the transition quite easy. Today, puppies raised in the home actually become so entwined in the lives of their owners that they often suffer when relegated to the kennel life. (If you are planning to keep a kennel of Labradors, select puppies that are properly socialized but still familiar with kennel life.)

As a companion, the Labrador Retriever is good-natured and gentle enough to accept the roughhousing of youngsters without returning it. If properly socialized while young, a Labrador will share his “home with another dog, providing there is enough affection for all. It is more common for a Labrador to misbehave out of jealousy than out of dislike for another animal.

Labrador Retrievers are long on self-control and loyalty, but they do not make the most avid watchdogs. As a rule, they are not overly suspicious of strangers or highly protective of loved ones, and when natural instincts are not stimulated they can be inattentive to such a task. Always keen for a scent or sound, a Labrador Retriever would certainly give voice at the approach of an intruder, but he might be won over by a friendly gesture or a luscious piece of sirloin. If left on duty, a Labrador Retriever may wander off in search of a scent that has caught his attention. In short, he is a people-dog. If you really need a watchdog, get your Labrador a German Shepherd friend!

The value of companionship with this breed should not be underestimated. In recent years, obedience-trained Labradors as well as other breeds are being used as Therapy Dogs to enrich the lives of nursing home residents and even emotionally disturbed children. The process is simple: a group of experienced dog handlers, such as those trained by Therapy Dogs International, bring their dogs to visit, perhaps put on an obedience performance for the audience, and then let animals and humans mingle, if conditions permit. The dogs are all obedience trained and have proven themselves to be extremely gentle and outgoing. Their job is to make people feel wanted, and it works wonders for alleviating the loneliness and depression that often burden such lives. Labradors love people and the few hours Therapy Dogs share with others enrich both dog and man.

Beloved Companion and Therapy Dogs courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


3 Things That Embarrass Dog Owners

We all want to be proud of our dogs.  That’s one of the reasons we get a dog.  We love them and they become almost like a child in some cases.  You can see bumper stickers that say “My Dog Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student.”  How embarrassing is it then when your dog does something that makes you want to crawl into a hole?  You’ve been telling people how smart, how cute, how wonderful your dog is and as soon as they see your dog he does something you hate.

1. Jumping on people.  One of the embarrassing things some dogs do is jumping on people.  Whether you’re out for a walk or your dog jumps on people when they walk in your door, this is embarrassing behavior.  It’s a clear sign that your overly-enthusiastic dog seems to be out of control.

What can you do to stop the jumping behavior?  One of the best things you can do to head off jumping behavior is teach your dog the Sit command when she is preparing to jump.  It’s best to practice this in a confined area at first.  Practice when it’s just you and your dog.  Make sure she already knows Sit.  When she starts to jump on you tell her to Sit.  Depending on how excited she is it may take a few tries to get this right but it will work.  Make sure you praise her and give her a reward she really enjoys, whether it’s treats, a favorite toy or lots of petting and attention.

Once your dog is reliably sitting when she starts to jump on you, you can practice having a friend or family member ring your doorbell or knock on your door.  Your dog may get very excited again and prepared to jump on them when they enter.  Practice having her sit before opening the door.  Again, this may take some practice but your dog should get the idea that she is supposed to sit instead of jump.  If nothing else, she should be responding to your command to Sit.

Eventually you will move on to the hardest part — teaching your dog to politely sit when she has the urge to jump up on someone she meets in the street or elsewhere.  This is an uncontrolled situation so you should always have your dog leashed when you’re out.  Make sure that your dog gives you a perfect Sit at home when she has the urge to jump before you try this outside your home.

2. Lunging at Dogs.  It’s very embarrassing, not to mention rather dangerous, to have your dog lunging at other dogs when you’re out for a walk.  The best way to prevent this problem is by making sure that you socialize any puppy well from an early age.  However, if you have a dog that is already lunging at other dogs or people, it’s a little late for socialization.  You need to take steps to keep your dog from hurting anyone.  You may want to consider whether you should be walking your dog in public and whether you are able to control him.

You should consider whether your dog could have any kind of veterinary condition causing him to lunge or behave aggressively toward others.  Your vet may be able to find a physical cause for your dog’s behavior.  If not, then you need to consider possible behavioral problems.  If your dog lunges at other dogs (or people) on an ongoing basis then you may wish to ask your vet to recommend a dog behaviorist.  They may be able to work with your dog and find the problem.

There are some things you can do yourself if your dog lunges at other dogs.  Consider a properly fitted muzzle or head collar.  A head collar such as a Halti or Gentle Leader is not a good choice for every dog but it does give added control over dogs that lunge and pull their owners.  You should be careful about possible neck injuries to your dog when he’s wearing a head collar.

Avoid walking where there may be loose or stray dogs.  Your lunging dog doesn’t need an added reason to pull on the leash.

Walk your dog in quiet neighborhoods and more controlled settings.

3. Constant Barking.  One thing that frequently embarrasses people with their neighbors is a dog that barks constantly.  If your dog is a nuisance barker and you’re outside yelling at him to shut up, the neighbors can become annoyed with both of you very quickly, especially when they’re trying to sleep.

Dogs often bark because they are bored, lonely or frustrated. But there are some dogs that seem to bark to hear the sound of their own voice.  The best advice to deal with barking dogs is to make sure that all of their needs are being met on a regular basis.  Take away their reasons to bark.  Make sure that your dog gets lots of exercise — tired dogs take naps.  Make sure that your dog has plenty of fun toys.  And, very importantly, spend time training your dog. Obedience training can help keep a dog mentally fit — the opposite of boredom. Spending time training your dog also means that you’re spending time together.  When your dog is having all of his needs met he will, hopefully, have less to bark about.

If your dog still stands in the backyard and barks at least he will have had a little obedience training.  When you tell him to “Come!” you have a better chance of him actually obeying you and coming inside where he will be quiet.

3 Things That Embarrass Dog Owners courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love an ornament showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com