Most Affectionate Dogs

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Dogs are highly popular among pet lovers due to various reasons. One of the reasons is being affectionate. We all adore and love it when a dog shows affection towards his master. There are some breeds that are known for aggression but there are many breeds that are highly popular because of their affectionate behavior. Given below are some of the most affectionate dog breeds for your considerations:


Labrador is a very cute and lovable dog who instantly becomes familiar with anyone he meets. The breed is known for its high affection not just for the owner but also to the kids. They love nature and playing games. A Labrador requires a reasonable amount of exercise on regular basis to stay fit and healthy.

American Pitbull:

The breed is known as friendly and very loyal to the master. They are also known by the name of “nanny dog” because of their love and affection for the kids. American Pitbull is a very affectionate and loyal breed and completely fun to keep around kids.

Golden Retriever:

The breed is highly popular among adults as well as kids because of certain reasons. The big dog is known for being friendly and affectionate. The dog always welcomes the owner by jumping around and wagging tail to show his happiness and affection.

Bichon Frisé:

The cheerful and gorgeous dog is highly popular for being affectionate and friendly. The breed is known for its clownish behavior and fun loving nature. They are completely safe to keep in a house around kids because of their affectionate and cheerful behavior.


Dalmatian is one of the most popular breeds all over the world. The black dotted dogs are known for their affectionate behavior. They love to play around and have lots of fun. In earlier years, the dogs were bred for work purpose.

Bedlington Terrier:

Commonly the terrier breeds are known for being aggressive and unsafe especially for kids. But the Bedlington terrier breed is completely different from all those breeds. The breed is very affectionate, cheerful and loves to stay close to the owner.

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Home of English Springer Spaniel 4 Dogs Playing Poker Mug and Coaster Set

Home of English Springer Spaniel 4 Dogs Playing Poker Mug and Coaster Set


Showing Your Lab: The AKC Standard “Look” For The Labrador Retriever

The general appearance of the Labrador should be that of a strongly built and a very active dog. He should be fairly wide over the loins and strong and muscular in the hindquarters. The coat should be close, short, dense and free from feather.

The skull should be wide, giving brain room; there should be a slight stop, the brow should be slightly pronounced so that the skull is not absolutely in a straight line with the nose. The head should be clean-cut and free from fleshy cheeks. The jaws should be long and powerful; the nose should be wide and the nostrils are well developed. Teeth should be strong and regular.

The ears should hang moderately close to the head, rather far back, should be set somewhat low and not be large and heavy. The eyes should be of a medium size, expressing great intelligence and good temper, and can be brown, yellow or black, but brown or black is preferred.

The neck should be medium length, powerful and not throaty. The shoulders should be long and sloping. The chest must be of good width and depth, the ribs are well sprung and the loins wide and strong, stifles are well turned, and the hindquarters are well developed and of great power.

The legs must be straight from the shoulder to ground, and the feet compact with toes well arched, and pads well developed; the hocks should be well bent, and the dog must neither be cow hocked nor be too wide behind; he must stand and move true all round on legs and feet. Legs should be of medium length, showing good bone and muscle, but not so short as to be out of balance with rest of body.

The tail is a distinctive feature of the breed; it should be very thick towards the base, gradually tapering towards the tip, of medium length, should be free from any feathering, and should be clothed thickly all round with the Labrador’s short, thick, dense coat, thus giving the peculiar “rounded” appearance which has been described as the “otter” tail. The tail may be carried gaily but should not curl over the back.

The coat is another very distinctive feature; it should be short, very dense and without wave, and should give a fairly hard feeling to the hand.

Movement should be free and effortless. The forelegs should be strong and true, and correctly placed. Watching a dog move towards one, there should be no signs of elbows being out in front, but neatly held to the body with legs not too close together, and moving straight forward without pacing or weaving. When viewing the dog from the rear, you should get the impression that the hind legs, which should be well muscled and not cow hocked, move as nearly parallel as possible, with hocks doing their full share of work and flexing well, thus giving the appearance of power and strength.

Showing Your Lab: The AKC Standard “Look” For The Labrador Retriever courtesy Dog Articles.

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Beloved Companion and Therapy Dogs

By far the most common use of today’s Labrador is as a home companion, a role at which he excels. Surprisingly, the Labrador Retriever was rarely kept strictly as a house pet until several decades after the breed’s introduction to the United States. The initial fanciers of the breed became acquainted with him through knowledge of the shooting game. When the breed was well established as a sporting companion, his docile, brainy nature won his way out of the kennel and into the home.

The Labrador Retriever’s ability to quickly adapt and respond to instruction made the transition quite easy. Today, puppies raised in the home actually become so entwined in the lives of their owners that they often suffer when relegated to the kennel life. (If you are planning to keep a kennel of Labradors, select puppies that are properly socialized but still familiar with kennel life.)

As a companion, the Labrador Retriever is good-natured and gentle enough to accept the roughhousing of youngsters without returning it. If properly socialized while young, a Labrador will share his “home with another dog, providing there is enough affection for all. It is more common for a Labrador to misbehave out of jealousy than out of dislike for another animal.

Labrador Retrievers are long on self-control and loyalty, but they do not make the most avid watchdogs. As a rule, they are not overly suspicious of strangers or highly protective of loved ones, and when natural instincts are not stimulated they can be inattentive to such a task. Always keen for a scent or sound, a Labrador Retriever would certainly give voice at the approach of an intruder, but he might be won over by a friendly gesture or a luscious piece of sirloin. If left on duty, a Labrador Retriever may wander off in search of a scent that has caught his attention. In short, he is a people-dog. If you really need a watchdog, get your Labrador a German Shepherd friend!

The value of companionship with this breed should not be underestimated. In recent years, obedience-trained Labradors as well as other breeds are being used as Therapy Dogs to enrich the lives of nursing home residents and even emotionally disturbed children. The process is simple: a group of experienced dog handlers, such as those trained by Therapy Dogs International, bring their dogs to visit, perhaps put on an obedience performance for the audience, and then let animals and humans mingle, if conditions permit. The dogs are all obedience trained and have proven themselves to be extremely gentle and outgoing. Their job is to make people feel wanted, and it works wonders for alleviating the loneliness and depression that often burden such lives. Labradors love people and the few hours Therapy Dogs share with others enrich both dog and man.

Beloved Companion and Therapy Dogs courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com