Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems

Great Danes are known for being charming and affectionate dogs despite their size. However, as with the case with any other dog, without proper training, certain behavioral issues are bound to arise. But with enough consistency and patience, Great Dane training need not be a daunting task. It may take some time, but bear in mind that there aren’t any behavioral problems that can’t be corrected.

The most important aspect of Great Dane training is socializing your dog.

Great Danes love being around other people. In fact, they crave the attention and affection. But because of their size, it is quite common for most families to simply arrange a space for them outdoors and leave them out in the yard. If this is the case, depriving them of attention and affection can cause them to develop certain behavioral problems. Instead of their natural pleasant disposition, they may tend to appear aloof and distant.

The most common ways Great Danes cope with anxiety are by excessive digging, whining, barking, and growling. Here are a few pointers for efficient Great Dane training:

1. Digging Digging is part of a dog’s general nature. However, it does become a problem if your Great Dane starts digging in several places in your yard. You don’t want your dog destroying your beautiful landscape do you? To solve this, designate one area where your dog can dig. A common trick most people use is burying its feces where you don’t want it to dig and burying a dog bone in an area where it can dig. Digging up its own feces will discourage it from ever touching that area.

2. Whining and barking Whining or barking is a way for dogs to get attention. Our natural tendency is to come to our dog’s aid and see what is wrong. But once we see that there’s nothing really wrong, and that it just wants our attention, try not to encourage this behavior. Wait until it‘s calm before you approach it. Immediately giving in to its call for attention is like spoiling a child. Let your dog know that there is a proper way to get what it wants.

3. Growling If a Great Dane has not been properly socialized, its tendency will be to growl at strangers. This can be quite terrifying considering its size. Just keep in mind that Great Danes are not aggressive dogs. Make it a point to introduce them to other people and dogs. Growling can either be a sign of fear or it may simply be a defense mechanism. Once you let them know that it’s completely safe to have company, your dog will definitely come around.

Great Dane training is simple like other dog training. It’s always good to address behavioral problems as early as possible. Lucky for you, it is in their genetic make-up to be loving and friendly companions. Do your part and help your dog prove to others what an endearing pet it really is.

Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful mouse pad showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


How To Choose A Dog That Will Make You Happy!

If you choose a purebred puppy- and there are hundreds of breeds to choose from – you’ll know ahead of time how your puppy is going to turn out when he grows up. That’s the benefit of choosing a purebred as opposed to a mixed-breed or hybrid dog! You can find out before you even buy him: how much he’ll shed, how easy he’ll be to train, how much grooming he’ll require, whether he’s going to be a good watchdog or guard dog, how big he’s going to be, what he’s going to look like, how athletic he’ll be, and how he’s going to behave. Of course, every dog has it’s own unique personality and behavioral quirks. But in general, all dogs of a particular breed will grow up to act and behave like the other dogs of that breed. For example, you know that a German Shepherd puppy is going to grow up into a dog that striking in appearance, very easy to train, eager-to-please, athletic, protective, and intelligent: like all German Shepherd dogs are. Purebred dogs are man-made.

They wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for us. Pugs, Border Collies, Yorkies – every breed – wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for us humans creating them. To create a new breed someone decides what characteristics they want the breed to have. Then they only breed dogs together who have those characteristics. Lots of inbreeding then takes place. After years of selective breeding (breeding out the undesirable characteristics) and inbreeding a new “breed” is born. And when you breed dogs of that new breed together they produce puppies who grow up to be the same as the parents.

As I mentioned above the benefit of choosing a purebred puppy is that you know how your dog is going to turn out — in advance — even before he’s born. So assuming you’re going to purchase or adopt a purebred puppy or dog, here are some of the things to consider about the many different breeds: Shedding All dog breeds shed hair. They all shed different amounts of hair. Some breeds shed virtually no hair, some shed quite a lot, and some shed a lot of hair! If it bothers you finding loose hairs stuck to everything in your home then choose a low-shedding breed. Ease of Training Some breeds are easier to train than others because they learn training commands faster.

The easier the dog is to train the less time and patience you need to train him. If you want a dog who learns your commands quickly choose a breed that is easy to train. Grooming How much time you need to spend grooming your dog depends on the length of the coat and how much the coat sheds. If the dog breed you’re considering has a long coat you’ll need to either clip it short, or brush it often. If the dog breed you’re considering sheds lot of hair you might find yourself brushing the coat every day to remove the dead hair. Because what you remove with a brush doesn’t end up in the house! Want a Jogging Companion? Some breeds were made to be athletic and posses great stamina. If you want a dog who can accompany you on long walks, hikes, jogs and rides then you should choose one of these breeds.

Good With Children Pretty much all breeds are great with children. Thousands of people have small children and own Rottweiler, Pit Bulls, and other more aggressive dogs and they never have any problems at all. These owners will tell you that their dogs are the sweetest and most gentle dogs on earth. And it’s true. However, which dog has the ability to do more damage to a small child: a Pit Bull or a Pug? Obviously it’s the Pit Bull. So if you want to play it safe choose a breed who doesn’t really have the ability to harm a child or one who doesn’t have a bad reputation. And always supervise very small children and babies around the dog! Small children could inadvertently tease the dog and he could snap at them. Guard Dog or Watchdog Some breeds like German Shepherds and Rottweilers make excellent guard dogs.

They’re naturally very protective and suspicious of strangers. They have the ability to intimidate and deter an intruder. On the other hand, some breeds are just good at keeping watch and raising the alarm. And some little dogs have such a loud, deep bark they can even scare and intruder away. Size When choosing a breed consider size. Small dogs are make training easier because you can control them a lot easier than a big, strong and powerful dog. The small breeds also make less mess, and they coast less to care for.

How To Choose A Dog That Will Make You Happy courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a set of coasters showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com