Basic Considerations When Choosing A New Puppy

Before actually adding a new puppy to your home you should consider what your expectations of dog ownership are. All dogs require love, food and shelter, but puppies need more commitment from their owners than adult dogs do. Puppies are more time demanding because they are essentially babies. They have to be taught how to behave appropriately and they go through various stages as they grow. Most puppies go through a chewing phase and at some points in growing up they are very energetic.

If there are children in the home even extra supervision will be required. This is to protect both the child and the puppy. Puppies love to play and their little teeth are very sharp. They can also easily scratch little ones with their claws during play.

Similarly, children are drawn to small animals. They are very likely to hold them and carry them around. Many puppies have been squeezed, dropped or stepped on and injured inadvertently by well intentioned children. Obviously you will have to be diligent in watching over the two when they’re together. Most breeders of small or toy breeds do not sale their puppies to homes with young children because of these risks. If you do have a child in your home insure that the puppy you add is one with a gentle disposition and loving personality.

Many people want a dog as a means of security or protection. They are looking for a sort of living alarm system, a dog that will bark when someone approaches the yard or the door. The good news is that almost any dog can fill this need. The fact is that even the bark of a toy poodle is usually effective in turning away an intruder.

Of course some people want to go a step farther with that concept and have a dog that presents the physical appearance of a watch dog. In this case people often choose larger breeds such as Doberman Pinchers or even Boxers. Most dogs are protective of their owners and their territory without having any specialized training. The sheer size and appearance of larger dogs is a deterrent to most would be intruders.
Dogs are naturally pack animals which makes them a social animal. They love their human family and want to be a part of it. Dogs make excellent compani
ons. Dogs should be included as a part of the family whenever possible. They truly need the interaction and love of their family.

Dogs should not spend their time all alone, living in the back yard. This is especially true of puppies. The younger the pup the more supervision and regular training he needs. Socialization is important for all dogs. In fact, it is the secret to a well behaved dog.

Before you add a new puppy to your home it is important to take the time to consider what type of dog will best suit your lifestyle. If you are the type of person that enjoys sports and the outdoors then an energetic dog may be perfect for you. If you spend a lot of time at the computer you may prefer a small lap dog. And if you live in the city you may want to consider a small dog that does not require a deal of space.

Basic Considerations When Choosing A New Puppy courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Why Behavior Training Is A Must For Your New Dog

You’ve just gotten a new puppy or dog, obedience training should begin right away or as soon as possible. By beginning your training early, you will start your dog off on the right foot to learning his rules and boundaries, so that he will know what is considered to be, acceptable behavior and what is not. The rules and knowledge that both you and your dog will learn and acquire in obedience training must be reinforced and constantly reminded throughout the dog’s life in order for it to be successful.

Training courses are most effective when there is plenty of owner participation and interaction, this will enable the owner to continue the journey themselves once the course has been completed. By being consistent, the goal of a well behaved dog will be achieved. Being firm and using correction as needed and praise and rewards when he’s doing well, will help you obtain this goal. Be sure to address any undesirable behavior with your training instructor. During obedience training, your dog may find and make new friends. The first three months of a puppy’s life is when they are most pliable and can be molded into a sociable dog that can readily form relationships.

If a dog is socialized as a young puppy but later on isn’t the given opportunity to be around other dogs into adulthood may forget his social learning and become aggressive or fearful of others. This is best prevented by continuing to have him around others and allowing him the opportunity to play throughout his lifetime. From there, take your new family member everywhere you can with you, for rides in the car, for walks, to the park and in public as much as possible. In keeping a steady routine you will help your dog realize that this is a part of normal everyday life, so that he will not feel threatened or fearful, get overly excited or become aggressive.

By gradually introducing your new best friend to the world around him, applying and putting the rules you have learned for him into practice, you will gradually turn your dog into a polite and well mannered pleasure to be around, for both you and the public so that you can take him anywhere without worry or concern as to whether he will misbehave. A responsible dog owner should value his/her dog’s behavior as how others will view him and other dog owners. A well mannered dog doesn’t growl or bark relentlessly at people or other dogs and animals around him. He doesn’t tug and pull at his leash, jump on others, or on things he shouldn’t.

Mounting is not an acceptable behavior either. Spayed or neutered dogs also will do best in public situations and around other unfamiliar dogs for several reasons. Aggression will be greatly reduced, marking (if neutered or spayed early) will not be near the problem it would be otherwise, mounting should disappear and there will be much less unwanted puppies to worry about. Wandering will also most likely cease.

Why Behavior Training Is A Must For Your New Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a puzzle showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Caring For Your Geriatric Dog

Growing older is something that happens to all of us, and that includes our dogs.  It may seem like it was just yesterday that you brought home a bouncing ball of fur who was trying to chew your shoes but today that puppy is a senior dog.  It’s important to provide some extra love and care for your older dog to make him comfortable and happy.

Older dogs can start to show signs of age as early as six or seven years old.  When you visit the vet you should ask about having a senior health check-up for your dog.  Your vet can do a blood panel and run some other tests to check your dog’s kidney function and make sure he’s in good health for his age.  You should have an annual senior check-up for your older dog past the age of seven.  Be sure that your vet also checks out any lumps or bumps on your older dog.  As dogs get older they can be more prone to tumors.  These tumors may be benign, but your vet may want to do a small biopsy just to make sure.  It’s always best to catch potential problems early.

As your dog gets older some of his senses will probably start to dull a bit.  His hearing may not be as sharp as it once way.  His eyesight may dim a little.  Even senses of taste and smell won’t be as good as they used to be.  These changes mean that your dog may need a little extra help.

Many older dogs begin having problems negotiating steps and stairs.  This can be due to arthritis but it’s also possible that it’s because your dog doesn’t see as well as he once did.  If your dog is having problems with stairs try walking down with him.  He may be able to do fine if you are there to guide him.  He may also have problems seeing at night which can make him reluctant to go outside to use the bathroom at night.  Try walking outside with him in the evenings and see if this improves things.

If your dog can’t smell and taste things as well as he once did he may not be as interested in his food anymore.  Go ahead and doctor up his food a little to make it smell and taste more appealing to him.  If you feed kibble then you may need to add canned food to make it smell and taste better to your dog.  Add some home cooked food to his meals to get him more interested in eating.

If your dog refuses to eat don’t assume that he has lost his appetite.  Many older dogs have dental problems that keep them from eating no matter how hungry they are.  Check your dog’s breath.  If it’s very bad then he may have some serious tooth decay or a tooth that needs to be removed.  Look at his teeth.  Does he have any brown or green-looking teeth?  Take your dog to the vet and have him or her do a dental check to see if dental problems are keeping your dog from eating.  Your dog may need to have a bad tooth pulled or some other problem fixed.

Many older dogs have some problems with arthritis.  If your dog has severe problems you should check with your vet to see if your dog needs some pain medication.  You can also look for supplements that have helped many dogs, such as glucosamine-chondroitin and MSM.  There are also products that contain shark cartilage and other ingredients said to help arthritis that may benefit your dog.

Older dogs can also benefit from sleeping on good bed.  Orthopedic dog beds can make your dog feel better.  Look for beds that have an egg-crate type mattress or which distribute the dog’s weight evenly across the whole mattress.  This makes it much easier for your dog to get up without any pain.  A heated bed will also help your dog.

There are many things you can do to help your geriatric dog feel better and live a more comfortable life.  If he seems to be having difficulties you should always check with your vet.  Otherwise, do what it takes to make him comfortable and happy.

Caring For Your Geriatric Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely tote showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


How Old Should My Puppy Be When I Bring Him Home?

Puppies come from many different places.  You may be getting a puppy from a shelter or from a breeder.  Wherever your puppy is coming from he needs to learn a lot of things from his mother and siblings before he comes home with you.  Ideally, your puppy should remain with his mother and littermates until he is at least eight weeks old.  Unfortunately, there are people who are separating puppies from their mothers and littermates much earlier than this and sending them home with people at five-six weeks old.  There are a number of reasons this is a bad idea and why you should never take a puppy this young.

At the age of five-six weeks puppies have barely been weaned from their mothers.  They have not yet learned how to be dogs.  When you bring a puppy this young to your home he has not learned any rules.  He doesn’t know that he is not supposed to play too rough.  He has not learned “bite inhibition,” which means that he is more likely to bite you and have a hard time learning that he isn’t supposed to do it.  He has not learned the kind of manners that his mother would teach him.  Your puppy has not learned that there is a pack leader and that he can’t do what he wants all the time.  Your puppy has not learned any dog socialization or social skills.  You are bringing home a cute puppy who is much more likely to grow up to be a brat and develop behavioral problems as an adult.

At the age of five-six weeks your puppy may not have even received his first set of shots.  He is far more likely to develop a deadly disease like Parvo if you bring him home at this age than if you bring home a puppy at the age of eight weeks or later.  Your puppy’s immunity from his mother is virtually gone and he has not been properly immunized by vaccinations yet.  Bringing home a puppy this young is unhealthy for the puppy and for any other dogs in your household.

At the age of five-six weeks a puppy has not received any socialization from the person who brought him into this world.  A good breeder will make sure that a puppy becomes used to things in a house, such as televisions, radios, vacuum cleaners, and scary things like cats, umbrellas, and kids.  When you bring home a puppy who has not met these things they have no human socialization.  They are more likely to grow up to be fearful adults and develop problems like separation anxiety later in life.  A good breeder will also make sure that a puppy receives his first set of shots (at least) before you bring him home.

Good breeders do not release puppies at five-six weeks of age.  They may allow you to meet puppies at this age.  They may make arrangements with you.  But they will not allow puppies to leave their home at such a young age.  It’s too young.

If you are getting a puppy from an animal shelter you may  have to take a puppy at this age because it could be dangerous to leave them in the shelter longer since shelters can house diseases.  Be sure to get your puppy vaccinated against diseases as quickly as possible and take extra care in socializing your puppy in the coming months to try to make up for the socialization he missed with his mother and littermates.

How Old Should My Puppy Be When I Bring Him Home courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely magnet showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


How To Choose A Dog That Will Make You Happy!

If you choose a purebred puppy- and there are hundreds of breeds to choose from – you’ll know ahead of time how your puppy is going to turn out when he grows up. That’s the benefit of choosing a purebred as opposed to a mixed-breed or hybrid dog! You can find out before you even buy him: how much he’ll shed, how easy he’ll be to train, how much grooming he’ll require, whether he’s going to be a good watchdog or guard dog, how big he’s going to be, what he’s going to look like, how athletic he’ll be, and how he’s going to behave. Of course, every dog has it’s own unique personality and behavioral quirks. But in general, all dogs of a particular breed will grow up to act and behave like the other dogs of that breed. For example, you know that a German Shepherd puppy is going to grow up into a dog that striking in appearance, very easy to train, eager-to-please, athletic, protective, and intelligent: like all German Shepherd dogs are. Purebred dogs are man-made.

They wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for us. Pugs, Border Collies, Yorkies – every breed – wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for us humans creating them. To create a new breed someone decides what characteristics they want the breed to have. Then they only breed dogs together who have those characteristics. Lots of inbreeding then takes place. After years of selective breeding (breeding out the undesirable characteristics) and inbreeding a new “breed” is born. And when you breed dogs of that new breed together they produce puppies who grow up to be the same as the parents.

As I mentioned above the benefit of choosing a purebred puppy is that you know how your dog is going to turn out — in advance — even before he’s born. So assuming you’re going to purchase or adopt a purebred puppy or dog, here are some of the things to consider about the many different breeds: Shedding All dog breeds shed hair. They all shed different amounts of hair. Some breeds shed virtually no hair, some shed quite a lot, and some shed a lot of hair! If it bothers you finding loose hairs stuck to everything in your home then choose a low-shedding breed. Ease of Training Some breeds are easier to train than others because they learn training commands faster.

The easier the dog is to train the less time and patience you need to train him. If you want a dog who learns your commands quickly choose a breed that is easy to train. Grooming How much time you need to spend grooming your dog depends on the length of the coat and how much the coat sheds. If the dog breed you’re considering has a long coat you’ll need to either clip it short, or brush it often. If the dog breed you’re considering sheds lot of hair you might find yourself brushing the coat every day to remove the dead hair. Because what you remove with a brush doesn’t end up in the house! Want a Jogging Companion? Some breeds were made to be athletic and posses great stamina. If you want a dog who can accompany you on long walks, hikes, jogs and rides then you should choose one of these breeds.

Good With Children Pretty much all breeds are great with children. Thousands of people have small children and own Rottweiler, Pit Bulls, and other more aggressive dogs and they never have any problems at all. These owners will tell you that their dogs are the sweetest and most gentle dogs on earth. And it’s true. However, which dog has the ability to do more damage to a small child: a Pit Bull or a Pug? Obviously it’s the Pit Bull. So if you want to play it safe choose a breed who doesn’t really have the ability to harm a child or one who doesn’t have a bad reputation. And always supervise very small children and babies around the dog! Small children could inadvertently tease the dog and he could snap at them. Guard Dog or Watchdog Some breeds like German Shepherds and Rottweilers make excellent guard dogs.

They’re naturally very protective and suspicious of strangers. They have the ability to intimidate and deter an intruder. On the other hand, some breeds are just good at keeping watch and raising the alarm. And some little dogs have such a loud, deep bark they can even scare and intruder away. Size When choosing a breed consider size. Small dogs are make training easier because you can control them a lot easier than a big, strong and powerful dog. The small breeds also make less mess, and they coast less to care for.

How To Choose A Dog That Will Make You Happy courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a set of coasters showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Socializing A New Dog In Your Home

You’ve been waiting for months. You’ve done all your homework. You’ve chosen the perfect new puppy for your home. You have a collar, a leash, a bag of food that the puppy has been eating. You’ve even taken a day off from work so you can go get the puppy and bring him home. He has a bed and toys waiting for him at home. You’ve thought of everything, right? Right up until the moment one of your kids asks, “Won’t Rover just love the new puppy?” Oh, no. What about the dog you already have? What about that sweet, beloved old guy at home who has been the center of the family’s attention for years? How is he going to feel about sharing his home with a new puppy? Did you forget to ask him about bringing a new puppy home? How is he going to react? It looks like you’re well on your way to having to learn how to socialize your new puppy and your old dog. But, don’t worry too much. It’s not that hard and you can all get through the process with a little effort.

The most important thing is to ensure the safety of all concerned – you, your family the puppy and the older dog. Make certain that the puppy will be safe and that the older dog cannot harm him. It’s a good idea to place the new puppy (or new dog) in a pet carrier or crate that will keep him from coming into physical contact with the older dog at first. This way they can still see, smell and hear each other without anyone getting hurt. They can get used to each other in a safe situation. If you’re dealing with a larger puppy or an adult dog you may need to leash both animals. It helps to have an assistant on hand (a family member is fine).

Remember that rewards go a long way toward helping to ease these situations. You will basically want to reward your older dog when he shows acceptance of the new puppy (or dog). After the two dogs have calmed down a little give each of them a little reward, such as a bite of kibble or some other favorite treat. Give the puppy and the older dog lots of praise and affection for not barking or showing aggression toward each other. (It will be tempting to show more affection and praise to the puppy but you should be careful not to overlook the older dog. You don’t want to do things that will make the older dog jealous.) Keep in mind that you are trying to show your older and the puppy that you accept the other dog’s presence as part of the family and that you expect them to accept the other dog, too. You will probably need to repeat this process several times until both dogs become accustomed to each other and any hostility has subsided. It’s typical for the older dog to display more aggression than the puppy. The puppy may be very submissive. This is normal. Some puppies may be frisky and something of a nuisance to older dogs. Older dogs will put up with this behavior to varying degrees. Some older dogs are more tolerant than others but most will respond and set limits at some point.

The next step in this process is to allow the animals a closer inspection of each other. For this step you need an assistant to help control one of the animals. Your assistant should leash the older dog and hold him firmly on a very short leash. Make sure your assistant has control of the dog. You will then open the pet carrier or crate and bring out the new puppy or dog. Or, both animals may be on leashes. At this point you will bring the two dogs close together. The dogs will most likely move toward each other to sniff and meet. They will explore the other animal so you should be sure your assistant is holding the dog tightly. You should be careful not to let the new pet panic or escape your hold. You can gradually bring the two dogs closer together and allow them to calmly meet. One or both dogs may growl in warning. Watch the dogs carefully and be prepared to separate them if necessary. You can try again later if need be. Dogs in a home typically establish a pecking order – they will establish who is boss. Your older dog has seniority and will probably quickly let the puppy or other dog know that he is in charge in the home. The other dog will probably accept a subordinate role for the time being. Dogs are good at working at most squabbles on their own without human interference.

The last thing to keep in mind is that not everyone gets along. Not with people and not with dogs. There will be days when your dogs may not get along. They may have disagreements about a toy or about a place to sleep or about food. These are usually quickly resolved and your dogs will be friends again. In other cases there are some dogs that don’t like each other and may never like each other. However, with patience and some good management on your part, you can avoid fights and keep your house peaceful most of the time. You may have to call a time-out sometimes, or send the dogs to a separate room to cool off, but things will calm down.

If you’re thinking of getting a new puppy or adult dog you can help prepare your older dog for the coming change and make things easier for him. Start socializing your older dog more. Take him to a dog park or a pet superstore that allows dogs to visit. Let him begin to meet some new dogs so it’s easier on him when he meets a new dog in his home. You may even be able to arrange for him to meet your new puppy on neutral ground, such as at a dog park, where your older dog feels less territorial. You may even wish to consider having a dog party at your home where several people bring their dogs to your house. (Though this may be stressful for some dogs, other dogs may enjoy having dog guests in their home. It helps to know your dog well and how he may react.) All of these things will help your dog adjust when he meets your new puppy.

Do take your older dog’s feeling into consideration when you think about bringing a new puppy or adult dog into your home. Many dogs welcome a puppy or new dog into the household, but for dogs who have been “only dogs” their entire lives it can be somewhat threatening to have a new dog in the household. They feel threatened both by having their living space invaded and by feeling jealous of your time and attention and love. Everything they know is being challenged and turned upside down. Give them time to adjust to a new puppy or dog and help them adapt by introducing the new animal slowly. Make sure you continue to show your older dog plenty of love and affection and it will help him accept the newcomer.

Socializing A New Dog In Your Home courtesy of Dog Articles

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