Puppy Dog Training

I know exactly how it can be, you buy that brand new, nice smelling, affectionate dog and you really want to offer it everything beneath the sun. It is a natural reaction for any individual whom looks at a sweet, small puppy to shower him or her with every little thing they would like, however this can certainly cause a few undesirable behavior and produce even more work for you. Now it will be a very good plan for you to get started in your own puppy dog training soon, and let your dog fully understand who is in charge.

As the owner you have to develop a relationship with your new puppy. The relationship you develop has to include a stable foundation, as well as your own puppy needs to learn that you are the leader! Simply by giving in to those puppy dog eyes every time your dog cries, you are just demonstrating to your pet that he is in charge, that he is the boss. In the event that you grant your puppy free reign in and around your house, your dog will never learn self-control, discipline, and will lack respect for your entire family.

A dog not possessing respect for their master will be the hardest achievable circumstances to have. By simply giving into your own pup, he may mature to become an even much larger monster, with absolutely no behavior training, rowdy as well as a lot of instances aggressive towards some other pets along with individuals. Most dog owners who possess these puppy dog training issues, often times simply give them away to shelters or even worse, simply abandon them. I do not wish this to take place to any pet therefore carry out with your puppy dog training.

In order to achieve control and respect via your very new pup you must challenge him or her with some primary commands. These types of commands need to be comparable to Sit, Stay, Down, and so forth. You should help make your puppy sit prior to he will go outdoors, or goes for a walk. Make your pet follow some important commands just before his routines and he will probably soon understand he has to comply to you before he or she receives everything that he wishes. Keep in mind that pups love a challenge, so turn this kind of instinct into a positive effort for you. Get your own puppy to pick up their toys, sit, fetch tennis balls, anything that places you in control. As a result of making your pup comply with several primary instructions on a daily basis, he or she will probably quickly understand that if he or she complies to your request, he will get a treat.

Or perhaps he will get his favorite toy, or go for a stroll. The faster your own puppy can pick up on this partnership you are creating with him, the quicker you will find benefits throughout your puppy dog training. Whenever your puppy follows through along with your instructions you should continually encourage him highly enthusiastically! When your puppy recognizes that he pleased you, your dog will certainly want to carry on with this kind of behavior over and over repeatedly. You never want to yell or discipline ones canine throughout your puppy dog training due to the fact that this particular kind of actions will certainly just set you back, and also make your pet plan to rebel against just about any command you require of him.

Puppy Dog Training courtesy Dog Articles.

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Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems

Great Danes are known for being charming and affectionate dogs despite their size. However, as with the case with any other dog, without proper training, certain behavioral issues are bound to arise. But with enough consistency and patience, Great Dane training need not be a daunting task. It may take some time, but bear in mind that there aren’t any behavioral problems that can’t be corrected.

The most important aspect of Great Dane training is socializing your dog.

Great Danes love being around other people. In fact, they crave the attention and affection. But because of their size, it is quite common for most families to simply arrange a space for them outdoors and leave them out in the yard. If this is the case, depriving them of attention and affection can cause them to develop certain behavioral problems. Instead of their natural pleasant disposition, they may tend to appear aloof and distant.

The most common ways Great Danes cope with anxiety are by excessive digging, whining, barking, and growling. Here are a few pointers for efficient Great Dane training:

1. Digging Digging is part of a dog’s general nature. However, it does become a problem if your Great Dane starts digging in several places in your yard. You don’t want your dog destroying your beautiful landscape do you? To solve this, designate one area where your dog can dig. A common trick most people use is burying its feces where you don’t want it to dig and burying a dog bone in an area where it can dig. Digging up its own feces will discourage it from ever touching that area.

2. Whining and barking Whining or barking is a way for dogs to get attention. Our natural tendency is to come to our dog’s aid and see what is wrong. But once we see that there’s nothing really wrong, and that it just wants our attention, try not to encourage this behavior. Wait until it‘s calm before you approach it. Immediately giving in to its call for attention is like spoiling a child. Let your dog know that there is a proper way to get what it wants.

3. Growling If a Great Dane has not been properly socialized, its tendency will be to growl at strangers. This can be quite terrifying considering its size. Just keep in mind that Great Danes are not aggressive dogs. Make it a point to introduce them to other people and dogs. Growling can either be a sign of fear or it may simply be a defense mechanism. Once you let them know that it’s completely safe to have company, your dog will definitely come around.

Great Dane training is simple like other dog training. It’s always good to address behavioral problems as early as possible. Lucky for you, it is in their genetic make-up to be loving and friendly companions. Do your part and help your dog prove to others what an endearing pet it really is.

Great Dane Training to Modify Behavior Problems courtesy Dog Articles.

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Should I Adopt Two Puppies?

Puppies are cute, affectionate, loving and silly. They’re fun to play with and cuddle with and will never not call you back. What could be better than one puppy except two, right?


Puppies may be all of these great things, but remember, puppies are tons of responsibility. For all the work you’ll have to do to housebreak one puppy, you’ll have to do it all twice as much. For all the money you spend on food, toys, treats and supplies, you’ll have to spend double. For all the love, attention, work and time you put into one puppy, you’ll have to put in two times that amount.

Now, if you’re an experienced pet owner and have handled having two young dogs in the past before, you may already know all the work involved and are willing to do it. In that case, good luck and have fun. However, most of us have never had to bring up two puppies at the same time. That being the case, most of us can’t fully realize the kind of effort that goes into raising two dogs simultaneously. Remember this before you commit to two new family members.

One problem that is often brought up about rearing two puppies at the same time is that they get closer with each other than they will with you. If a puppy has another dog to be his companion, he doesn’t need the human partnership most pets crave. Additionally, once he passes a certain point without that human bond, he will never bond as close with his master as he could have if he were forced to at an early age.

An obvious problem with this is that oftentimes companion dogs will pay more attention to the other dog than they will to their humans. This can make the two dogs a lot harder to control, to train and to housebreak. Dogs are pack animals and once you have more than one dog, you have a pack. Packs are self-involved and hard to handle. They can also be dangerous in early years, as a pack order must be established and may or may not come easily. Fights can happen, intimidation, abuse from one dog to the other. Remember than all of these complications are very real possibilities that may occur from raising two puppies at once.

A common reason people have for wanting to get two puppies is that they want one to keep the other company. They overlook all the work that will go into raising two babies (as that is essentially what puppies are) at once and decide that one needs another. Remember that your dog will get plenty of company from you if you are devoting enough time and attention to it and if you still feel that you dog needs a companion, it is much easy and better idea to wait until your first puppy is a year of age, past housebreaking and training, to adopt another. That way, you’ll be positive that you can accept the responsibility of being a two dog household.

Should I Adopt Two Puppies courtesy of Dog Articles.

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