My Dog Won’t Stop Mouthing Me!

Some dogs are very “mouthy.”  That doesn’t mean they talk or bark a lot.  It means that they use their mouths on everything, trying to taste things, or put their mouths on things.  Usually these dogs have not been completely taught bite inhibition.  Bite inhibition is when a puppy is taught that nipping and biting others hurts and that they shouldn’t go around using their mouths on things.  They generally learn it from their mothers and littermates, and later from their owners.  Singleton pups (one-puppy litters) may have a harder time learning bite inhibition since they don’t have littermates.

Dogs can also be mouthy as a way of showing affection.  Wolves tend to show affection to each other by mouthing muzzles, necks and paws.

Whatever the cause, mouthing people’s hands and feet, or any other part of their bodies, can be annoying.  Your dog may not use his teeth, but it does tend to cover you in dog slobber.  Having a dog grab you with his mouth is also simply not very good manners.

There are a few simple methods for teaching your dog not to mouth you.

Some people like to use Bitter Apple, a spray or cream product.  You can put this on your hands if that’s where your dog grabs you.  Most dogs hate the taste and your dog should stop grabbing at your hands.

Another method of dealing with mouthiness is to turn to stone whenever your dog grabs you with his mouth.  If your dog gets no feedback he will likely lose interest.

You can also use clicker training to teach your dog not to be mouthy.  When your dog grabs your hand or wrist being mouthy wait for him to let go.  Wait for a couple of seconds and then Click and tell him he’s a good dog.  Give him a treat.  Keep clicking and treating when he stops the mouthing behavior.  He will get the message.

If your dog is mouthing other things in your home, such as walls or furniture, you can try the Bitter Apple on them.  The bad-tasting product usually discourages dogs from mouthing and chewing things.

Remember that puppy nipping and mouthing are normal behaviors up to a point.  If you have a puppy who is nipping and mouthing you can work on bite inhibition.  When your puppy nips or mouths you all you have to do is make it perfectly clear that it HURTS when he does it.  Let out an OUCH to curl your puppy’s hair.  Leave him in no doubt that what he did really hurt you.  This is the same thing that his littermates would do if he played too rough with them.  If he does it the next time you play with him, get up and leave.  Puppies don’t play with a puppy that is too rough and you shouldn’t either.

For mouthy adolescent or grown dogs, the tips offered here should work.  Give them a try and it should stop the mouthiness.

My Dog Won’t Stop Mouthing Me courtesy Dog Articles.

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Staying Overnight With Your Dog

So finally you and your dog are ready to leave for the show with all of your equipment ready in the car.  You should perhaps place a cover on the upholstery and some newspapers on the floor of the car if your dog has not been car broken.  Don’t feed him or give him any water in the morning before the trip if he isn’t car broken.  Incidentally, car breaking is something you can do long before you start to show a dog.  Start when he is a puppy, with short rides daily.  He will soon love it, and you will have no further trouble.  Some dogs are wonderful riders and never have to be car-broken; Others never quite get used to riding. You are lucky if your dog is a natural rider.

Now is a good time to mention a few helpful hints about staying overnight with your dog when you take him to a show.  Years ago it was not much of a problem, as almost all hotels allowed you to bring your dog into your room.  However, so many people abused the privilege that the hotels have had to put an end to the practice.  There are still some hotels and some motels which will allow the dogs in the rooms, and usually the show-giving club prints the names of these establishments nearest the show grounds in the premium list.  You can also obtain a booklet listing the names of hotels and motor courts which offer accommodations for guests accompanied by their dogs.  Some establishments which accept dogs conditionally require that you sign a form stating that you will be responsible for any damage your dog may do.

No matter how well housebroken your dog is, or how accustomed he may be to staying in your house alone, when he gets in a strange place and is left completely alone he worries and frets and usually gets into trouble of some sort.  He may soil the rug, tear the bed-spread, chew on the furniture, or just plain bark and howl.  The folks in the room next to yours will certainly complain.  Now I know you cannot take the dog into a dining room with you and you probably will be hungry after the trip; but see if you can’t arrange to leave the dog in your car, particularly if he is accustomed to it and enjoys sleeping in it, at least until you finish eating and until you are ready to go to your room for the night.  When you are with him he will probably settle down and be the angel he is at home and you will save yourself a lot of trouble and money.  Besides, you owe it to other exhibitors and dog lovers who do manage to keep their dogs out of mischief, to see to it that the few hotels and motels who now allow you this privilege of having your dog with you, continue to do so. If your dog is accustomed to going out early in the morning, leave a call and get up at the same time and take him out.

Staying Overnight With Your Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

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