Signs of Aggression in Dogs

Communication holds a very important place in any relationship whether among humans or humans and pets. Dogs are unable to communicate in human language so they use their body signs to communicate their message to humans. If your dog has become aggressive, he can use various signs to let you know his intentions. It is crucial for any dog owner to know all the signs related to dog aggression. An aggressive dog can attack and bite anyone even his owner. Knowing the signs of aggression in a dog can offer him a great help to manage and control his dog.

Given below are some of the most common signs of aggression in a dog:

Greeting Manner:

Every dog has a certain way of greeting. If it is a familiar face, a friendly will greet him excitedly and happily. If he meets someone strange, he may feel a bit shy and hesitant. But if your dog has aggression problem, he may not like meeting others. Whether it is a familiar face or a stranger one, his attitude and reactions will be quite the opposite of friendly. He will be fearful and exaggerated.


There can be different factors and reasons for a dog to get aggressive. When a dog is aggressive, one of the most common and most visible sign is growling. He will start growling to warn you that whatever you are doing, you must stop it immediately and walk away.

Bared Teeth and Constant Staring:

The next common thing an aggressive dog does is direct and prolonged staring. He will also start showing his teeth to you as a warning that is going to attack you. He may keep growling, showing bared teeth and looking directly into your eyes.

Stiff Body and Wagging Tail:

Another common sign of an aggression in a dog is a stiff body. A stiff body and a wagging tail mean that the dog is in panic and can attack at any time. If the tail is low, it means that he is just fearful and in panic. But if he has raised the tail high, it means that the attack is imminent.

If you are in search of a trustworthy place to buy dog products, you should visit Doggie of the Day Store. The store is one of the most reliable places to buy high quality dog products. It is featuring various types of dog products ranging from doghouse flags, mugs, games, cushions and mats to the dog painting, watercolor sketch and canvas.


Excessive Lip Licking in Dogs

A dog adopts different behaviors in his life. All the behaviors offer certain information about the dog. Lip licking is one of the most common behaviors of dogs. It can be seen in dogs of all ages and breeds. It is a normal behavior unless your dog is licking his lips excessively. Normal licking usually means that your dog is waiting for his food or he is trying to get out of a conflict. But excessive licking means that your dog is having some problem. Some of the common reasons for a dog to lick his lips excessively are as given below:

Separation Anxiety:

If your dog starts licking his lips while you are away, he is likely having an anxiety problem. In order to be certain, you will have to experiment with your dog. You should observe your dog closely that how he reacts when you are not home. The licking will get more excessive as you spend more and more time outside.

Oral Problems:

If your dog is having any oral problem, he may start licking his lips excessively. In order to make sure, you can check under his tongue and his jawline. If there is any sign of accumulated fluid or it appears swollen, it means that your dog is having a problem with his salivary glands. Oral problems usually include swollen salivary glands, periodontal disease and tooth decay.


If your dog is nauseous, it will lead him to the excessive saliva. In order to get rid of the saliva, your dog will start licking his lips excessively. If your dog stays in a condition of nausea for more than 24 hours, it can be a critical problem and you should see a vet immediately.


Different dogs react in different ways when they are feeling pain. Some of the dogs start licking their lips excessively when they are in pain. If your dog is having the problem, you should see a vet immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.

If you are interested in decorating your house with dog products, you must visit Doggie of the Day Store. It is a great place to buy dog products online as you can find a huge variety of products here. Moreover, it is quite convenient to make your selection and place order at the store. You can buy various types of products here including fridge magnets, cushions, pillows, crockery, mats, games, dog canvas, sketch, painting and lots more.


Training to Avoid Dog Bites

There are huge numbers of people all over the world who gets bitten by dogs each year. That makes it crucial for all the dog owners to help their dogs to prevent the problem. One of the most useful ways to avoid dog biting is proper training of your dog. Through proper training and socialization, you help your dog to lead a happy and satisfactory life without facing any inconvenience or discomfort. A dog who is not trained properly, usually has to face various troubles as he has no idea that how he should react to certain situations and around people.

Stated below are some of the most important suggestions for you that how you should train your dog to avoid dog bites:

Start at Early Age:

It is easier to train a puppy as compared to a full grown dog. It gets harder and harder as the dog ages. So, you must start the training at an early age. It is highly recommended that you should start the training when your dog is 3 to 12 weeks old.


Socialization is an extremely important part of dog’s training. It starts with the introduction of your dog to new faces. You should let your dog get comfortable with his surroundings first and then introduce him to your family members one by one. Eventually, you can start taking him out. If he does not feel comfortable outside, you should take him home. After few tries he will get comfortable with new places and new faces.

Teach Basic Commands:

During the training, you have to teach him basic commands at the start. It usually includes sit, stay, stop, no, drop etc. These are very important as through the commands he learns to obey your commands. After learning the commands, you can calm him down if he gets anxious or aggressive.

Biting is Bad:

You have to teach your dog that biting is not welcomed at all and he should not bite anyone. If he nips at you, you should immediately stop him. The basic commands like “no” or “stop” can be helpful for the purpose.In the meantime, you should visit Doggie of the Day Store if you need to buy some high quality dog products in a convenient way. It is a reliable store that has to offer a wide range of high quality dog products. You can even find a huge collection of artwork.


Most Useful Tools for Dog Training

Dog training and socialization is one of the most important phases of a dog’s life. If you want to keep your dog happy and satisfied, you must train him properly. If you are bringing a dog home for the first time, you must know all about dog training. Dog training is a very patient job and requires your time and consistency. There are few tools that are important for dog training for various reasons including controlling the dog and keeping him inline. Some of the most useful tools for dog training are as mentioned below:

Collar and Training Leash:

The foremost tools that you will need for your dog’s training are collar and leash. You can find a variety of collars and leashes in the market that makes the selection of the right ones easy for you. You must ensure the right selection depending on your dog size and his neck size. Your dog should not feel uncomfortable while wearing the collar neither it should be too loose. The leash should be long enough that you can keep your dog near. It should not be too long or too short.


Clickers can offer you a great convenience in dog’s behavior training. There are different types of clickers available these days when it comes to styles, shapes and usability. You can even find clicker apps that can work with any smartphone. You can also get a leash that comes with a clicker on it.

Toys and Games:

The markets are full of interactive toys and games specially designed for dogs. These can be very useful for your dog to train physically as well as mentally. There are some food puzzle games that can keep your dog interested as he can get rewards after solving the puzzle.

Target Sticks:

A target stick is an important part of dog training. It can let your dog know what he is required to do. You can even use the stick for teaching your dog various interesting tricks like bow and spin.

You should have a look at the Doggie of the Day Store. It is a reliable store that enjoys a long list of satisfied customers all over the world. You can conveniently make your selection for the most suitable dog products as there is a wide range of products available at the store. You can even find different types of dog artwork as well.


Risks Factors and Living with an Aggressive Dog

Having an aggressive dog can cause serious problems not just for the owner but to the dog as well. He can attack someone at any time and cause harm. An aggressive dog poses even serious threat when he is living around kids. The aggression can be treated. In some cases, it can be cured completely but in other cases, it can only be managed and controlled. The treatment completely depends on the factors that trigger the aggression, type of aggression and the age of your dog. If you are planning to live with an aggressive dog, you must consider the following risk factors:

Causes of Aggression:

The causes of aggression differ from one dog to another. In some dogs it can be possession, whereas in others it can be a history of mistreatment. Some of the factors can be controlled and managed whereas it is not possible to manage others. If you can control the exposure of your dog to such factors, it can be safe to live with him. It can help you to control and reduce the aggression level in your dog. But if it is not possible to control the causes of aggression, living with such a dog can be very dangerous.

A Biting Dog:

You should seriously think about living with an aggressive dog that can bite someone. If your dog has a history of biting and you are planning to live with him, you must take all the precautionary measures until the aggression is cured completely. It is very important to ensure the safety of others living around him. Although it is not suggested but if your dog has never bitten anyone, it is comparatively safer to live with him.

Severity of Aggression:

If the aggression is severe in your dog, it can be quite dangerous to live with him. He can break at any time and can harm or bite someone. A dog with higher level of aggression can be very hard to predict whether he is just growling and showing teeth or if he is going to attack. He can attack even without showing any signs of it.

Meanwhile, you should visit Doggie of the Day Store It is one of the best stores available online that are offering high-quality products. Whether you are looking for dog painting, watercolor canvas, sketch or doghouse flag, ornaments, puzzle games, cushions, mugs and coaster sets, it can be the right place for you.


Treatment of Aggression in Dogs

Aggression in dogs is a huge problem for all dog owners. If your dog also has the aggression problem, the treatments provided here can offer you a great help. But you must understand the fact that there are different types of aggression and the right treatment depends on the type and factors of aggression. That is why the first and foremost thing to do is to find out that what type of aggression your dog has. Provided below are some of the most helpful and most used ways to treat dog aggression:

Treatment for Physical Trouble:

If your dog has no history of aggression and has developed the behavior quite recently, the first thing to do is to observe if your dog has a physical issue. You can have a careful look at your dog’s body and gently pressing his body parts. If he has any trouble, you can visit a vet to eliminate the trouble and make him relax. You have to handle such a dog very carefully because he can react in harmful ways even if he is approached by the friendliest person.

Treatment for Fearful Dogs:

Whether your dog has developed the aggression problem because of genetic disposition or because of fear, the training can be quite helpful. You can start the training at the very young age of your puppy. It can offer more fruitful results at a young age as compared to the older age. Combining the training with proper medication can offer even better results at a faster pace.

Lack of Formal Regular Structured Life:

Whether your dog had to go through rapid changes in his life or even if he still has to face the lack of structured formal activities in his daily life, he may have developed the aggression problem. A carefully structured training and socialization can be very helpful to get rid of the aggression problem. A vet or behavioral expert can also offer you a great advice on the matter.

If you are a dog owner or a dog enthusiast and an art lover at the same time, you must visit Doggie of the Day Store There is a wide range of products that can surely interest you. You can find various dog products at the store including ornaments, puzzle games, floor mats, mugs and coaster sets, cushions and lots more. Moreover, you can buy a variety of dog painting, watercolor sketch, canvas, etc.


What is Aggression in Dogs

Someone who has even a little interest in animals may already know that aggression is one of their most common behavioral traits. Dogs are no different from other animals. They used to live in wilds and hunt for food. Though we have domesticated dogs, yet we are unable to get rid of their native behavior completely. Aggression is one of the most common problems dog owners have to face. If you are planning to adopt a dog for the first time it is extremely important for you to know all about aggression in dogs. You can handle the aggression in dogs only if you know about it.

What is Aggression in Dogs:

Aggression is basically a type of behavior that may or may not be permanent in a dog. There can be various factors in different situations that can trigger the aggression. Different breeds have different factors that can lead to aggression. Some dog breeds are highly aggressive by nature whereas in some breeds it can be caused by pain or even separation anxiety.

Dog aggression is not a problem completely as it can be advantageous in certain situations. We have domesticated dogs for various purposes that can be safeguarding our house or seek the companionship of a loyal and playful friend. If you need a dog for guarding, you will definitely look for an aggressive dog, not a friendly one.

What Causes Aggression in Dogs:

For any dog owner, it is a matter of extreme importance to know that what can cause a dog to get aggressive. There can be different reasons for a dog to be aggressive depending on his breed and circumstances. But given below are some of the most common reasons for aggression in dogs:

  • Psychological factors like fear, anxiety and loneliness
  • Physical factors like illness or pain
  • Protecting possessions like food and toys
  • Protecting territory
  • Dominance related issues

If you are into dog products, Doggie of the Day Store is a highly suggested online store. It is one of the most trusted places to shop dog products without worrying about the quality, price or services. You can find a variety of dog products at the store, each one containing a particular dog picture or portrait. You can even find various products containing the world renowned painting series of “Dogs Playing Poker.” You can also buy different dog painting, artwork, canvas and sketch at the store.


Best House Decoration Ideas for Dog Owners

Everybody loves to invest their time and money to decorate their houses in the best possible way. Different people have different preferences when it comes to decorating the house. Dog owners and dog lovers usually have a little different perspective in mind for house decoration. They like to decorate their house with various types of dog products. It depicts their love for their four-legged furry friend. Given below are some of the best house decoration ideas for dog lovers and owners:

 Door/Floor Mats:

It is one of the most useful decorative ideas to place a doormat or floor mat in the house or at the door. It does not just look good but it is also quite helpful to keep the house clean. There are different types of mats available in the market containing different images, quotes, colors and sizes.


The markets are full of crockery which is available in different styles and sizes. The good news for dog lovers and owners is that they can conveniently get crockery sets containing a dog picture or image. The most common crockery items are serving trays, plates, mugs and coaster sets.

Cushions and Pillows:

Cushions and pillows are important parts of a house décor. There are different types of cushions and pillows available these days considering their sizes, styles and materials. You can conveniently get the most suitable ones depending on your preferences. There are numerous cushions and pillows available that may contain an attractive dog picture or an impressive quote for dog owners.

Wall Décor:

Wall décor is undoubtedly one of the best ways to decorate your house. When it comes to the wall décor, there is a variety of options available. You can decorate your house with dog painting, canvas, sketch or even dog frames of different styles and sizes. “Dogs Playing Poker” is a highly popular painting series that can be an ideal choice for house décor. Each of the painting contains a certain situation where the dogs are having fun.

If you need to buy any sorts of dog products, Doggie of the Day Store is a recommended store. It has a huge variety of different dog products to decorate your house. Moreover, it enjoys a fine repute among its customer worldwide. It is offering impressive products and high quality services to its customers in order to make sure that they are completely satisfied and happy.


Advantages of Positive Reinforcement for Training a Dog

In earlier days, people used to scold and punish their dogs when they did something wrong. Still, there are many people who believe that it is the right way to train a dog. But all of the dog behaviorists and experienced dog trainers negate this. Positive reinforcement is the right and best way to train a dog. It has various advantages to offer including the ones mentioned below:

Make Learning A Fun Activity:

Positive reinforcement can turn learning into a fun activity that your dog is going to love. If he is not interested in learning, the training can be a very tough experience and can take a lot longer than it should. If you turn it into a fun activity, your dog will become more interested and start learning efficiently.

Strengthening the Bond:

When you show your affection and love to your dog, it helps to strengthen the bond. When a dog has a strong bonding with his owner, he tries to follow his commands willingly and more accurately. In addition, it offers him a great help to settle in the new environment with ease and convenience.

Can Be Applied to Different Behavioral Problems:

The best thing about positive reinforcement is that you can use it to resolve a variety of behavior problems in a dog. Instead of resolving the problem, punishing a dog can increase it. The dog may get even more stubborn and aggressive. But you can eliminate the behavior issues successfully through positive reinforcement. The dog becomes submissive because of the love and affection he receives from you. It can cause him to follow your commands and give up the problematic behaviors.

Anyone Can Contribute:

When it comes to the positive reinforcement, anyone can participate in the training. Positive reinforcement strengthens the bond between the dog and the owner. In addition, it turns the dull activity of learning into fun. That is why any of your family members can take part in the training if he knows how to train a dog.

Doggie of the Day Store is an attractive and reliable online store that is featuring a variety of dog products for home décor. It is offering pillows, cushions, mugs, wall décor, mats, doghouse flags, watercolor painting, canvas, dog sketch and lots more. You can even find numerous types of products at the store containing dogs playing poker series paintings.


Why Do Dogs Bite?

Dogs are considered among the most preferred animals to keep as pets. Different people adopt dogs for different reasons. But keeping a dog is not a simple task as you have to take care of various things for your dog including his mental and physical health. A study has shown that there are more than four million people all over USA who gets bitten by dogs each year. If you own a dog, you must know what can cause a dog to bite someone. Given below are some of the most common causes for dogs to bite:


One of the most common reasons for a dog to bite someone is pain. If your dog has an injury or feeling pain for any other reasons, he becomes aggressive and can bite even the friendliest person. If you have a friendly and gentle dog but suddenly he has become aggressive, he may have some pain related issue. In such conditions, you must handle the dog very carefully and make sure that kids stay away from the dog.


Dogs usually get possessive of various things like their territory, food, bed, toys etc. It is in their nature. Dogs are basically wild animals who had to compete for their food and shelter. It has made them possessive. They can quickly get aggressive and can bite when someone is trying to touch their belongings or interferes with them.


Another common factor that can cause a dog to bite someone is fear. When a dog feels frightened of something or someone, the first thing he tries to do is to run away. But when running away is not an option, he decides to stand his ground and fight.

Prey Drive:

Although, we have domesticated dogs yet they possess their native behavior. Prey drive is one of their native traits. It can cause a dog to attack someone especially if he is running. That is why you should not run when you see an aggressive dog neither should look him directly in the eyes.

Meanwhile, you should visit Doggie of the Day Store if you want to get some high quality dog products without any worry. It is a highly recommended store that is offering a wide range of dog products. You can even buy various types of artwork. It is also featuring the famous “Dogs Playing Poker” painting series. There are different products at the store that feature one of the paintings from the popular series.