Dog Maintenance

For anyone who’s considering getting a dog, please do your research first. Consider the care and maintenance involved in the breed you are wanting and whether or not you are able, willing to keep up with care for, train, seek medical attention for, grooming of and training of that breed. If you cannot or will not be able to meet the needs of the dog, perhaps another more maintenance free pet would be more suited for you, ie, a goldfish or a pet rock. The goldfish, you only need to throw food at and change the tank once in a while, the pet rock you only need to talk to.

Try this: pinch two pieces of skin close to one another on your neck, now take those pieces of skin and pull them tight together. How does that feel? Now imagine walking around with your skin pulled tight like that. That’s what a matt does and feels like to a dog, sometimes multiplied several times. This doesn’t allow the skin to breathe and can cause rashes and even tear the skin. If you already have a dog that needs grooming, brush it regularly. If it’s a coat that becomes matted, this will keep most of the matts away. If it becomes too matted, don’t try to cut them out yourself unless you know how to do it right.

Take it to a groomer and not after you’ve been attempting to groom it yourself. Ever let your hair go nearly a year before washing or brushing it and then spend six hours trying to detangle the mess without trimming out the tangles. That’s what happens to a long haired dog that’s not maintained and it doesn’t feel any better (probably worse) to the dog who has a groomer tugging and pulling at mats that an owner doesn’t want, to have a haircut. Now try this: Pound nails into your shoe so that they stick up into your foot, then walk around on them. Not comfortable? That’s how it feels to a dog that has toenails curled around and digging into the pads of their feet. Their toes will also become splayed apart and they will get painful joint problems throughout their legs. Ever get fleas in your hair? Now imagine yourself covered from head to toe with fleas biting at you.

Does it sound pleasant? It’s not to a dog either, in fact it causes rashes, sores and infections and disease. Have you ever seen a child who’s who was deemed unmanageable and has been bounced from one foster home to another because? That’s what it’s like for the dog that doesn’t get proper training and the owner gives him up and then he may see another couple of homes in their life or get euthanized in a shelter because he got out of hand. That holds true not only for the large breed, but also the small one. Misbehavior is not cute. People need a limited and balanced diet and exercise, so does an overweight dog.

Feeding an overweight dog table scraps and junk food, is stealing away part of that dogs’ life. It really does shorten their life, as they need care just like you or I do. Have you seen a child who is so scared and shy that they want to always hide or can’t get along with other children? Usually they haven’t been away from mom and dad or don’t have friends to play with and they may have issues later on. Having a dog and never allowing it the opportunity to look at, see or play with another dog or getting it out around other people from the time it is young is depriving it of much needed socialization. That dog will likely have either fearful or aggressive issues.

In my profession as a dog resort owner and dog groomer, these are just examples of situations I’ve encountered, from dogs in dire need of care from owners being too busy, not thinking about it, work and chasing their kids around. While these may be legit excuses, please keep in mind that your dog may be enduring daily suffering because of it. If you love your dog, the best way to show it is by helping him to live a long, happy and healthy life and he in turn will be your best friend for the duration of his life.

Dog Maintenance courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a throw blanket showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Should I Have My Dog Spayed Or Neutered?

Many people today are concerned about pet overpopulation.  They may choose to adopt a pet instead of buying from a breeder.  Even if they do obtain a dog from a breeder they may be interested in having their dog spayed or neutered.  Is this always a good idea?  Is spaying and neutering right for everyone?  Are there drawbacks?  If you do plan to spay or neuter your pet, what is the best age to have it done?

There are many positives to having your dog spayed or neutered, especially for the casual pet owner.  Primarily, you reduce the risk of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies.  Many people today are not always aware when their female dog may be in “season.”  They may not take the proper precautions to prevent her from becoming pregnant.  It can take a surprisingly short time for a breeding to take place.  Even fenced dogs may become pregnant if you have a determined male nearby.  Dogs can escape from a yard or house for a brief rendezvous.  You may not even know that your dog is pregnant until shortly before she has puppies.  By then it’s too late to do anything but get ready for the whelping.

Spaying your female (and neutering your male) eliminates this risk.  You won’t have to find homes for unplanned puppies or care for them for several weeks while the mother nurses them.  Newborn puppies are virtually helpless and you would be responsible for their welfare until they are old enough to wean.  After that you would need to get their first set of shots before they go to their new homes.  It’s quite a daunting experience to try to raise a litter of puppies and find good homes for them.  If you are unsuccessful you would be responsible for taking them to an animal shelter where they might be put to sleep if not adopted.  For this reason alone, many people choose to have their female dogs spayed.

From a health standpoint, spaying also has certain benefits.  If you spay your female dog before she is 2 1/2 years old she has a significantly lower chance of developing mammary cancer than her unspayed counterparts.  Mammary cancer is one of the leading causes of death among unspayed females.  Spaying a female dog also removes the chance of ovarian cysts developing since the ovaries are removed during the hysterectomy.  You will also avoid pyrometra and uterine cancer.

Neutering your male dog has similar positive benefits.  Besides being unable to mate, your neutered male will probably have less or an urge to mark in the house.  Your dog will not have a risk of testicular cancer and the risk of prostate cancer is reduced.

There are, however, negatives about spaying and neutering.  Weight gain is often observed after spaying and neutering.  Spaying and neutering at young ages (before the onset of puberty and the beginning of the sex hormones) can mean that your dog never achieves the look of a mature dog.  Males, in particular, may lack muscle tone and mass their entire lives.  Spaying and neutering at young ages — before the growth plates close — may also stunt the growth of your dog.  On the other hand, some spayed and neutered dogs grow to be much taller than normal.  Spayed females may also become incontinent and have accidents in the house.  At least one study has shown that sterilized dogs are more likely to have problems with hypothyroidism.

In addition, while spayed and neutered dogs are less likely to get some cancers, they are more likely to develop others.  This is thought to be because they no longer have the beneficial effects of some necessary hormones in their bodies.

Neutering increases the risk of osteosarcoma in male dogs (bone cancer).  It increases the risk of cardiac hemangiosarcoma.  It triples the risk of hypothyroidism.  It increases the risk of orthopedic disorders.  And it increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations.

For female dogs, spaying significantly increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer.  It doubles the risk of splenic hemangeiosarcoma.  It triples the risk of hypothyroidism.  It triples or quadruples the risk of persistent urinary tract infections.  It increases the risk of orthopedic disorders.  And it increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations.

That’s a lot of important health information to consider.  Having your dog spayed or neutered is not a slam dunk decision.  If you have a breed that is already prone to one of these conditions you should think carefully before having your dog spayed or neutered since you will be increasing the odds that your dog may develop a serious health condition.

Most pet owners will choose to have their dog spayed or neutered for the sake of convenience.  They won’t have to worry about unwanted pregnancies.  They won’t have to worry about their dog coming in season.  This is often a good choice.  But please consider all of the health ramifications of your decision.  Talk to people who have your breed.  Find out about common health problems and see what other people recommend.  At the very least, try to delay spaying and neutering until your dog is sexually mature so that you can avoid some of the worst of the potential health problems associated with spaying and neutering.

Should I Have My Dog Spayed Or Neutered? Courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a license plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Choosing Healthy Foods For Your Dog

Today’s pet food market is larger and more diverse than ever before.  While this offers a large number of choices in various types of pet food, it also presents a dilemma in choosing the healthiest food for your dog.  Are generic or store brands suitable for a dog?  What about familiar name brands like Purina and Alpo?  Are the pricier brands that advertise specially formulated ingredients (Science Diet, Eukanuba) really living up to their claims and worth the extra money?  All of these are valid questions that loving dog owners deserve to have answered.

Dog Food Considerations

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right food for your dog.  Different dogs have different nutritional needs at different stages in their lives.  Some things to consider when selecting the food you’ll give your dog follow.

– The Dog’s Age

Puppies have different nutritional requirements than adult dogs just as human children have different needs than adult people.  Senior dogs also have different requirements than younger adult dogs.  Make sure that you select a food that is appropriate for your dog’s stage in life.

– The Dog’s Health

Does your dog have a specific medical condition?  If so, the food you choose may need to be partially dictated by that condition.  Diabetic dogs need low-glucose foods and dogs with specific allergies (yes dogs can be allergic to all sorts of things, just like people) may require certain foods as well.  Your veterinarian can help you choose foods that are appropriate for a dog with a specific medical condition.

– The Dog’s Size or Body Type

Some dogs are overweight.  Some dogs are underweight.  Some have a natural tendency to get lots of exercise while others tend to prefer to lie around a lot.  There are, of course, small, medium, and large dogs as well as the ultra-tiny “toy” dogs.  All of these different types of dogs will have different requirements for the type of food they need as well as how much of it.

– Your Budget

Dog food can be expensive, there’s no doubt about it.  And where dog food is concerned, the rule really is “you get what you pay for.”  Low cost generics and store brands will lighten the burden on your wallet, but may not be the healthiest choice for your dog as they are made with cheap ingredients and lots of fillers.  You should buy the best dog food you can on your budget to help ensure your dog’s nutrition.

Choosing Healthy Foods For Your Dog courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a puzzle showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


What Does It Mean To Be A Responsible Dog Owner?

Responsible dog ownership is very important for anyone who plans to own a dog. Most elements of responsible dog ownership are common sense but they always bear repeating.

1.  Before you get a dog ask yourself if you have enough time to properly take care of him or her.  Do you have the time to housebreak and train a puppy?  Can you afford good veterinary care and good dog food?  Can you make the commitment necessary to care for a dog?  Is everyone in your home able to make the same commitment?

2.  When choosing a dog, make sure that you choose the right dog for you.  This means considering your lifestyle and circumstances.  Do you like grooming?  Do you have time to groom?  If you don’t, then don’t get a longhaired dog that requires a lot of weekly or even daily grooming.  Do you live in a small apartment?  Then you shouldn’t get a very active dog that needs lots of room to run.  (But remember that size isn’t always an indication of how active a dog is.  Some very large dogs are quite happy to sleep all day while some small dogs can be extremely active.)  Do you have children?  By all means choose a breed that’s known for being great with kids.  In other words, think before you get a dog.  Don’t choose a dog impulsively.

3.  Once you bring your new puppy or dog home be sure to take him or her to the vet for a check-up.  This is the most responsible thing you can do for several reasons:  a) You need to confirm that the seller has given you a healthy puppy or dog; b) You need to be certain that the dog will not pass on any illness to other pets; c) You should be sure that your new puppy or dog is current on vaccinations for his or her own protection and for yours.  Most cities and states require dogs to be vaccinated, at least for rabies.  Check with your city or with your vet to find out about the vaccination requirements in your area.

4.  Be sure that you provide your dog with fresh water at all times and with healthy dog food.  Educate yourself about the ingredients in dog food.  Learn what makes a good food and what your dog needs in his diet.  Not all dog foods are created equal.  Some dogs are full of cheap fillers and other foods are made of expensive organic ingredients.  Find out what your dog actually needs so you can make an informed choice about his food.

5.  Keep your dog responsibly contained and do not let him wander the neighborhood.  Virtually every city and town in North America has leash laws of some kind that require dogs to be kept leashed or on their owner’s property.  A good fence or a leash when you are walking your dog will keep your dog from roaming.  Dogs that are allowed to roam and wander may become lost or hit by cars.  If picked up they can go to animal shelters where they may be put to sleep.  Keep your dog safely contained for his own protection.

6.  If you do not intend to responsibly breed your dog you should consider having him or her neutered or spayed.  Neutering and spaying prevents unwanted pet pregnancies and saves you from having to find homes for unexpected puppies.  Responsible breeding is not easy.  It entails health testing the parents, researching pedigrees, planning and overseeing matings and researching homes for puppies.  Unless you plan to undertake these activities most pets are better off being spayed and neutered unless you have reason to believe that your dog would have a health problem with such surgery.

7.  Do the right thing for your dog even when it’s difficult.  This means that when your dog has reached the end of his days and there is no more that the vet can do for him, you will have to make the difficult decision to say goodbye.  Stay with your dog and comfort him till the end.

Being a responsible pet owner is a big job.  It means that you have to think of everything for your dog from the time before you get him until the end of your days together.  But, in return, your dog will give you all the love in his heart and soul.  It’s a good trade.

What Does It Mean To Be A Responsible Dog Owner courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a clip board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Puppy Rescue

There are many puppies in rescue centers. You may want to get your pet from a rescue center. You will find mixed breeds and pure bred pets that need adoption. The reason so many puppies and dogs are at rescue centers is that a lot of people take them there after the newness and cuteness wears off or they move and decide not to take the pet with them, especially if they are moving out of town.

Just where are many of these puppies rescued from when someone doesn’t bring them in when they are tired of them? Well, puppies are found along the roadside, in garbage bags and boxes, in parks, and some are taken from puppy mills. Some people take them to the woods and dump them in which case they don’t usually make it to a rescue center.

Many times people tell someone at the rescue center about a puppy mill or that a bunch of puppies were dumped in a park or somewhere else and the volunteers at the rescue center go get them. The veterinarian examines the pet when it is brought in; he will treat the puppies wounds and treat him for parasites. When the vet is finished one of the rescue team members bathes the pet. After the puppy is treated and bathed, he’ll be placed in a clean kennel until someone adopts him and he is their pet.

When you want to adopt a pet from a rescue center, you’ll have to follow their rules of adoption. These rules are enforced so that puppies go to good homes. The rules may vary some from one pet rescue center to another, but will be similar and be for the welfare of the pet.

The rules at your local pet rescue center may include these stipulations: They may ask for the name of a vet, which you’ll use. This is so that they can check with the vet about your pet. They may require an interview before letting you adopt the puppy. They might require a home visit. They might have a testing period, which is temporary, to confirm the pet has a good home, good living conditions, and is happy there.

If you adopt a pet from a rescue center or a shelter you are helping to stop the puppy mill business. You will benefit too by getting a puppy that is healthier, happier, and groomed well. If you are adopting a pure bred puppy, you’ll know what size it will be when full grown. Determine the size of pet you want. If it is a mixed breed try to determine how big it will be later.

If you have a small house and yard, you may prefer a puppy that  will be a smaller grown dog. Do you want a dog with a short coat or a long coat? Would you like a dog that likes to swim and catch freebies? Consider your activities and lifestyle, when choosing your pet.

Puppy Rescue courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a comfy throw blanket showcasing their favorite breed! Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Adopting A Shelter Dog

Bringing home a shelter dog can be great for you and the dog, but it can be a challenge, too. Many times you don’t know much about the dog’s history or background. You don’t know if he has behavior problems. You may not know the real reason why he was turned in to the shelter.

When you bring your shelter dog home you should give him time to settle in. Things will be new to him and probably not what he’s used to. He may have been in the shelter for a short time or a long time — you may not know. Life in a kennel run is very different than living in your home so he may be rusty on any housetraining at first. Help remind him about housetraining by taking him outside frequently. If he has already been housetrained this should help put him back on track. If he hasn’t been housetrained yet you will need to work on that from the start.

Your shelter dog may be happy and start adjusting to you and your family right away — or not. Some shelter dogs can take a little time to adjust to their new life. Your dog may be shy at first and seem very quiet. That’s okay. Give him some time to observe things and slowly fit into the family. This period may last for a few days. As long as he is eating and drinking, even a little, keep giving him the time he needs.

Your shelter dog may also react by being a little clingy. Some shelter dogs may latch on to you and see you as a savior. If you spend time petting your dog and taking care of him, this kind of dog will probably be devoted to you forever. In fact, he may have problems with separation anxiety later so, when possible, you should encourage him to interact with other family members and take him for walks outside. Let him see other things and meet friendly strangers. This will help discourage the tendency to focus completely on you which, as flattering as it may be, is not good for your dog.

Regardless of how your new shelter dog acts in the beginning he will begin to relax a little and you will be able to get a better idea of his real personality. You can start finding out if he’s outgoing and friendly, if he’s always shy, if he’s active or neurotic. Some dogs end up in animal shelters through no fault of their own. Their owners may not be able to keep them when they move or the dog may not get along with the cat. Other dogs, however, may have some behavior problems then lead to them being in the shelter. You will probably find out if your dog has any of these behavior problems after a few days. These problems can include house soiling, excessive barking, jumping on people, nipping — the usual behavior problems. If your dog is an adolescent dog he may be particularly prone to exhibiting these problems. There are solutions to all of these problems but they will take work on our part.

Getting a dog from a shelter can be a great thing to do. As exciting as it always is to get a new dog you should take your time and try to choose a dog that will fit you and your lifestyle. Try to find out as much as you can about the dogs from the shelter staff. Admittedly, this isn’t always easy because the staff is eager to get the dogs into new homes. They aren’t always forthcoming about a dog’s issues. Good shelters will try to help you choose the right dog because they don’t want you to have to return the dog.

Take your time with your new dog and get to know each other. You may have discovered a diamond in the ruff.

Adopting A Shelter Dog courtesy of Dog Articles

Looking for a great gift idea?  Who wouldn’t love a blanket showcasing their favorite breed!  For all the nicest blankets and great doggie gift ideas…check them out here on Amazon.com – doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Pregnancy In Dogs

What are the signs of canine pregnancy and what special considerations should be made for pregnant dogs? Here are a few things to consider when caring for your pregnant dog.

The early signs of pregnancy in a dog are vague and non-specific, and include a change in normal behavior, a loss in appetite, weight gain, possibly some vomiting, and perhaps a noticeable increase in the size of her nipples. Your dog may also become more clingy and affectionate. These changes take place during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

If you want to know for sure, you’ll need to visit your veterinarian. A pregnancy test can be performed as early as twenty-six days after a bitch (female dog) has been bred. Your vet will perform a simple blood test to look for a hormone called relaxin, which remains in the bloodstream of pregnant dogs throughout pregnancy and up to two weeks after whelping.

Your vet can often feel puppies in your bitch’s abdomen after five weeks, and an ultrasound can determine whether your dog is pregnant after only three weeks. After seven weeks, the doctor will be able to see how many puppies are there and check their size, to make sure you’re both prepared for any potential delivery complications.

A dog’s pregnancy lasts between sixty-three and sixty-five days. During this time, she may prefer smaller, more frequent meals, since the puppies will be taking up space in her abdomen and there’s less room for her stomach. A balanced diet is important for pregnant dogs, and calcium supplements should be avoided to eliminate the risk of eclampsia while she’s feeding her babies. If you supplement calcium during pregnancy,you switch off her body’s natural calcium regulation system. So, when she needs extra calcium to produce milk, her body can’t meet the demand straight away. This results in trembling and seizures, and can be fatal.

The size of the litter and the size of your bitch will determine how firm or distended her abdomen looks and feels. As the weeks go by, she will gain weight and her abdomen can become quite pendulous. You can often feel the puppies moving during the last couple of weeks of her pregnancy. Her nipples may leak a little milk as she gets closer to her delivery date.

Exercise is important during pregnancy, but it should be gentle and not too strenuous, similar to that for human mothers approaching the final stages of their pregnancy. If any bleeding or vaginal discharge develops, or if your dog stops eating or becomes very lethargic, it may be time to call a veterinarian for advice.

In the final days before delivery, your bitch will become restless and begin her nesting behavior. That’s an indication that it’s time to provide her with a proper whelping box for the birthing process. Towards the end of her pregnancy, your dog’s temperature will drop from a normal 101 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit to between 97 and 99 degrees. This is a sure sign that she will deliver her pups within 24 hours.

Pregnancy in Dogs courtesy of Dog Articles

Looking for a great gift idea?  Who wouldn’t love a puzzle showcasing their favorite breed!  For all the nicest blankets and great doggie gift ideas…check them out here on Amazon.com – doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Neutering Or Spaying Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Neutering or Spaying your Chesapeake Bay Retriever is probably on of the most important steps you can take as a responsible pet owner if you’re not planning on breeding. As these dog breeds are more aggressive than most other Retrievers, regular socialization from a young age is quite important.

Male Chessie’s are generally more aggressive than the females but neutering and spaying has calmed this trait or even prevented this problem from developing. Some owners may believe that altering their Chesapeake Bay Retriever and in particular males, that this alters their charm. This is not the case. It actually helps your male Chessie to ignore the urge to wander for a female on heat. Having the urges in check will considerably make your dog much happier to stay by your side.

Spaying your female Chessie before their first heat season has been known to prevent breast cancers and uterine infections, while neutering males at puppy age will prevent testicular cancers as well as continue to maintain a healthy prostate and subdue their aggression.

Neutering and Spaying can reduce or eliminate serious illnesses in your Chessie and are said to live longer and healthier lives which also makes a happier companion for you.

The physical traits of spayed females are that they require less food, although a proper diet and outdoor exercise will prevent them from becoming obese, it also means that they will never come in season which will avoid an accidental breeding or unwanted puppies. While the temperament of spayed Chesapeake Bay Retrievers may become more dominant with other dogs but normally not the case.

Male Chesapeake Bay Retrievers if they are neutered less than 6 months of age tend to become taller with less muscle mass than intact males. They also require less food and a quality diet with regular exercise to avoid obesity. The good thing about neutering a male Chessie is that they are usually less aggressive towards other male dogs as well as their dominance with people is quite reduced. However, this shouldn’t be taken as a cure for dominant behavior, regular training and leadership is still required while still young.

In general you’ll find with these dog breeds that by neutering and spaying your pet there are a lot of benefits for both you and your dog. Training your Chessie is also a lot more civilized as they are usually more consistent and focused than a Cheesie still intact. Look after your Chessie and they’ll reward you with years of love, fun and companionship for you and your family.

Neutering Or Spaying Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever courtesy of Dog Articles

Looking for a great gift idea?  Who wouldn’t love a cutting board showcasing their favorite breed!  For great doggie gift ideas…check them out here on Amazon.com – doggieoftheday@amazon.com