How To Do Doggy Pedicures

Are you comfortable with bathing and grooming your dog, but are concerned about nail trimming? Don’t worry, it’s not nearly as hard as it seems to get your dog’s nails down to a good length.

The first thing to ease your worries and give you a good idea of how to trim your pet’s nails would be to watch someone who is experienced in pet nail trimming. A friend, a groomer or your vet won’t have a problem letting you watch and maybe even giving you some beginner tips.

Some dogs may never need their nails clipped. Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors wearing them down should have them relatively short already, or your animal’s nails may just flake away at the ends without you even knowing. Some breeds, however, do need their nails kept short- a couple examples would be Dachshunds or Basset Hounds.

Remember, accidents happen and there may be a time you will cut a nail too short. If this happens, it may begin to bleed so be prepared, but don’t be startled if it happens.

The first step to trimming your dog’s nails would be to purchase a good nail trimmer. You can ask your vet or someone in your local pet supply store which they recommend. The trimmers that have two pieces you squeeze together in your hand and a small blade that cuts the nail are the type that you want to get.

Start from underneath, not from the top downward. Slide the opening of the trimmer over the nail, but be sure to remain on the whitish area of the dog’s toenail. The pink area of the nail has blood vessels running through it and if you cut it that far, the nail will bleed.

Some dogs have very dark toenails where you won’t be able to see where the live part begins or where the white part ends. In this case, trim a little from the bottom of the nail at the time, checking the end of it as you go. The dead part will be white and as you get close to the live part of the nail, it will get dark.

When you are ready to trim, make a quick, easy squeeze on the handle of the trimmer. The end of the nail will fall of itself, you don’t have to pull it off. If you like, you can file down the ends of the nail, but taking your dog for a walk on the sidewalk or street will file them just as easily.

If you do cut the nail too short and it starts to bleed, hold a piece of tissue against it with some pressure for a few minutes. Another good idea is to keep some cornstarch or flour handy when you trim your dog’s nails and to put some of this against the bleeding nail. If your dog’s nail continues to bleed longer than a few minutes or if it looks like he is losing a lot of blood, call your vet.

Nail trimming really is not as scary as it seems. You can do a little bit at a time or all at once every week, but just remember that you are not harming the dog and that it needs to be done.

How To Do Doggy Pedicures courtesy of Dog Articles.

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Giardia In Dogs

There are still many things that veterinarians don’t know about giardia and infections in dogs.  Giardia are actually protozoans — single celled organisms.  It’s not uncommon for them to be in the intestines of many animals, including dogs.  However, we don’t know just how common giardia is.

Giardia is a parasite.  It attaches itself to the lining of the intestine.  It can also float free along the lining of the intestine.  Some dogs are asymptotic — that is they never show any symptoms.  Other dogs will develop symptoms related to a giardia infection.  And we don’t know why that is either.

Giardia is usually most dangerous for puppies.  The infection can manifest itself as diarrhea and bloody or mucousy stool.  Other symptoms associated with giardia include weight loss, listlessness and poor appetite.

A puppy or dog may have a long-term, low grade giardia infection and, when he become stressed for some reason the infection can flare up and become very serious.  This means that giardia can linger for a long time.

Giardia exists in two stages:  the swimming, feeding stage in your dog’s intestine and the cyst stage that passes through his feces and which is deposited on the ground.  These cysts can survive for several months outside the body if there is enough moisture present.  If your dog ingests them again, or if another dog ingests them, then the cycle begins all over.  This makes giardia very hard to get rid of once it’s on your property.

It’s always important to pick up after your dogs but it’s especially so if you suspect that one of your dogs has a giardia infection.  This will help prevent your dog, or one of your other dogs, from becoming infected with the organism.

It is suspected that giardia may also be passed to humans.

If your dog is experiencing ongoing problems with diarrhea, especially if there is bloody or mucousy stool, you should see your vet.  Your vet can confirm a diagnosis of giardia by checking your dog’s stool for signs of the giardia cysts.  Cysts are only passed occasionally so your vet may need to do 2-3 fecal exams to find evidence of the giardia infection.

If your dog does have giardia then your vet will probably treat the infection with metronidazole or quinacrine.  These are the two anti-protozoal drugs most often recommended for dealing with a giardia infection.

Puppies are most at risk of becoming dehydrated from the diarrhea associated with giardia.  However, with good veterinary care your puppy or dog should recover from this infection.  If you have other dogs it’s a good idea for all of them to be treated whether they are showing symptoms of giardia or not.  You will also need to thoroughly rake up even the smallest traces of fecal matter from your property so your dogs can’t become re-infected.

It’s very important to prevent your dogs from sampling manure samples from other animals, including cows and horses.  Many animals may carry strains of giardia and your dog may pick them up when he noses around in them.

Although this is the course of action when giardia can be determined, there are many times when your dog may have diarrhea and the cause is unknown.  Your vet may be unable to make a definite diagnosis.  Giardia may be suspected but your vet may be unable to confirm it.  In cases like these you should follow your vet’s best advice.  He may decide to treat your dog for a bacterial infection or not treat the diarrhea at all.  As long as your dog improves, that’s what really matters.

Giardia In Dogs courtesy Dog Articles.

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The Importance of Dog Insurance

A pet dog is more than just an animal you keep in the house – to many people, they are a member of the family, almost like a naughty child, or excitable little brother – and unfortunately, like most curious folk, can find themselves in a situation both you and they would rather not be in. This is why you should always make sure the little terror is insured – they can’t do it themselves you see, they don’t have bank accounts.

Typical dog insurance will cover the items listed below – but always make sure you check the details of your policy as every company is different, and have their own exclusions and definitions – Moneysupermarket says “You should always check the small print on your policy for exclusions as some things aren’t covered, for example; the cost of treatment for any condition which occurred before the policy started, flea control, vaccinations or spaying and castration. There are also some types of dogs which cannot be insured, for example; racing dogs, guard dogs, working dogs or dogs registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act.”: Vet Fees Pretty self-explanatory – there isn’t an NHS for animals unfortunately, and should your dog fall ill the bills from the vets can be expensive if you’re not covered, for example, a heart attack could cost you thousands of pounds in treatment.

Death Benefit This is also quite simple – the cover will pay out a fixed amount on the death of the animal. Holiday Cancellation Should your dog be taken ill and require constant attention, and you have a holiday booked, what can you do? Lose hundreds of pounds on your holiday, or try to find somebody to look after them in your absence? With this cover you will be financially reimbursed for the cost of the holiday, allowing you to look after him or her. Boarding Fees But what happens if the opposite happens? What if you end up living in accommodation that doesn’t allow pets, or have to travel for an extended period of time? Your pet insurance will usually cover boarding fees up to a certain amount, meaning you can leave your pet behind without too many worries.

Theft/Straying Should anything happen to your dog and he isn’t seen again, the policy would pay out in this case… Advertising/Reward …But if you’re certain that he’s still out there somewhere, your insurance will cover you for money spent on advertising his loss and offering a reward. Third Party Your dog might not be a car, but this works in the same way as it does your car insurance:- i.e. should your pet cause damage to another’s property and they claim against you, the insurance will cover it. Most companies offer differing levels of cover – usually offering all of the above, but with increasing financial amounts of cover. Always carefully consider the cover most suitable to you, and shop around for the best price – moneysupermarket.com offers a detailed comparison of a large selection of pet insurance plans, allowing you to make the decision that is best for you.

The Importance of Dog Insurance courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely tote showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


For Dog Owners

(From a dog’s point of view) You know you need a new mindset when your dog would say: I am a small breed dog that should weigh about 15 lbs but I weigh 40. My owner jokes about how she is guilty of feeding me table scraps (I am four now, but I may not see seven or eight because of this. I like to eat and it’s my owners’ job to maintain my weight because I don’t know how) I am a medium size breed that should weigh around 60 lbs but I weigh 110 lbs. The vet, told my owner to put me on a diet, so he/my owner cut back to 6 cups per day (that means I was getting way, way too much before because 6 cups is way too much for me now and I will probably not live long because I don’t know how to control my own weight, this makes me sad)

My owner doesn’t want me to see, smell, look at, greet or play with any other dog (since I am by nature a pack animal, he can expect me to have issues including possible aggression and fearfulness. I don’t think he realizes that I am just like a human child that needs to play and have fun and make friends with other dogs just like a human child does) I am a large breed, long haired dog and my owner hasn’t brushed or bathed me in 9 months and she wants my groomer to bathe, brush and get all the mats out without clipping me. (which isn’t possible without a haircut and hurts me and makes me really anxious) I am a small breed dog and I have gotten severely matted because my owner doesn’t brush me.

She has this silly notion that a hairbrush is a stress on me, so she tried “hacking” and “chopping” at the mats herself then decided to take me to the groomer but didn’t want me to be bathed or brushed, just clipped. (It hurts me to cut my hair when it’s this matted and it can’t be done without brushing what can be brushed out first. Lack of regular care causes me way more stress when I am dumped on a groomer for care and have to endure tugging and pulling at mats, than if my coat was maintained to begin with. Hacking and chopping what she can’t see, can cause cuts she can’t see)

My owner lets my toenails get so long that they curl around and dig into the pads of my paws, then takes me to the groomer. (this would be to him, like walking around in shoes that have nails driven into them stabbing into his feet. My toes will become splayed and I will probably develop joint pain, not to mention that I may have hoof rot, which can get very stinky and painful.) When I jump up on counters or people, my owner says “look what I taught my dog” (I’m behaving badly and I should not be encouraged) When I bark and growl at people and other dogs and my owner says “Good boy!, you go get em” (If I am allowed to behave like this, he may end up getting rid of me to another owner who may give me up again and I might get euthanized in a shelter because I wasn’t trained to behave to begin with.)

I bite people and when my owner is told about it, she says “Oh yeah, he gets a wild hair every now and then and decides to turn” (I am being very naughty and I should not be allowed to act like this. I’m afraid if she doesn’t get me trained to behave, I might end up in a shelter or get euthanized for my bad behavior) My owner doesn’t want to have me spayed or neutered because he thinks I will become fat, lazy or that it will take away what I should have. (What he doesn’t realize is that I will want to mark and mount the girls and other dogs and I might become a fighter and a dangerous dog. The girl dogs out there like me will probably have puppies that no one will have a home for and they will end up in shelters or get euthanized. This makes me so sad)

My owner wants my caregiver while she is on vacation to feed me human treats for my snack but they are unhealthy and one is actually poisonous to me. (If you want to feed me human foods, please make sure that they are safe for me because I want to live a long life with you, not die of poisoning that you didn’t know about.

For Dog Owners courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely tote showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Protecting Your Dog From Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is one of those terms that are often heard in association with dogs but few people have a clear understanding of what this infection really is and how to protect their pet. The fact is that kennel cough is common in dogs that are living (temporarily or permanently) in a crowded or stressful situation. The infection is characterized by a deep cough, which sounds almost as if the dog has something caught in its throat.

The medical name for this infection is ‘canine infectious tracheo-bronchitis’. There are many possible causative agents or factors of this infection including stress caused by travel or by crowded conditions, exposure to cold temperatures or exposure to pollutants in the air. Even cigarette smoke can pose a risk.

Kennel cough is the result of a reduction in the animal’s normal protective mechanisms of the respiratory tract. In addition or combination with the factors listed above, the actual bacterium responsible for kennel cough is ‘Bordetella Bronchiseptica’. Because the cough is extremely contagious and is passed from dog to another via respiratory secretions, boarding kennels, animal shelters, and grooming shops are often places that dogs seem to ‘catch’ the cough.

Some cases of kennel cough resolve themselves. If your dog develops a cough but continues to eat and be active there is a good chance that the problem will end on its own, without any medical intervention. However, in other cases, especially in those involving young puppies, the kennel cough can be more serious and can even result in the development of pneumonia. These pets will need the professional care of a veterinarian. In all likelihood they will receive antibiotics as well as anti-tussives for the cough.

Vaccinations are available for this infection, but they are not always recommended for all dogs. Instead, they are given to dogs at risk for Bordetella. Most boarding kennels require that dogs be vaccinated against the infection before they can stay. Although few groomers require that dogs be vaccinated against Bordetella, it is advisable that any dog that regularly visits a groomer have the vaccination. The same is true for dog training classes. In fact, the vaccination is warranted for dogs that regularly visit a dog park or other area where they are likely to socialize with unknown dogs.

It is important to note that even with the vaccination dogs can still develop the clinical signs and symptoms of kennel cough. The good news is that the symptoms will be milder and usually will not last long.

It’s always suggested that you talk with your veterinarian to determine if your dog should be vaccinated against this or any type of disease or infection. In most cases though, if your dog socializes with other dogs, having him vaccinated against Bordetella is a good idea. Other things to consider include the climate you live in and the air quality your dog is exposed to routinely. Protection is almost always easier than dealing with the consequences of ignoring a potential health threat.

Protecting Your Dog From Kennel Cough courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cute tote showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


What Do I Do If My Dog Has Hip Dysplasia?

Hip dysplasia is a complicated disease that affects both cats and dogs.  It is considered to be an inherited disease but it is polygenic — that means that it is not a case of simply breeding parents together who don’t have hip dysplasia and producing puppies that don’t have the disease.  There are many factors that can affect whether or not a dog develops the disease, even if he has parents with or without hip dysplasia.

Hip dysplasia results when the cartilage around a dog’s hips shows signs of breaking down.  This can happen for several reasons.  There may be bony projections in the hip joints.  There could be shallow hip sockets.  There can be evidence of bone changes called “remodeling.”  All of these indications are bad because they lead to the breakdown of cartilage in the hip area.  Cartilage is necessary to cushion the hips when a dog walks or moves.  Without proper cartilage the dog begins experiencing some degree of pain.

The breakdown of cartilage leads to various stages of arthritis in the dog’s hips.  This arthritis can be diagnosed by a veterinarian as degenerative joint disease, arthrosis, osteoarthrosis.  These are all painful conditions and can eventually lead to a dog being debilitated and unable to walk.

If your dog is having difficulty with his hips or is showing any signs of pain you should visit your vet to get a professional opinion.  Your vet can make a preliminary diagnosis.  You can also submit the x-ray to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals for evaluation.  The x-ray will be viewed by three veterinarians who are extremely experienced in evaluating hip dysplasia.  They can give you a precise rating for your dog’s hips.  Ratings of Excellent, Good, Fair, Borderline, Mildly Dysplastic, Poor and Severe may be given.  For cases where dysplasia is indicated the vets report back with a checklist of where the problems are.  Having the opinion of these specialists can provide your vet with more information if your dog is dysplastic.

Many people have their dog’s hips x-rayed when the dog is two years old to find out the dog’s hip status, especially if they are considering breeding the dog at some point.  As a general rule, dogs with ratings below Fair should not be used for breeding unless there are very important extenuating circumstances.

Hip ratings can depend a great deal on the x-rays submitted so it’s important to use a vet who has some experience with taking x-rays for OFA.  Bad x-rays can make even a dog with wonderful hips look like he is dysplastic.

Other people choose to use Penn Hip to evaluate hips for dysplasia.  Penn Hip stands for the University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program.  This radiographic technique measure the level of joint laxity in a dog’s hips rather than the absolute position of the joints and bones, as with OFA.  Both systems have their supporters but OFA seems to attract more people.

If your dog does have hip dysplasia a lot will depend on how much he is affected.  This is a degenerative disease meaning that it will get worse with age.  He will most likely become more arthritic as he ages.  Fortunately, there are a lot of things that people can do to help offset the early stages of hip dysplasia.  Many people give their dogs joint supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin and MSM.  You can buy the same supplements for dogs that you buy for yourself in drugstores or places like Walmart.  Ask your vet about the proper dosage for your dog’s weight.

There are many other supplements sold in pet stores for doggy arthritis, such as Dog Gone Pain.  Some dog owners swear by them.  You will have to try them for yourself and see if you think your dog improves when he takes them.  Most dysplastic and arthritic dogs also do better when you keep them from gaining excess weight.  Watch their diet so they aren’t too chubby.  Carrying a lot of extra weight is bad for their hips.

As your dysplastic dog ages he may experience some degree of pain in his hips.  Your vet may recommend using one of the NSAID medications for pain relief, such as Deramaxx.  There are drawbacks to these medications and your vet should advise you about possible side effects.  It’s also advisable to do a blood panel before starting to use an NSAID with a dog to make sure your dog is a good candidate for taking the drug.

There are plenty of dogs who may have some minor degree of hip dysplasia who never exhibit any symptoms.  If your dog does have some hip dysplasia it’s not the end of the world.  He may run and play for the rest of his life without experiencing pain.  Even if he does develop some arthritis there are many ways to counter the problem.  A diagnosis of hip dysplasia doesn’t have to mean the end of good times for you and your dog.

What Do I Do If My Dog Has Hip Dysplasia courtesy Dog Articles

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Dog Health – Essential Diet Guidelines

You need to make sure your dog is getting the right balance of foods each day.  The different considerations are protein, carbohydrates and good fats.  Eating a well-balanced meal will ensure a long and happy life, a beautiful coat, and a lot of energy.

Many people are unsure of the proper balance for their dog’s diet.  The general rule includes the following:

– 2-25% protein
– 20-35% fat
– 40-60% carbohydrates

In addition to those important elements; dogs also need vitamins and minerals.  Their needs are a bit different than human needs, however.  One of the most important needs is vitamin B1.  This is one that dogs do not store well in their bodies and is not often found in dog food.

It is necessary to note that feeding your dog a diet of lean meat alone will not help them meet the requirements.  Dogs in nature eat their prey whole, which does contain everything they need.  It’s your job as a dog owner to come as close to nature as possible.

There have even been studies about the habits of dogs and what they eat.  These studies have revealed that dogs prefer to have their food cooked and mushy rather than raw and meaty.  Even so, dogs will likely eat most things that are put in front of them so you must do the job of differentiating for them.

Most people tend to feed their dogs commercially available food.  These are often fortified with the necessary vitamins and mineral.  Manufacturers know that these foods need to be easy for buyers to store.  That is why they come in simple cans or bags and are a favorite of dog owners everywhere.  The downside here is that this food can get expensive.

More and more people are starting to make their own dog food.  It can be hard to balance the food just right, and you can’t base it solely off of what you eat.  You need to extensively study the subject in order to make sure you’re giving your dog the best possible health.

There are some health issues that might pop up if pet owners are not careful.  For example, putting too much milk powder in the food can cause scouring because dogs have a hard time digesting lactose.  Instead of creating your own recipes it’s important to find ones that are time tested.

Another thing to consider is that while dogs enjoy chewing on bones it is important to avoid many of them.  If they are small and have been cooked the bone is a lot more likely to splinter and cause problems.  Avoid cooked chicken, lamb chop, and fish bones, as they are the biggest culprits.  Be extra careful if you’re one who likes to feed their dog from the table.

You will live and learn about what is best for your dog.  If he has a bad experience with a certain meal you will probably notice that he avoids it in the future.  This is a natural instinct of survival that you should pay attention to.  Following the unique diet requirements of dogs is the best way to ensure that they are healthy and happy for a long time to come.

Dog Health – Essential Diet Guidelines courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Common Health Problems In A Welsh Corgi

While Welsh Corgis are great family pets, unfortunately they come with their fair share of health problems.

Particular care is needed to keep these dogs in shape and avoid over feeding them. Due to their short legs and long body they tend to gain weight easily which can pose a problem with their joints in the future. One good way to keep them in shape is swimming, as it doesn’t put pressure on their back or joints.

The Welsh Corgi is also prone to spinal problems due to the length of its spine, which can lead to early arthritis, particularly for those that are overweight. Biophysical stresses are a renowned problem for these breeds on their spine, which is directly related to the weight of an over-sized belly. This problem has lead to other secondary diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Unfortunately they are also predisposed to developing a disease called DM (Degenerative Myelopathy). A test for this has been developed and is available through the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. Further research is still being conducted as to why some Welsh Corgi’s develop DM and others don’t.

Pembroke’s in particular are at risk for hip dysplasia, Von Willebrand’s disease and other eye disorders.

Von Willebrand’s is a blood clotting disorder which is only detected by a DNA test. At the moment it is only eliminated by avoiding breeding carriers or affected Pembroke’s together. One parent must be clear to avoid the disease.

As for eye problems, both parents need to have passed CERF rating at least one year before breeding commences, to avoid such problems as persistent papillary membranes (PPM), retinal dysplasia or cataracts. Progressive Retinal Atrophy is a common eye condition with Welsh Corgi’s among other breeds that have protruding eyes. This eye condition is characterized by the deterioration of retina cells which ultimately leads to a progressive loss of sight starting approximately around 5 years of age. Glaucoma is another eye disease that can lead to permanent blindness by predetermined genetics. Glaucoma is the excessive pressure inside the eye which can damage the eye’s internal structures. If glaucoma is not treated quickly permanent loss of vision or complete blindness is inevitable.

Hip dysplasia in these dogs is poly-genetic, where more than one set of genes may be involved. It is important to have as many ancestors tested as possible as well as a fair rating in OFA. This is the best way to avoid dysplasia, but unfortunately there is not a completed guarantee.

Maintaining the recommended weight of Welsh Corgi’s will ensure longevity and a healthy life. These breeds are known to live up to 12 – 15 years. So if you’re looking at having this breed, ensure you stick to a regular diet and exercise regime without over feeding, so you and your family can enjoy the company of your dog for many years to come.

Common Health Problems In A Welsh Corgi courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


How Do Dogs Get Tapeworms?

Worms aren’t a very pleasant topic but they are something that you should know about if you have a dog.  You may hear about different kinds of worms and wonder how your dog can get them.  How does your dog get tapeworms, for instance?

Dogs get tapeworms from eating fleas.  Fleas ingest tapeworm eggs and when your dog eats the fleas he eats the tapeworm eggs, too.  They then happily hatch out inside your dog.  A single tapeworm can grow to be four to six inches long in your dog’s intestine.  The tapeworm’s head attaches to the intestine.  As it grows it is followed by many little linked segments.  These little segments look like rice.  They break off and your dog passes them when he uses the bathroom.  You can sometimes see them in his stool or they can catch on the fur around his rectum.  A single tapeworm may have 90 of these segments.  Each of these segments contains more eggs for the tapeworm.

When you take your dog to the vet (and this is one reason why you should take your dog for an annual check-up), your vet can identify these little white links as tapeworm segments.  Sometimes these links will show up in a fecal exam, but there is no guarantee that a tapeworm will conveniently break off when your dog is at the vet so your vet may not find the segments when he does the fecal exam.

Over-the-counter wormers for dogs do not work on tapeworms.  You will need a prescription wormer from your vet to kill the tapeworms.

A tapeworm can infect your dog for a year or more.  They rob your dog of the nutrients that pass through his digestive system.  Your dog may have abdominal discomfort, he may be nervous, and he may vomit.  If you notice these signs in your dog, even if you don’t see the rice-like segments of the tapeworm around your dog’s tail or in his stool, take your dog to the vet and tell him that you suspect your dog may have tapeworms.

Tapeworms can be passed to humans so it’s very important to kills these parasites as quickly as possible.  Beefing up your flea control will help prevent tapeworm infestations from getting started.  If your dog has had tapeworms you will also need to treat your yard and home.

If you have a puppy, most vets will offer worming when your puppy has his series of puppy shots.  Make sure that you get this worming for your puppy since it will take care of any tapeworms that your puppy may have when you first get him.

There are other worms and parasites that can bother your dog but most of them can be killed by over-the-counter wormers for dogs, with the exception of heartworms.  Make sure that you get your dog tested annually for worms with a fecal exam to find out if he has any worms or parasites.  Your vet can answer any questions you have about parasites and your dog.

How Do Dogs Get Tapeworms courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Pet Obesity – A Call to Action

If your pet is overweight you might be very concerned.  The sad fact is that almost a quarter of our pets are actually overweight.  It’s important to understand why this is happening.  Some think it correlates with the electronic age and the lack of time we all have for our pets.

People tend to take a lot of shortcuts these days.  There are remote controls, microwaves, dishwashers and computers that are all meant to make our lives easier.  These things that are meant to make our lives easier and leave more time for things like walking the dog often do not.  Unfortunately, there is no time.

Sure, our tasks can be completed quickly.  Even so, people are finding other things to fill their time with.  People spend hours on the Internet or in front of the TV screen instead of getting outside and walking the dog.

It is a sad shame that people can’t find pleasure in the simple things anymore.  Our pets are suffering, which is probably a direct cause of our own sedentary lifestyles.  People are even moving into more urban areas with less room for dogs to run around.

Another reason that pets are overweight is because of over-processed pet foods.  Pet owners also feed their dogs unhealthy scraps and think that it will have no effect.

You do need to take notice and action if your pet is overweight.  If it continues your dog will die at an early age.  There are also many diseases associated with obesity.

Some are:

• Diabetes
• Arthritis
• Heart Complications
• Endocrinal Diseases
• Bad Joints

The best thing for you to do if you suspect your dog is overweight is take him to a vet’s office. They can set you straight with an exercise plan and diet for your dog.  You might find that you’ve been doing some things wrong that directly contributed to your dog’s weight problem.

Another thing you can do is make sure you’re not too busy to spend time with your pet.  No matter how busy your schedule is you must make time for your pet.  Your dog will be a lot happier and healthier if you feed him the right things and take the time to do some healthy exercise.

Pet Obesity – A Call to Action courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com