How Do Dogs Get Tapeworms?

Worms aren’t a very pleasant topic but they are something that you should know about if you have a dog.  You may hear about different kinds of worms and wonder how your dog can get them.  How does your dog get tapeworms, for instance?

Dogs get tapeworms from eating fleas.  Fleas ingest tapeworm eggs and when your dog eats the fleas he eats the tapeworm eggs, too.  They then happily hatch out inside your dog.  A single tapeworm can grow to be four to six inches long in your dog’s intestine.  The tapeworm’s head attaches to the intestine.  As it grows it is followed by many little linked segments.  These little segments look like rice.  They break off and your dog passes them when he uses the bathroom.  You can sometimes see them in his stool or they can catch on the fur around his rectum.  A single tapeworm may have 90 of these segments.  Each of these segments contains more eggs for the tapeworm.

When you take your dog to the vet (and this is one reason why you should take your dog for an annual check-up), your vet can identify these little white links as tapeworm segments.  Sometimes these links will show up in a fecal exam, but there is no guarantee that a tapeworm will conveniently break off when your dog is at the vet so your vet may not find the segments when he does the fecal exam.

Over-the-counter wormers for dogs do not work on tapeworms.  You will need a prescription wormer from your vet to kill the tapeworms.

A tapeworm can infect your dog for a year or more.  They rob your dog of the nutrients that pass through his digestive system.  Your dog may have abdominal discomfort, he may be nervous, and he may vomit.  If you notice these signs in your dog, even if you don’t see the rice-like segments of the tapeworm around your dog’s tail or in his stool, take your dog to the vet and tell him that you suspect your dog may have tapeworms.

Tapeworms can be passed to humans so it’s very important to kills these parasites as quickly as possible.  Beefing up your flea control will help prevent tapeworm infestations from getting started.  If your dog has had tapeworms you will also need to treat your yard and home.

If you have a puppy, most vets will offer worming when your puppy has his series of puppy shots.  Make sure that you get this worming for your puppy since it will take care of any tapeworms that your puppy may have when you first get him.

There are other worms and parasites that can bother your dog but most of them can be killed by over-the-counter wormers for dogs, with the exception of heartworms.  Make sure that you get your dog tested annually for worms with a fecal exam to find out if he has any worms or parasites.  Your vet can answer any questions you have about parasites and your dog.

How Do Dogs Get Tapeworms courtesy Dog Articles.

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Post Whelping Care Of Mother Dogs

After a mother dog (bitch) successfully whelps her puppies, there are specific things you as an owner want to look for to make sure both the newborns and their mother are doing well. Here are some tips on what to expect and what you should do to care for the new family.

Within twenty-four hours of birth, have the pups and mother checked by a veterinarian. The doctor will check for signs of congenital defects in the pups, such as cleft palates or limb deformities. He will also make sure the bitch’s mammary glands are producing enough milk for her babies.

He may administer an injection of oxytocin to start the uterus contracting and shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size. This will also reduce any bleeding from where the placentas were attached, and help expel any remaining material from the uterus. Mom may continue to have some discharge for up to eight weeks after birthing babies, but as long as it doesn’t smell or look foul, there is no cause for alarm.

Keep an eye on the new mother to make sure that she is caring for all her puppies and knows what to do with them. In some cases, bitches that give birth for the first time become aggressive or confused over their role, and she may lie on her puppies, accidentally crushing them.

New mothers will also need good nutrition to feed her pups, so small, frequent meals are a great idea. Her milk production will reach its peak at around three weeks after birth. She will be especially hungry at this time, so feed her puppy food for a few weeks. It has more energy per ounce than regular adult dog food so she can get plenty of nutrients without over filling her stomach.  You will also need to weight the newborn puppies regularly to confirm they are growing and getting enough milk.

Watch for any signs of  mastitis. Red, swollen, or painful mammary glands are the classic signs, but mom may also be very lethargic, feverish and off her food. Another potentially dangerous condition is metritis, an infection and inflammation of the uterus usually caused by a long or especially difficult labor.

If the mother starts to pant, tremble, or have seizures, she may be suffering from a calcium deficiency called eclampsia, which is a serious condition that needs immediate attention and treatment. It’s more common in smaller breeds of dogs, and tends to occur when pups are two to five weeks of age. This is when they’re growing fast, and drinking lots of milk. Mom puts lots of calcium into her milk, which leaves her deficient.

A vet must treat eclampsia quickly because it can be fatal. Treatment is intravenous calcium supplement, and mom may also need sedation to stop the seizures. If your bitch develops eclampsia it’s usually a good idea to wean the pups and hand raise them.

In the majority of cases, moms and pups do just fine and don’t need human intervention. Even so, be sure to keep a good eye on them so if a problem develops, you can get on top of it straight away. This will ensure the best outcome for mom and babies.

Post Whelping Care Of Mother Dogs courtesy of Dog Articles.

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Five Tips For Successful Great Dane Training

1) Because of their size, it is important to train Great Danes not to jump onto people. Some people make the mistake of allowing cute puppies to jump, and that makes it harder to train them when they weigh over a hundred pounds. Your Great Dane should learn the command, “Off,” early as possible. It is necessary to start Great Dane training at a young age. Most dogs respond well to food treats. When your Great Dane puppy starts to jump onto someone, say, “Off,” and show him or her the treat, moving the treat away from the person. When the dog has turned away from the person, reward him or her with the treat.

2) Unless you live on a large ranch where you will never need to walk your dog on a leash, leash training is a must to keep from being dragged down the sidewalk. Place a collar and leash onto your puppy. Say, “Let’s go,” and begin to walk. When the puppy follows you, reward him or her with a treat. Repeat this exercise for about half an hour every day, until the dog is easily walking by your side. This kind of leash training is good for casual strolling. Allow your Great Dane to sniff and relieve him or herself as needed. (Be sure to clean up to stay on your neighbors’ good sides). If you are going into a crowd of people or other animals, the command, “Heel,” is appropriate. Say, “Heel,” and pull your puppy to your side. When he or she walks at your side without pulling at the leash, he or she gets a reward. Hold the leash in your right hand and take up the slack with your left. Remember, you should not have to pull with your left hand. Your dog should be walking by your side without being pulled.

3) We have all encountered highly enthusiastic dogs that like to jump around the house, and, if they are members of toy breeds, this is harmless. In a Great Dane it is not. Gently make your puppy lie down, and say, “Settle.” Take your hands away, and if the puppy stays lying down, reward him or her with a treat. Repeat until the puppy automatically lies down when he or she hears the command.

4) Dogs frequently have a fondness for foods that are not good for them, or pick up things you don’t want them to have. This can be particularly annoying when your dog’s head comes up above the level of the dining room table. Place one treat onto the floor and hold one in your hand. When your puppy starts to go for the treat on the floor, say “Leave it,” while leading his or her attention away with another treat. Reward him or her with the treat from your hand. After enough repetitions, your dog will respond to “Leave it,” when the command refers to any object.

5) Any dog should recognize you as the leader of the pack, and this couldn’t be more important than in a pet so massive as a Great Dane. Teaching tricks is not only fun, but puts you into the position of decision maker. Help your puppy to sit and lift his front paws until his is comfortably seated with his or her paws up. Say, “Sit up.” Reward him or her with a treat. Repeat until he or she automatically sits up on command. When your Great Dane comes to you wanting a treat, play, or a walk, say, “Sit up,” and reward the dog with what he or she is asking for. This puts you into the position of employer giving out paychecks to reward good behavior. If behavior is still a problem after you have followed these dog training tips, take your Great Dane to a veterinarian or professional trainer. Have a good time, and enjoy your majestic pet.

Five Tips For Successful Great Dane Training courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Housebreaking A Puppy

New puppies are fun and exciting, but they can also be challenging. One of the biggest concerns for a new dog owner is making sure to house-train their puppy. An un-housebroken dog can make a very unpleasant home situation, so getting your puppy started on training should be a priority early on.

One good thing to know is that dogs like to keep their homes clean just like we do. They must, however be able to do that, meaning that you need to be able to let your dog out several times a day to use the restroom. In the first couple of months with their mothers, puppies learn basic hygiene and should therefore already be inclined to go outside, away from their den, if they have the opportunity to.

Housetraining your puppy may very well turn out to be easier than you anticipate it will be. A dog that has easy and frequent access to the outdoors, either through regular walks or a flap doggy dog, is much less likely to have an accident than if he were inside all day. Take your puppy outside every three to four hours and reward good behaviors with praise and he will soon be house trained. While this amount of freedom for your dog is ideal, it may not be practical due to daily schedules.

House breaking gets tough in situations where your puppy has to remain inside for long periods of time. While a dog will naturally not go where he sleeps, you have to teach your puppy the difference between your home, an inappropriate area to go and outdoors, an appropriate area to potty.

This process may be frustrating but investing time and patience into it will make it successful. Accidents will happen, but getting angry or upset about them will only hinder the process. Your puppy doesn’t understand this training situation the way you do and any negative energy directed at them during this time will only make them less likely to housebreak quickly.

A better idea than getting frustrated would be to keep an eye on your puppy and learn the signs of when he needs to go to the restroom. When he is indicating that he needs to go, take him outside and then praise him when he does his business. After he’s done his business, the area will be marked with the scent of his urine and he will be more likely to go back to this spot do his business again. Remember it is a puppy so be patient.

Housebreaking A Puppy courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Beloved Companion and Therapy Dogs

By far the most common use of today’s Labrador is as a home companion, a role at which he excels. Surprisingly, the Labrador Retriever was rarely kept strictly as a house pet until several decades after the breed’s introduction to the United States. The initial fanciers of the breed became acquainted with him through knowledge of the shooting game. When the breed was well established as a sporting companion, his docile, brainy nature won his way out of the kennel and into the home.

The Labrador Retriever’s ability to quickly adapt and respond to instruction made the transition quite easy. Today, puppies raised in the home actually become so entwined in the lives of their owners that they often suffer when relegated to the kennel life. (If you are planning to keep a kennel of Labradors, select puppies that are properly socialized but still familiar with kennel life.)

As a companion, the Labrador Retriever is good-natured and gentle enough to accept the roughhousing of youngsters without returning it. If properly socialized while young, a Labrador will share his “home with another dog, providing there is enough affection for all. It is more common for a Labrador to misbehave out of jealousy than out of dislike for another animal.

Labrador Retrievers are long on self-control and loyalty, but they do not make the most avid watchdogs. As a rule, they are not overly suspicious of strangers or highly protective of loved ones, and when natural instincts are not stimulated they can be inattentive to such a task. Always keen for a scent or sound, a Labrador Retriever would certainly give voice at the approach of an intruder, but he might be won over by a friendly gesture or a luscious piece of sirloin. If left on duty, a Labrador Retriever may wander off in search of a scent that has caught his attention. In short, he is a people-dog. If you really need a watchdog, get your Labrador a German Shepherd friend!

The value of companionship with this breed should not be underestimated. In recent years, obedience-trained Labradors as well as other breeds are being used as Therapy Dogs to enrich the lives of nursing home residents and even emotionally disturbed children. The process is simple: a group of experienced dog handlers, such as those trained by Therapy Dogs International, bring their dogs to visit, perhaps put on an obedience performance for the audience, and then let animals and humans mingle, if conditions permit. The dogs are all obedience trained and have proven themselves to be extremely gentle and outgoing. Their job is to make people feel wanted, and it works wonders for alleviating the loneliness and depression that often burden such lives. Labradors love people and the few hours Therapy Dogs share with others enrich both dog and man.

Beloved Companion and Therapy Dogs courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Can Dog Food Make My Dog Less Aggressive?

There is no direct link between dog food and aggression in dogs.  It’s probably not possible to point to one particular dog food and say that you shouldn’t feed it because it will make your dog more aggressive.  However, feeding a dog a generally poor diet can be a contributing factor in aggression.

There are studies which have suggested that feeding a dog poor quality foods can contribute to aggression.  Preservatives and sugar in dog food may be linked to hyperactive behavior which may increase the possibility of aggression.  Artificial coloring in some foods have been linked to aggression, hyperactivity, timidity, learning difficulties and other behavioral problems.  Insufficient cholesterol in the diet may also be a contributing factor in some dogs since it is needed for proper brain function.  Poor diet can also contribute to allergies which can, in turn, increase a likelihood of aggression if the dog is in any kind of physical distress.

At this point some of these links between diet and aggression have only been suggested.  There may be little scientific data to back up the assertions. But a poor diet can worsen health and temperament problems in general.

None of this speculation changes the fact that all dogs need to be raised with firm and gentle kindness.  Puppies should be well-socialized from an early age and introduced to lots of other friendly people and dogs.  But dogs should also be fed a good, nutritious food.

Dogs in general should have a diet that begins with several named meat sources.  Owners should try to avoid generic fats and proteins.  They should avoid foods that use corn gluten meal.  They should avoid meat by-products and digest.  They should avoid BHA, BHT and Ethoxyquin (artificial preservatives).  They should look for foods without artificial colors, sugars and sweeteners.  Look for foods with fewer grains.  Look for foods that meet AAFCO specifications.

If owners follow these suggestions then they will usually find good dog foods.  If there is any truth to the idea that dog foods can contribute to behavior problems and to aggression, then these foods will be much less likely to have a negative effect.

One theory that should be debunked is the idea that feeding your dog meat leads to aggression or that feeding your dog a vegetarian diet will make him more peaceable.  Your dog is a carnivore in the broadest sense.  He is actually an omnivore in practice – something of a scavenger and able to eat lots of different kinds of food.  But physically, he needs meat protein to survive and be healthy.  Feeding your dog meat or diets that are based on meat protein do not make him aggressive.  They merely meet his dietary needs.

On the other hand, feeding your dog a vegetarian diet can lead to poor nutrition.  Your dog is not a vegetarian in any way, shape or form.  One of the reasons that you so often hear corn and other grains blasted for their use in dog food is because they are vegetable-based and, therefore, harder for your dog to digest.  The same is true for vegetarian-based diets for dogs.

They are harder for your dog to digest and they do not contain the meat protein that your dog needs to be healthy.  In addition, they do not make your dog more peaceable or do anything to prevent behavior problems.  In fact, by contributing to poor nutrition, vegetarian diets are likely to worsen behavior problems.

Can Dog Food Make My Dog Less Aggressive courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Do I Need a Professional Handler To Show My Dog?

The American Kennel Club offers about 15,000 dog events each year in the United States.  Approximately half of those events are conformation events, or the kind of dog shows that you see televised, such as the Westminster Kennel Club dog show.  All “intact” AKC-registered purebred dogs are eligible to be shown at these AKC-sanctioned dog shows.  (Intact means that the dog is not spayed or neutered).  Dog shows evaluate dogs for potential breeding purposes so it would defeat the purposes of the dog show to have the dogs spayed or neutered.)  There are AKC member kennel clubs throughout the country which put together dog shows.  Chances are that there is a show near you once or twice a year.

If you have an AKC-registered purebred dog and you are interested in showing your dog at dog shows, do you need a professional handler to show it for you?  That all depends.  There are some good reasons to use a professional handler but it is by no means a requirement.  Many owners do show their own dogs and win, but it takes a lot of hard work and practice.

Reasons to use a professional handler:

1.  You would like to have your dog evaluated by an objective observer.  AKC registration guarantees you that your dog is a purebred but it does not guarantee you that your dog is “show quality.”  Not every dog born is capable of being a Best in Show winner or even of becoming a show champion.  A professional handler who is familiar with your breed can look at your dog and evaluate his conformation.  He or she can tell you if you would be wasting your money by trying to show this particular dog.  Most handlers are honest enough to tell you the truth.  They are not lacking for clients and they don’t want to handle dogs that will make them look bad in the show ring.  If you do have a dog that they think they can win with, they will tell you that, too.  If they don’t see show ring potential in your dog they may have connections with other breeders who have litters with show potential puppies.

2.  If you do have a good dog you may not have the grooming skills necessary to make him look his best.  This can be particularly true if you have a longhaired breed or a breed that requires specialized grooming, such as a Poodle.  A good handler can take a good dog and make him look great.

3.  You may be new to showing and still learning.  A good handler can be very instructive and you can learn from him or her as they show your dog.  Or, you can ask for some private lessons from a handler, either with handling or with grooming.

4.  You may be a good enough handler to show your dog in small shows or to put points on them to finish their championship but your dog is better than you are.  If you have a great dog you may want to use a handler to help your dog go as far as he can go.  You can use a handler to show your dog at big shows, where the competition is especially tough.  You can earn the small wins but with a handler your dog could have a shot at Group wins or even Best in Show.

Of course, there are plenty of owners who develop their skills and compete against professional handlers.  You can attend handling classes offered by local kennel clubs or, as mentioned, you can pay for lessons from a professional handler or ask for handling tips from other exhibitors.  There are also some good books and videos available about handling, as well as some good seminars offered by former handlers.

The key to success is to pay attention to even the smallest detail of your dog’s appearance and to practice everything you will do in the ring until you can do everything smoothly.  It’s an adage that good handlers do not draw attention to themselves.  Everything they do puts the focus on the dog and accentuates his good qualities.

Remember that whether your dog wins or loses, whether a handler thinks he’s show material or not, he is still the same wonderful dog he always was.  Shows are only a small part of your life or your dog’s life.  If you decide that shows aren’t for you there are many other fun things that you and your dog can do together.

Do I Need a Professional Handler To Show My Dog courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a set of coasters showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Which Dog Bowl Is Right For Your Dog?

When you became a dog owner you became responsible for his care in every way. This includes feeding him as well as meeting every other need in his life. While the process of caring for a dog is not complicated many people do not give as much thought as they should about some of the basic care. This includes things like training your dog basic commands that could literally save his life, and learning about proper nutrition for your pet so you can insure that he gets a proper diet. Taking that one step farther, consideration should be given to the type of bowl that your dog will eat from.

Nowadays there are lots of choices available when it comes to dog dishes. We can find bowls that match our décor, personalized styles, or even self-feeding type bowls. They are also made from various materials, including everything from plastic and ceramic to metal.

Ideally the dog bowl should be easy to clean. Plastic bowls may not be a good choice for puppies because young dogs sometimes like to chew on things, including their food dish. A more durable bowl may be safer for them.

Size really does matter. The size of the bowl should be right for the amount of food that you feed your dog. Using a bowl that is too large can easily lead to over-feeding. Obviously, that can result in your dog becoming obese and unhealthy. Using a bowl that is too small can mean more work for you since you will have to feed your dog more often.

Another very important consideration is the depth of the bowl. If your dog has a short face you will need to use a shallow bowl. But dogs that have long muzzles can eat from deeper dishes without difficulty. One more issue related to the dog’s comfort when eating is the elevation of the dish. When dishes are raised up at a higher level, so that the dog does not have to bend his neck downward as he eats and swallows, eating is more comfortable for the dog. This is especially true for larger dogs. Dishes can be purchased in small raised holders or you can improvise with your own devices.

If your dog has a tendency to scoot his bowl across the floor you may want to consider looking for bowls that have rubber feet that will keep them in place. Another option is adding the rubber pads yourself or simply using a rubber mat to place the bowls on. Self-feeding bowls are the ones that have a dish that is continually filled. The reservoir is filled with a large quantity of food that drops down as the dog eats.

Which Dog Bowl Is Right For Your Dog courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a throw blanket showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


How To Choose A Dog That Will Make You Happy!

If you choose a purebred puppy- and there are hundreds of breeds to choose from – you’ll know ahead of time how your puppy is going to turn out when he grows up. That’s the benefit of choosing a purebred as opposed to a mixed-breed or hybrid dog! You can find out before you even buy him: how much he’ll shed, how easy he’ll be to train, how much grooming he’ll require, whether he’s going to be a good watchdog or guard dog, how big he’s going to be, what he’s going to look like, how athletic he’ll be, and how he’s going to behave. Of course, every dog has it’s own unique personality and behavioral quirks. But in general, all dogs of a particular breed will grow up to act and behave like the other dogs of that breed. For example, you know that a German Shepherd puppy is going to grow up into a dog that striking in appearance, very easy to train, eager-to-please, athletic, protective, and intelligent: like all German Shepherd dogs are. Purebred dogs are man-made.

They wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for us. Pugs, Border Collies, Yorkies – every breed – wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for us humans creating them. To create a new breed someone decides what characteristics they want the breed to have. Then they only breed dogs together who have those characteristics. Lots of inbreeding then takes place. After years of selective breeding (breeding out the undesirable characteristics) and inbreeding a new “breed” is born. And when you breed dogs of that new breed together they produce puppies who grow up to be the same as the parents.

As I mentioned above the benefit of choosing a purebred puppy is that you know how your dog is going to turn out — in advance — even before he’s born. So assuming you’re going to purchase or adopt a purebred puppy or dog, here are some of the things to consider about the many different breeds: Shedding All dog breeds shed hair. They all shed different amounts of hair. Some breeds shed virtually no hair, some shed quite a lot, and some shed a lot of hair! If it bothers you finding loose hairs stuck to everything in your home then choose a low-shedding breed. Ease of Training Some breeds are easier to train than others because they learn training commands faster.

The easier the dog is to train the less time and patience you need to train him. If you want a dog who learns your commands quickly choose a breed that is easy to train. Grooming How much time you need to spend grooming your dog depends on the length of the coat and how much the coat sheds. If the dog breed you’re considering has a long coat you’ll need to either clip it short, or brush it often. If the dog breed you’re considering sheds lot of hair you might find yourself brushing the coat every day to remove the dead hair. Because what you remove with a brush doesn’t end up in the house! Want a Jogging Companion? Some breeds were made to be athletic and posses great stamina. If you want a dog who can accompany you on long walks, hikes, jogs and rides then you should choose one of these breeds.

Good With Children Pretty much all breeds are great with children. Thousands of people have small children and own Rottweiler, Pit Bulls, and other more aggressive dogs and they never have any problems at all. These owners will tell you that their dogs are the sweetest and most gentle dogs on earth. And it’s true. However, which dog has the ability to do more damage to a small child: a Pit Bull or a Pug? Obviously it’s the Pit Bull. So if you want to play it safe choose a breed who doesn’t really have the ability to harm a child or one who doesn’t have a bad reputation. And always supervise very small children and babies around the dog! Small children could inadvertently tease the dog and he could snap at them. Guard Dog or Watchdog Some breeds like German Shepherds and Rottweilers make excellent guard dogs.

They’re naturally very protective and suspicious of strangers. They have the ability to intimidate and deter an intruder. On the other hand, some breeds are just good at keeping watch and raising the alarm. And some little dogs have such a loud, deep bark they can even scare and intruder away. Size When choosing a breed consider size. Small dogs are make training easier because you can control them a lot easier than a big, strong and powerful dog. The small breeds also make less mess, and they coast less to care for.

How To Choose A Dog That Will Make You Happy courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a set of coasters showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


The Right And The Wrong Way To Teach Your Dog To Come

The best way to teach your dog anything at all is to try looking at things from your dog’s point of view.  If you want to teach your dog to “Come” then you need to make it worth his while.  That means you need to avoid doing what most owners do.

If you simply go outside and yell for your dog to come to you then chances are that your dog is going to ignore you, especially if you have a puppy.  Your puppy is exploring the world and there are at least 100 things more interesting in your backyard than coming when you call.  Your puppy could be chasing a bug, digging for a rock, or watching a bird.  All of those things are more interesting than seeing what you want.

If you get mad when your puppy doesn’t come to you then you are giving your puppy even more reason to stay away.  What puppy in their right mind wants to go to an angry owner?  None.  All you’re doing is teaching your puppy to associate the “Come” command with being angry and bad things.

If you go outside and chase your puppy with a leash your puppy might think its fun for a little while — until he sees that crazy look in your eyes.  Again, you are teaching your puppy that training is something bad and to be avoided.

Anytime that anger is involved in training, especially when you’re training a puppy, you are most likely teaching the opposite of what you want to teach.

The best way to teach your puppy to come to you is by calmly attaching a leash or long cord to your puppy’s collar.  It’s best to do this when your puppy is still in the house and not distracted by other things.  Then the two of you can go outside in an enclosed area such as your backyard.  You want to work in a place that is relatively free of distractions at first.

When you’re outside with your puppy let him move around and play a little, especially if he is on the long cord.  Then tell him to come to you.  Remember that he doesn’t know what this means at first.  So, gently pull him toward you with the cord or leash.  When he reaches you reward him and praise him for coming.  Keep repeating this a few times until he begins to associate “Come” with actually coming to you and getting his praise and rewards.  Keep things positive and cheerful.

Practice this lesson everyday with your puppy on the cord or leash.  It will be some time before you are ready to try it off-leash.  Remember to let your puppy move around the yard and get interested in things so he’s not paying attention to you when you ask him to come.

After your dog is coming to you quickly when you give him the command you can try moving on to doing the command off-leash in the enclosed area.  Make sure the area is enclosed because you don’t want to risk letting your puppy or dog get loose where he might get lost.  Give the command off-leash and see how your puppy or dog does.  Praise and reward when he comes to you.  He should know the command by now so he will probably come to you.  It’s a question of how quickly he comes and whether he comes directly to you.  You will need to practice off-leash in the enclosed area for a long time before you try this some place else.  When you think you’re ready to try it elsewhere, try it on-leash for the first few times.  It’s not easy to get a reliable recall when there are distractions.  You may want to try it in a neighbor’s yard if they have a fenced yard or someplace else where your dog will be safe if you try it off-leash.

If you teach the Come command without getting angry and, instead, use lots of praise and positive reinforcement, then your puppy or dog will be glad to learn it.  Just make sure that you don’t try to teach your puppy or dog using anger.

The Right And The Wrong Way To Teach Your Dog To Come courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a cutting board showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com