Spaying of the Female Dog

Spaying of the female dog is undertaken to control the unwanted pregnancy by crossing of some unknown or country or non-descript dogs. The spaying of the dog reduces the aggressiveness of the dog. By spaying, one can reduce the incidences of the commonly encountered reproductive diseases like pyometra.

Spaying also helps to control the population in case of stray animals and many nations are doing these operations by removing the ovaries from the female animals.  Experienced veterinarians are required to do the spaying in case of female dogs and the postoperative care is to be given more emphasis.  If proper control measures are not taken after the surgical operation for the removal of ovary, then the infections may start setting in and the animal may end up in development of peritonitis and then toxemia sets in, causing unwanted health problems.

Death of the dog may finally occur, if the dog is not provided an effective and proper veterinary care.  A female dog that is spayed before the occurrence of first heat will have almost a zero chance of development of mammary cancer, which is more common with the dogs that are not spayed.

A female dog generally comes to heat once in eight months or so. During the heat occurrence, there is bleeding from vagina and the dog may cross with the unwanted male and the spaying activity prevents all these. In case of aged dogs, the dog may often get signs of increased thirst, anorexia, vomiting etc. that are so common with pyometra.

Pyometra means the presence of pus in the uterus.  Once pyometra occurs, it involves many discomforts to the animal in addition to the cost factor involved for the therapy also. Such pyometra is totally prevented by spaying because in the case of spaying, you are removing both ovaries and the uterus.

Spaying of the Female Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Pet Obesity – A Call to Action

If your pet is overweight you might be very concerned.  The sad fact is that almost a quarter of our pets are actually overweight.  It’s important to understand why this is happening.  Some think it correlates with the electronic age and the lack of time we all have for our pets.

People tend to take a lot of shortcuts these days.  There are remote controls, microwaves, dishwashers and computers that are all meant to make our lives easier.  These things that are meant to make our lives easier and leave more time for things like walking the dog often do not.  Unfortunately, there is no time.

Sure, our tasks can be completed quickly.  Even so, people are finding other things to fill their time with.  People spend hours on the Internet or in front of the TV screen instead of getting outside and walking the dog.

It is a sad shame that people can’t find pleasure in the simple things anymore.  Our pets are suffering, which is probably a direct cause of our own sedentary lifestyles.  People are even moving into more urban areas with less room for dogs to run around.

Another reason that pets are overweight is because of over-processed pet foods.  Pet owners also feed their dogs unhealthy scraps and think that it will have no effect.

You do need to take notice and action if your pet is overweight.  If it continues your dog will die at an early age.  There are also many diseases associated with obesity.

Some are:

• Diabetes
• Arthritis
• Heart Complications
• Endocrinal Diseases
• Bad Joints

The best thing for you to do if you suspect your dog is overweight is take him to a vet’s office. They can set you straight with an exercise plan and diet for your dog.  You might find that you’ve been doing some things wrong that directly contributed to your dog’s weight problem.

Another thing you can do is make sure you’re not too busy to spend time with your pet.  No matter how busy your schedule is you must make time for your pet.  Your dog will be a lot happier and healthier if you feed him the right things and take the time to do some healthy exercise.

Pet Obesity – A Call to Action courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely plate showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


The Difference Between Dog Training Collars & Dog Tracking Collars

When it comes to dog collars, the myriad choices can be mighty confusing. You can choose from simple leashes, special training collars for dogs with behavioral issues and tracking collars to keep your pet safe and secure. One thing most people get confused about is whether dog training collars and tracking collars are interchangeable. To put it simply – they aren’t. There are a host of different types of dog training collars itself that are used mainly to teach a new dog or puppy good habits or even break bad habits. Dog-tracking collars on the other hand are used to track and locate a missing pet using the latest GPS technology.

Whatever reason you may have there are plenty of choices for the concerned pet owner. Dog Training Collars: There are dog-training collars for all types of behavioral problems. Choosing the correct one would depend on the type of dog and the issue at hand. For example, does your dog bark excessively? An electric shock collar might be necessary. Electric shock collars are not as cruel as they sound. When a dog continues barking even after being reprimanded, a small shock can be administered, which serves to break this unhealthy pattern. This produces only a minor discomfort and has been proven to be very effective in the long run.

There is also a choke collar or a chain clip collar that offers maximum control over your pet. Used mainly for larger and more unruly dogs, these are popular training tools and used for disciplining and control. Dog training collars are often imperative in protecting your pet from dangerous situations as well. If your dog has a tendency to run after cars, the correct usage of the collar can break this unsafe habit. In the end, dog-training collars can be used not only to remedy bad habits but also train puppies and dogs in discipline and good behavior. That said, they should be used with discretion and not as a regular collar. If you do not recognize the proper use of such collars, you could in fact cause more damage than good. Dog Tracking Collars: Discovering that your pet has gone missing is probably one of the most stressful experiences to go through as a pet owner.

But now, thanks to the latest GPS technology, there is a new, highly effective way of keeping track of your pet at all times. Using the same satellite technology used in your cars and mobile phones, a GPS dog-tracking collar will keep you informed about the whereabouts of your pet 24/7. It will alert you with email or phone updates every time your pet moves away from his predetermined safe zones. It can also give you directions on how to get to your pet if he goes missing. Position Animals Worldwide (PAW) has recently teamed with the American Kennel Club Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR) team to create and develop the SpotLight GPS Pet Locator.

SpotLight has the advantage of being water resistant, compact, lightweight, and long lasting. And with a lifetime enrollment in the AKC CAR’s Recovery Service, owners of the SpotLight GPS Pet Locator have access to their call center and the best recovery team available. With SpotLight, tracking and recovery of lost dog is no longer an issue and your missing pet will be returned safely to your home as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The Difference Between Dog Training Collars & Dog Tracking Collars courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a lovely ornament showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Post Whelping Care Of Mother Dogs

After a mother dog (bitch) successfully whelps her puppies, there are specific things you as an owner want to look for to make sure both the newborns and their mother are doing well. Here are some tips on what to expect and what you should do to care for the new family.

Within twenty-four hours of birth, have the pups and mother checked by a veterinarian. The doctor will check for signs of congenital defects in the pups, such as cleft palates or limb deformities. He will also make sure the bitch’s mammary glands are producing enough milk for her babies.

He may administer an injection of oxytocin to start the uterus contracting and shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size. This will also reduce any bleeding from where the placentas were attached, and help expel any remaining material from the uterus. Mom may continue to have some discharge for up to eight weeks after birthing babies, but as long as it doesn’t smell or look foul, there is no cause for alarm.

Keep an eye on the new mother to make sure that she is caring for all her puppies and knows what to do with them. In some cases, bitches that give birth for the first time become aggressive or confused over their role, and she may lie on her puppies, accidentally crushing them.

New mothers will also need good nutrition to feed her pups, so small, frequent meals are a great idea. Her milk production will reach its peak at around three weeks after birth. She will be especially hungry at this time, so feed her puppy food for a few weeks. It has more energy per ounce than regular adult dog food so she can get plenty of nutrients without over filling her stomach.  You will also need to weight the newborn puppies regularly to confirm they are growing and getting enough milk.

Watch for any signs of  mastitis. Red, swollen, or painful mammary glands are the classic signs, but mom may also be very lethargic, feverish and off her food. Another potentially dangerous condition is metritis, an infection and inflammation of the uterus usually caused by a long or especially difficult labor.

If the mother starts to pant, tremble, or have seizures, she may be suffering from a calcium deficiency called eclampsia, which is a serious condition that needs immediate attention and treatment. It’s more common in smaller breeds of dogs, and tends to occur when pups are two to five weeks of age. This is when they’re growing fast, and drinking lots of milk. Mom puts lots of calcium into her milk, which leaves her deficient.

A vet must treat eclampsia quickly because it can be fatal. Treatment is intravenous calcium supplement, and mom may also need sedation to stop the seizures. If your bitch develops eclampsia it’s usually a good idea to wean the pups and hand raise them.

In the majority of cases, moms and pups do just fine and don’t need human intervention. Even so, be sure to keep a good eye on them so if a problem develops, you can get on top of it straight away. This will ensure the best outcome for mom and babies.

Post Whelping Care Of Mother Dogs courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Staying Overnight With Your Dog

So finally you and your dog are ready to leave for the show with all of your equipment ready in the car.  You should perhaps place a cover on the upholstery and some newspapers on the floor of the car if your dog has not been car broken.  Don’t feed him or give him any water in the morning before the trip if he isn’t car broken.  Incidentally, car breaking is something you can do long before you start to show a dog.  Start when he is a puppy, with short rides daily.  He will soon love it, and you will have no further trouble.  Some dogs are wonderful riders and never have to be car-broken; Others never quite get used to riding. You are lucky if your dog is a natural rider.

Now is a good time to mention a few helpful hints about staying overnight with your dog when you take him to a show.  Years ago it was not much of a problem, as almost all hotels allowed you to bring your dog into your room.  However, so many people abused the privilege that the hotels have had to put an end to the practice.  There are still some hotels and some motels which will allow the dogs in the rooms, and usually the show-giving club prints the names of these establishments nearest the show grounds in the premium list.  You can also obtain a booklet listing the names of hotels and motor courts which offer accommodations for guests accompanied by their dogs.  Some establishments which accept dogs conditionally require that you sign a form stating that you will be responsible for any damage your dog may do.

No matter how well housebroken your dog is, or how accustomed he may be to staying in your house alone, when he gets in a strange place and is left completely alone he worries and frets and usually gets into trouble of some sort.  He may soil the rug, tear the bed-spread, chew on the furniture, or just plain bark and howl.  The folks in the room next to yours will certainly complain.  Now I know you cannot take the dog into a dining room with you and you probably will be hungry after the trip; but see if you can’t arrange to leave the dog in your car, particularly if he is accustomed to it and enjoys sleeping in it, at least until you finish eating and until you are ready to go to your room for the night.  When you are with him he will probably settle down and be the angel he is at home and you will save yourself a lot of trouble and money.  Besides, you owe it to other exhibitors and dog lovers who do manage to keep their dogs out of mischief, to see to it that the few hotels and motels who now allow you this privilege of having your dog with you, continue to do so. If your dog is accustomed to going out early in the morning, leave a call and get up at the same time and take him out.

Staying Overnight With Your Dog courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful magnet showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Five Tips For Successful Great Dane Training

1) Because of their size, it is important to train Great Danes not to jump onto people. Some people make the mistake of allowing cute puppies to jump, and that makes it harder to train them when they weigh over a hundred pounds. Your Great Dane should learn the command, “Off,” early as possible. It is necessary to start Great Dane training at a young age. Most dogs respond well to food treats. When your Great Dane puppy starts to jump onto someone, say, “Off,” and show him or her the treat, moving the treat away from the person. When the dog has turned away from the person, reward him or her with the treat.

2) Unless you live on a large ranch where you will never need to walk your dog on a leash, leash training is a must to keep from being dragged down the sidewalk. Place a collar and leash onto your puppy. Say, “Let’s go,” and begin to walk. When the puppy follows you, reward him or her with a treat. Repeat this exercise for about half an hour every day, until the dog is easily walking by your side. This kind of leash training is good for casual strolling. Allow your Great Dane to sniff and relieve him or herself as needed. (Be sure to clean up to stay on your neighbors’ good sides). If you are going into a crowd of people or other animals, the command, “Heel,” is appropriate. Say, “Heel,” and pull your puppy to your side. When he or she walks at your side without pulling at the leash, he or she gets a reward. Hold the leash in your right hand and take up the slack with your left. Remember, you should not have to pull with your left hand. Your dog should be walking by your side without being pulled.

3) We have all encountered highly enthusiastic dogs that like to jump around the house, and, if they are members of toy breeds, this is harmless. In a Great Dane it is not. Gently make your puppy lie down, and say, “Settle.” Take your hands away, and if the puppy stays lying down, reward him or her with a treat. Repeat until the puppy automatically lies down when he or she hears the command.

4) Dogs frequently have a fondness for foods that are not good for them, or pick up things you don’t want them to have. This can be particularly annoying when your dog’s head comes up above the level of the dining room table. Place one treat onto the floor and hold one in your hand. When your puppy starts to go for the treat on the floor, say “Leave it,” while leading his or her attention away with another treat. Reward him or her with the treat from your hand. After enough repetitions, your dog will respond to “Leave it,” when the command refers to any object.

5) Any dog should recognize you as the leader of the pack, and this couldn’t be more important than in a pet so massive as a Great Dane. Teaching tricks is not only fun, but puts you into the position of decision maker. Help your puppy to sit and lift his front paws until his is comfortably seated with his or her paws up. Say, “Sit up.” Reward him or her with a treat. Repeat until he or she automatically sits up on command. When your Great Dane comes to you wanting a treat, play, or a walk, say, “Sit up,” and reward the dog with what he or she is asking for. This puts you into the position of employer giving out paychecks to reward good behavior. If behavior is still a problem after you have followed these dog training tips, take your Great Dane to a veterinarian or professional trainer. Have a good time, and enjoy your majestic pet.

Five Tips For Successful Great Dane Training courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Housebreaking A Puppy

New puppies are fun and exciting, but they can also be challenging. One of the biggest concerns for a new dog owner is making sure to house-train their puppy. An un-housebroken dog can make a very unpleasant home situation, so getting your puppy started on training should be a priority early on.

One good thing to know is that dogs like to keep their homes clean just like we do. They must, however be able to do that, meaning that you need to be able to let your dog out several times a day to use the restroom. In the first couple of months with their mothers, puppies learn basic hygiene and should therefore already be inclined to go outside, away from their den, if they have the opportunity to.

Housetraining your puppy may very well turn out to be easier than you anticipate it will be. A dog that has easy and frequent access to the outdoors, either through regular walks or a flap doggy dog, is much less likely to have an accident than if he were inside all day. Take your puppy outside every three to four hours and reward good behaviors with praise and he will soon be house trained. While this amount of freedom for your dog is ideal, it may not be practical due to daily schedules.

House breaking gets tough in situations where your puppy has to remain inside for long periods of time. While a dog will naturally not go where he sleeps, you have to teach your puppy the difference between your home, an inappropriate area to go and outdoors, an appropriate area to potty.

This process may be frustrating but investing time and patience into it will make it successful. Accidents will happen, but getting angry or upset about them will only hinder the process. Your puppy doesn’t understand this training situation the way you do and any negative energy directed at them during this time will only make them less likely to housebreak quickly.

A better idea than getting frustrated would be to keep an eye on your puppy and learn the signs of when he needs to go to the restroom. When he is indicating that he needs to go, take him outside and then praise him when he does his business. After he’s done his business, the area will be marked with the scent of his urine and he will be more likely to go back to this spot do his business again. Remember it is a puppy so be patient.

Housebreaking A Puppy courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Is There a Difference in a Senior Dog Diet?

You hate to admit it, but your furry pal is getting a little older.  You want to ensure that your pet is happy and healthy for many years to come.  You have heard all of the hype about the new dog diets for older pets.  Is there really a difference between dog food for adult dogs and kibble recommended specifically for seniors?  How do you know when to switch your pet to a different diet?

The best resource for information about dog diets is your pet’s veterinarian.  Only you and your vet know the specific needs of your pet the best.  Discuss with your vet your concerns and questions.  He or she will be able to advise you on what changes, if any, need to be made to your dog’s diet.

If your older dog does not have any health problems and maintains a healthy weight, there is no need to change your dog’s diet from adult to senior dog food.  On the other hand, if your dog has trouble keeping the weight off or digestive issues, you may need to switch.  If weight is the only issue, consider slightly lowering the amount of dog food you give to your pet.  This may be all the change your dog’s diet requires.

A senior dog is classified as a dog in the last third of their life span.  Larger dogs, for instance a Great Dane, live to be about 9 years old.  Around the sixth year of life, you may want to consider a senior dog’s diet.  A poodle, on the other hand wouldn’t reach senior status until

About age ten due to the longer life expectancy.  Primarily, the decision to change your dog’s diet should be based on health condition rather than actual age in years.  Your vet will help you to determine when the right time is to alter your dog’s diet.

Dog food especially prepared for senior dogs typically has less calories.  This helps to combat any weight issues.  The senior dog food also contains more fiber for the different needs in your dog’s diet.  As dogs age, they tend to suffer from constipation.  This extra fiber will help remedy this problem.

Renal failure can be another medical problem for senior dogs.  How can your dog’s diet help this problem?  Reducing the amount of protein in your dog’s diet will decrease the work load for the kidneys.  For this reason, senior dog food frequently has lower protein content than regular adult formulas.

Whenever possible, allow your dog to eat dry dog food to encourage excellent dental health.  The dry kibble helps to reduce plaque and tartar buildup.  If your older pet refuses to eat the food dry, you may need to moisten it with water or purchase moist, canned varieties.

If your vet recommends, supplements may be helpful as part of your senior dog’s diet.  Some pets are unable to eat properly due to oral issues.  Other older pets are unable to gather all of the nutrients from their food for various health reasons.  Supplements such as daily vitamins and glucosamine can be beneficial to maintaining a healthy diet for your dog.

Glucosamine helps to encourage joint health.  For senior dogs, glucosamine can combat arthritis and hip displasia.

Vitamins C, A, and E may prevent the natural aging process and encourage better health for senior dogs.  Talk to your vet about adding such supplements to your dog’s diet.

You want what is best for your pet.  Your senior dog needs to have a diet that meets their special nutritional requirements.  You and your vet can work together to decide what is the best diet for your senior dog.  Your dog’s diet directly affects his or her health.  Take care of your pet by monitoring your dog’s diet closely with the aid of your veterinarian.

Is There a Difference in a Senior Dog Diet courtesy of Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful holiday magnet showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Beloved Companion and Therapy Dogs

By far the most common use of today’s Labrador is as a home companion, a role at which he excels. Surprisingly, the Labrador Retriever was rarely kept strictly as a house pet until several decades after the breed’s introduction to the United States. The initial fanciers of the breed became acquainted with him through knowledge of the shooting game. When the breed was well established as a sporting companion, his docile, brainy nature won his way out of the kennel and into the home.

The Labrador Retriever’s ability to quickly adapt and respond to instruction made the transition quite easy. Today, puppies raised in the home actually become so entwined in the lives of their owners that they often suffer when relegated to the kennel life. (If you are planning to keep a kennel of Labradors, select puppies that are properly socialized but still familiar with kennel life.)

As a companion, the Labrador Retriever is good-natured and gentle enough to accept the roughhousing of youngsters without returning it. If properly socialized while young, a Labrador will share his “home with another dog, providing there is enough affection for all. It is more common for a Labrador to misbehave out of jealousy than out of dislike for another animal.

Labrador Retrievers are long on self-control and loyalty, but they do not make the most avid watchdogs. As a rule, they are not overly suspicious of strangers or highly protective of loved ones, and when natural instincts are not stimulated they can be inattentive to such a task. Always keen for a scent or sound, a Labrador Retriever would certainly give voice at the approach of an intruder, but he might be won over by a friendly gesture or a luscious piece of sirloin. If left on duty, a Labrador Retriever may wander off in search of a scent that has caught his attention. In short, he is a people-dog. If you really need a watchdog, get your Labrador a German Shepherd friend!

The value of companionship with this breed should not be underestimated. In recent years, obedience-trained Labradors as well as other breeds are being used as Therapy Dogs to enrich the lives of nursing home residents and even emotionally disturbed children. The process is simple: a group of experienced dog handlers, such as those trained by Therapy Dogs International, bring their dogs to visit, perhaps put on an obedience performance for the audience, and then let animals and humans mingle, if conditions permit. The dogs are all obedience trained and have proven themselves to be extremely gentle and outgoing. Their job is to make people feel wanted, and it works wonders for alleviating the loneliness and depression that often burden such lives. Labradors love people and the few hours Therapy Dogs share with others enrich both dog and man.

Beloved Companion and Therapy Dogs courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com


Should You Have Your Dog’s Ears Cropped?

There are several dog breeds that regularly are seen with cropped ears; including Boxers, Schnauzers, Great Danes, and others. Thousands of young puppies are forced to endure surgery which is expensive, uncomfortable, relatively dangerous, and can be painful in the recovery phases. The amazing part is this surgery is totally unnecessary.

This practice was started centuries ago when dog fighting sports were legal and popular. The idea was that it was more humane to crop the dogs’ ears rather than have them shredded during a battle, which of course, would be more painful and have potentially worse complications. But the point is that because we no longer allow our dogs to fight for sport there is no humane and practical purpose of cropping ears. But the expensive and needless surgery continues.

We have become accustomed to seeing certain breeds with cropped ears and if we saw one with natural ears he would stand out. Even though AKC does not require cropped ears, a dog with natural ears in a ring full of crop-eared animals would most likely not stand a chance of winning. We simply expect a breed to look a certain way and when a dog doesn’t we question his bloodline and basically think he looks funny or out of place. Breeders and dog owners alike have complied with this expectation of society and therefore it is perpetuated – the cycle continues.

There are obviously numerous reasons not to crop a dog’s ears. Please see the list below:

– The surgery is unnecessary and all surgeries come with a certain amount of risk. Ear cropping is no exception to that. It simply is not justifiable.

– The surgery is usually done when the puppy is between six and ten weeks old. This is a time when the pup is emotionally fragile. Permanent damage to the puppy’s disposition can result as a reaction to the trauma of the surgery, the pain and frustration of post-operative bandaging, racking and taping.

– There can be quite a loss of blood during this surgery. The physical effect on the puppy can be very damaging.

– Ear-cropping happens about the same time that the puppy is ready to be sold. In many states the surgery must be performed by a veterinarian.  This adds to the cost the breeder must incur which means he/she will take a large cut from the profits or have to pass the cropping costs along to the buyer. And most buyers do not find puppies with bandaged heads as attractive as those without.

It’s your decision in the end. If you want your dog to look like all the others then ear cropping is probably the way to go. But please keep in mind that ear cropping is a choice, not a requirement.

Should You Have Your Dog’s Ears Cropped courtesy Dog Articles.

Looking for a great gift idea? Who wouldn’t love a beautiful throw showcasing their favorite breed? Check out all of the great doggie gift ideas on Amazon.com –doggieoftheday@amazon.com